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To get started working with the Smartsheet application, the first step is to integrate an existing Smartsheet account with the Designer. If you do not have an existing Smartsheet account and you wish to use Smartsheet with the Designer, sign up for Smartsheet first, and then return to the authorization process.

  1. First, select a Card within the Smartsheet application you wish to use.
  2.  After selecting a Card, you will be given the option to Add Account. Click Add Account.
  3. You will be prompted to give the account a nickname. This nickname is only used for display purposes within the Designer. It does not need to correspond to a username within Smartsheet.
  4. After choosing a nickname, click Next; you will be given a prompt to allow access to your Smartsheet account. Click Allow on the prompt that appears. This gives the Designer permission to access Smartsheet on your behalf.
  5. Now, the account with the nickname you specified should appear on the Card you previously selected. Click this nickname to begin configuring the card.
  6. That’s it! You are now authorized with Smartsheet. The account you associated can now be used within any Smartsheet Card.

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  • Smartsheet


    For information on specific errors being returned from the Smartsheet API, see the Smartsheet API docs.


    Having difficulties connecting to your Smartsheet account? Try reauthorizing your account in Settings –> Accounts, or deleting the account and adding it again.

    You can find a list of all your available accounts under Settings –> Accounts.

    We are constantly aggregating more data about errors, so if this article doesn’t help solve your problem, check back soon.


  • Column Updated - Polling

    Monitor Column

    The Monitor Column Event Card monitors for updates or additions to a column inside a Smartsheet sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Sheet Columns (dropdown list): a named list of columns within the sheet selected. The items in this list are dynamically named according to the names of the column within the sheet selected.

    Output Fields

    Important: In addition to the output fields listed below, the Monitor Column Card will also generate a number of dynamic output fields. These fields are generated based on the names you have given the rows within your Smartsheet sheet.

    • Column
      • Column ID (text): Smartsheet id of the column being monitored.
      • Value (text): the raw value of a cell (e.g., a cell may contain the raw value ‘2.00’, but may be displayed as the number ‘2’)
      • Display value (text): the formatted value of a cell (as in the above example, within a cell the display value may be ‘2’, but the raw value would be ‘2.00’)
    • Row 
      • Row ID (text): Smartsheet id of the row that contains an updated column cell.
      • Row Number (text): The number of the row that has been updated.
    • History 
      • Modified time (text): A timestamp of the form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
      • Previous display value (text): The external value that was previously contained within a cell of the updated column.
      • Previous value (text): The internal value that was previously contained within a cell of the updated column.
      • Modified by (text): Name of the user who updated the column.
  • Column Updated - Webhook

    Monitor Column Update

    Waits to receive an incoming request from Smartsheet containing information about an updated column. This request occurs whenever a column is updated within a Smartsheet sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Sheet Columns (dropdown list): a named list of columns within the sheet selected. The items in this list are dynamically named according to the names of the column within the sheet selected.

    Output Fields

    • Row
      • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the columns available in the selected sheet. Fields are assigned according to the names of the columns within the sheet.
    • Metadata
      • id (text): the row id within Smartsheet
      • rowNumber (text): the row number within the sheet
      • createdAt (text): the time that a new row was created
      • modifiedAt (text): the time that a new row was modified at
  • New Attachment

    Monitor For New Attachments

    Monitor for new attachments in a sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Output Fields

    • Attachment
      • id (text): id of attachment within Smartsheet
      • name (text): name of the attachment
      • attachmentType (text): type of attachment, one of: FILE, GOOGLE_DRIVE, LINK, BOX_COM, DROPBOX, EVERNOTE, EGNYTE, ONEDRIVE.
      • mimeType (text): attachment MIME type (PNG, JPG, so on…)
      • parentType (text): type of object the attachment belongs to, one of: SHEET, ROW, COMMENT.
      • parentId (text): id of the parent within Smartsheet
      • createdAt (text): timestamp of when the attachment was created
      • creatorName (text): name of the creator
      • creatorEmail (text): email of the creator
  • New Comment

    Monitor Comments

    Monitor for new comments on a sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Output Fields

    • Comment
      • id (text): comment id within Smartsheet
      • text (text): body of the comment
      • Created By (text): email of the user who created the comment
      • Created At (text): time of when the comment was created
      • Modified At (text): time when the comment was last modified
    • Discussion 
      • id (text): discussion id within Smartsheet
      • Title (text): title of the discussion
      • Parent id (text): id of directly associated row or sheet
      • Parent type (text): category of parent, either “sheet” or “row”
  • New Comment -webhook

    Monitor Comments - Webhook

    Waits to receive an incoming request from Smartsheet containing information on new comments in a sheet. This request occurs whenever a comment is added within a Smartsheet sheet. Does not work with comment replies.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Output Fields

    • Comment
      • id (text): comment id within Smartsheet
      • text (text): body of the comment
      • Created By (text): email of the user who created the comment
      • Created At (text): time of when the comment was created
      • Modified At (text): time when the comment was last modified
  • New Row - Polling

    Monitor Sheet

    Monitor for new rows in a sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Output Fields


    • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the columns available in the selected sheet. Fields are assigned according to the names of the columns within the sheet.


    • id (text): the row id within Smartsheet
    • rowNumber (text): the row number within the sheet
    • createdAt (text): the time that a new row was created
    • modifiedAt (text): the time that a new row was modified at
  • New Row - Webhook

    Monitor New Rows

    Waits to receive an incoming request from Smartsheet containing information on newly created rows. This request occurs whenever a new row is created within a Smartsheet sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance.

    Output Fields

    • Row
      • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the columns available in the selected sheet. Fields are assigned according to the names of the columns within the sheet.
    • Metadata
      • id (text): the row id within Smartsheet
      • rowNumber (text): the row number within the sheet
      • createdAt (text): the time that a new row was created
      • modifiedAt (text): the time that a new row was modified at
  • Row Updated - Polling

    Monitor Sheet Updates

    Monitor for updated rows in a sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Output Fields

    • Row
      • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the columns available in the selected sheet. Fields are assigned according to the names of the columns within the sheet.
    • Metadata
      • id (text): the row id within Smartsheet
      • rowNumber (text): the row number within the sheet
      • createdAt (text): the time that a new row was created
      • modifiedAt (text): the time that a new row was modified at
  • Row Updated - Webhook

    Monitor Updated Rows

    Waits to receive an incoming request from Smartsheet containing information on updated rows. This request occurs whenever a row is updated within a Smartsheet sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance.
    • Trigger on sort? (dropdown): Choose from Yes or No.

    Output Fields

    • Row
      • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the columns available in the selected sheet. Fields are assigned according to the names of the columns within the sheet.
    • Metadata
      • id (text): the row id within Smartsheet
      • rowNumber (text): the row number within the sheet
      • createdAt (text): the time that a new row was created
      • modifiedAt (text): the time that a new row was modified at
  • Updated Report

    Start FLO when a new row is added to a report, or an existing row is updated


  • Add Row

    Create a new row in a Smartsheet sheet.

    Note: Smartsheet only allows 5000 rows per sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.
    • Row Position (dropdown)
      • Top of Sheet: Adds the row at the top of the sheet
      • Bottom of Sheet: Adds the row at the bottom of the sheet
      • Above Row: Adds the row above a row that you specify
      • Below Row: Adds the row below a row that you specify
      • To Parent Row (top): Adds the row as the top child row to a parent row that you specify
      • To Parent Row (bottom): Adds the row as the bottom child to a parent row that you specify


    The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.

    Sheet * ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet you want to use.

    Note: If the Restrict to… checkbox at the bottom of the Insert Column or Edit Column Properties form is checked in Smartsheet, you need to fill in the correct data to pass data validation.



    Row * id (text): The Smartsheet ID for the created row. * rowNumber (text): The number assigned to the newly created row.

  • Add Rows

    Create multiple new rows in a Smartsheet sheet.

    Note: Smartsheet only allows 5000 rows per sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.
    • Row Position (dropdown)
      • Top of Sheet: Adds the row at the top of the sheet
      • Bottom of Sheet: Adds the row at the bottom of the sheet
      • Above Row: Adds the row above a row that you specify
      • Below Row: Adds the row below a row that you specify
      • To Parent Row (top): Adds the row as the top child row to a parent row that you specify
      • To Parent Row (bottom): Adds the row as the bottom child to a parent row that you specify


    The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.

    Sheet * ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet


    • Rows (list): Each added row is an object. The best way to construct these objects is with a Build Row Object card, accompanied by a Construct card.
      • For each row added, a build row object card is needed. Each build row object card takes a text input for each column in the associated sheet.
      • Drag the row output on each build row object card into a list construct card.
      • Drag the list output from the list construct card into the rows input on the add rows card.

    Location * Row ID (text): Unique identifier of the row


    • Row IDs (list): The list of row IDs for each created Smartsheet row
  • Attach File to Comment

    Attach File to Comment

    Attach a file to a Smartsheet comment using the comment ID.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.


    The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.


    • ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet you want to use.


    • ID (text): Unique identifier of the comment to which the file will be attached.


    • File name (text):  The name of the file to be attached.
    • File content (file): The contents of the file to be attached.



    • ID (text): Unique identifier of the attached file.
  • Attach File to Row

    Attaches a file to a Smartsheet row


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Input Fields

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use


    • ID (text):  The ID of the row that you want the file to be attached to


    • File name (text):  The name of the file to be attached
    • File contents (text): The contents of the file to be attached

    Output Fields


    • ID (text)The ID of the attached file
  • Attach File to Sheet

    Attach File to Sheet

    Attaches a file to a Smartsheet sheet


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Input Fields

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use


    • File name (text):  The name of the file to be attached
    • File contents (text): The contents of the file to be attached

    Output Fields


    • ID (text)The ID of the attached file
  • Attach URL to Comment

    Attach URL to Comment

    Attaches a URL link to a Smartsheet comment


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account or “– Insert ID –” if you want to provide an ID to a sheet at runtime.

    Input Fields

    • Comment ID (text): The ID of the comment to attach the link to
    • Attachment Name (text): An optional name for the link you are attaching
    • Attachment URL (text): The URL for the link you want to attach.
    • Sheet ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use. (this field only appears if ‘– Insert ID –’ was selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu in the Options tab)
  • Attach URL to Row

    Attach URL to Row

    Attaches a URL link to a Smartsheet row


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account or “– Insert ID –” if you want to provide an ID to a sheet at runtime.

    Input Fields

    • Row ID (text): The ID of the row to attach the link to
    • Attachment Name (text): An optional name for the link you are attaching
    • Attachment Description (text): An optional description for the link you are attaching
    • Attachment URL (text): The URL for the link you want to attach.
    • Sheet ID (text): The ID of the sheet that contains the row. (this field only appears if ‘– Insert ID –’ was selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu in the Options tab)
  • Attach URL to Sheet

    Attach URL to Sheet

    Attaches a URL link to a Smartsheet sheet


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account or “– Insert ID –” if you want to provide an ID to a sheet at runtime.

    Input Fields

    • Attachment Name (text): An optional name for the link you are attaching
    • Attachment Description (text): An optional description for the link you are attaching
    • Attachment URL (text): The URL for the link you are attaching
    • Sheet ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to attach the link to. (This field only appears if ‘– Insert ID –’ was selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu in the Options tab)
  • Build Row Object

    Use with ‘Add Rows’ or ‘Update Rows’ to create or update more than one row in a sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Action (dropdown list):
      • Add Rows - The created object will be used for Add Rows card
      • Update Rows - The created object will be used for Update Rows card

    Input Fields

    Input fields for Build Row Object are dynamically generated per Smartsheet sheet. For each column in a sheet, an input field will be generated. Input fields will be named with respect to the column they refer to.

    For example, if a column is named “Date” in a Smartsheet sheet, it will have a corresponding input field named “Date”.

    If no custom names are specified, the default Smartsheet naming scheme (Column1, Column2, …) will be used.

    If ‘Update Rows’ is selected from the ‘Action’ dropdown menu, then a Row ID field will appear so that you can specify a row.

    If the ‘Restrict to…’ checkbox at the bottom of the Insert Column or Edit Column Properties form is checked in Smart sheet UI, you need to fill in the correct data to pass data validation.

    For example, for Date column type, if ‘Restrict to dates only’ is checked, a date like “02/12/2018” should be filled;

    for Dropdown List column type, if ‘Restrict to dropdown values only’ is checked, only one option value from the list should be filled;

    for Contact List column type, if ‘Restrict to list values only’ is checked, the email address should be filled if email address is available, otherwise, name should be filled.

    Output Fields

    • Row (object): your newly-built row, which can be dragged and dropped into ‘Add Rows’ or ‘Update Rows’.
  • Comment on Row

    Comment on Row

    Add a comment to a row in a Smartsheet sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.


    The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.

    Sheet * ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet you want to use.

    Comment  * Row ID (text): The Smartsheet ID for the row. * Comment (text): Comment to be added to the row.


    Comment * ID (text): The ID of the resulting comment. You’ll need this ID to do something else with the comment, such as Attach URL to Comment.

  • Comment on Sheet

    Comment on Sheet

    Adds a comment to a Smartsheet sheet


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account or “– Insert ID –” if you want to provide an ID to a sheet at runtime.

    Input Fields

    • Comment (text): The text of the comment
    • Sheet ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to comment on. (This field only appears if ‘– Insert ID –’ was selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu in the Options tab)

    Output Fields

    • Comment ID (text): The ID of the resulting comment. You’ll need this ID to do something else with the comment, such as Attach URL to Comment.
  • Copy Folder

    Creates a copy of the specified folder.


    • Copy To (dropdown list): The destination of your copied folder
      • Folder Copy to another folder
      • Workspace Copy to an existing workspace
      • Home Copy to Home

    Input Fields

    • Copy
      • Existing Folder ID (Text) the ID of the to-be-copied folder
      • New Folder Name (Text) Name of the newly created folder copy
      • Destination ID (Text) The ID of the destination, either another folder’s ID or a Workplace ID. This option not present for a copy to Home.
    • Include: The elements you’d like to copy. You select true if you’d like to include that information in the new copy, false if you would not.
      • Data (True/False)
      • Attachments (True/False)
      • Cell Links (True/False)
      • Discussions (True/False)
      • Filters (True/False)
      • Forms (True/False)
      • Rules (True/False)
      • Rule Recipients (True/False)
      • Shares (True/False)

    Output Fields

    *   **Folder ID** _(Number)_: The ID of the newly created folder copy.
  • Copy Row

    Copy a row between sheets.

    Note: Smartsheet only allows 5000 rows per sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    Copy * Sheet ID From (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet being copied from * Sheet ID To (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet being copied to * Row ID (text): Row id of the row to be copied

    Include * Attachments (true/false): If true, attachment file will be included with the copied row * Discussions (true/false): If true, associated discussions will be included with the copied row * Children (true/false): If true, associated children will be included with the copied row


    Result * Copied Row ID (text): ID of the new row that was created as a result of the action

  • Copy Sight

    Sights, now called Dashboards in the new SmartSheet, are a collection of widgets that can contain data from a variety of different data sources (for example, sheets, reports, or custom data).

    Copy sight allows you to copy one of those sights (dashboards) to a new location.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Copy To (dropdown list): The destination of your copied folder.
      • Folder Copy to another folder.
      • Workspace Copy to an existing workspace.
      • Home Copy to Home.

    Input Fields

    • Workspace/Folder ID (text): The ID of the existing Workspace. Not an option if Home is the copy destination
    • Source Sight ID (number): The ID of the existing Sight.
    • New Name (text): Name of your newly copied sight.

    Output Fields

    • Sight ID (text): The ID of the newly created Dashboard (sight).
    • Sight URL (url): The URL of the newly created Dashboard (sight).
  • Create Dropdown List

    Create a dropdown list.

    Input Fields

    Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.


    • Click/drag-and-drop to create a new option that will appear within your dropdown list.

    Output Fields


    • list (text): a list that can be inserted into a cell in a sheet
  • Create Folder

    Creates a new folder in the home folder, as a subfolder of another folder, or in a workspace.


    • Create In (dropdown list): Choose between “Root” to create the folder in the Home folder, “Folder” to create as a subfolder of another folder, or “Workspace” to create in a workspace .

    Input Fields

    • Folder Name (text): The name for the new folder you want to create.
    • Parent Folder or Workspace ID (text): The ID of the folder or workspace you want to create the new folder inside. If you chose “Root” for the “Create In” option, this field does not appear since it is not needed.

    Output Fields

    • ID (text): the ID for the newly created folder
    • Permalink (text): a URL that represents a direct link to the folder in Smartsheet
  • Create Group

  • Create Sheet

    Create a new sheet.


    • Create from (dropdown list):
      • Blank sheet (text):create a blank sheet
      • From sheet ID (text): create a sheet given a specific sheet ID
      • Existing sheet (text): create a sheet by selecting an existing sheet from the dropdown list.

    Input Fields

    Input fields vary depending on the option selected.

    • –Blank Sheet– 
      • Sheet
        • name: name of the new sheet being created
      • Columns
        • Primary Column (text):name of the new primary column
    • –From sheet ID–
      • Sheet
        • name (text): name of the new sheet
        • ID (text): id of the sheet to be used as a template for the new sheet
    • Existing sheet
      • Sheet
        • name (text): name of the new sheet

    Output Fields

    • result
      • id (text): id of the new sheet
      • permalink (text): permanent url associated with the new sheet
  • Create Workspace

    Create a new workspace.


    • Create from (dropdown list):
      • A list of available workspaces.
      • –Blank workspace–

    Input Fields


    • Name (text): name of the workspace you are creating.

    Output Fields


    • id (text): id of the workspace you created
    • permalink (text): permanent URL of the workspace you created
  • Define Cell Value

    Defines a cell value to be either a contact, hyperlink or celllink.


    • Cell Type (dropdown): The type of cell you want to define in the sheet. Contact lets you define a cell to be a reference to a contact existing within your Smartsheet account. Hyperlink lets you define a cell to be a clickable link to an external webpage, another sheet, or a Smartsheet report. Celllink links the cell to another cell in a different sheet so that every time this cell is updated, the other cell will match its value.

    Input Fields

    The input field options will change depending on which cell type you choose:

    • Contact (only one input needs to be filled in)
      • name: the name of the contact
      • email: the email address of the contact
    • Hyperlink (only one input needs to be filled in)
      • url: the URL to which you wish to hyperlink the cell
      • sheet: the sheet to which you wish to link the cell
      • report: the report to which you wish to link the cell
    • CellLink (all inputs are required)
      • Sheet ID: The ID of the sheet to which you are linking the cell
      • Row ID: The ID of the row to which you are linking the cell
      • Column Name: The name of the column to which you are linking the cell

    Output Fields

    • Cell 
      • Object: the ID of the object that was created. You can then use this in a cell that you are creating or updating within a row.
  • Delete Rows

    Delete multiple rows in a Smartsheet sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.

    Input Fields

    Sheet * ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet


    • Row IDs (text): The list of row IDs of the rows you’d like to delete. Can add multiple row IDs.
  • Download Attachment

    Downloads an attachment from Smartsheet


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Input Fields

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use


    • ID (text): The ID of the attachment you want to download

    Output Fields


    • Name (text): The name of the downloaded file
    • Size (text): The size of the file in bytes
    • File Content (text): The content of the file.
  • Download Cell Image

    Sights, now called Dashboards in the new SmartSheet, are a collection of widgets that can contain data from a variety of different data sources (for example, sheets, reports, or custom data).

    Create Group allows you to create a new Smartsheet Group. Groups allow you to quickly share sheets and workspaces between group memebers

    Input Fields

    • Image ID (text): The ID of the image you’d like to download.

    Output Fields

    • File Name (text): The name of the downloaded file.
    • File Content (file): The downloaded file.
    • Image URL (text): The url of the downloaded image.
  • Download Discussion Attachments

    Download Discussion Attachments

    Downloads all attachments from a Smartsheet discussion


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Input Fields

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use


    • ID (text): The ID of the discussion you want to download attachments from

    Output Fields


    • Attachments (list): A list of ‘Attachment’ objects
      • Name (text): The name of the downloaded file
      • Size (text): The size of the file in bytes
      • File Content (text): The content of the file.
  • Download Report

    Download a report in either .csv or .xlsx format.


    • Your Smartsheet reports (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet reports associated with your Smartsheet account, or choose “– Insert ID –” if you want to provide the sheet ID at runtime.
    • File format (dropdown list): Choose between .csv or .xlsx file format.

    Input Fields

    • Report ID (text): The ID of the report you want to download. (This field only appears if ‘– Insert ID –’ was selected for the ‘Your Smartsheet Reports’ option explained above.)

    Output Fields

    • Name (text): the name of the file
    • Size (text): the size of the file in bytes
    • File Content (file): the file in the chosen format
  • Download Row Attachments

    Downloads all attachments from a Smartsheet row


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Input Fields

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use


    • ID (text): The ID of the row you want to download attachments from

    Output Fields


    • Attachments (list): A list of ‘Attachment’ objects
      • Name (text): The name of the downloaded file
      • Size (text): The size of the file in bytes
      • File Content (text): The content of the file.
  • Download Sheet

    Download a sheet in either .csv, .pdf, or .xlsx format.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account, or choose “– Insert ID –” if you want to provide the sheet ID at runtime.
    • File format (dropdown list): Choose between .csv, .pdf, or .xlsx file format.

    Input Fields

    • Sheet ID (text): (this field only appears if ‘– Insert ID –’ was selected for the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ option explained above) The ID of the sheet you want to download

    Output Fields

    • Name (text): the name of the file
    • Size (text): the size of the file in bytes
    • File Content (file): the file in the chosen format
  • Download Sheet Attachments

    Download Sheet Attachments

    Downloads all attachments from a Smartsheet sheet


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): A list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Input Fields

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet you want to use

    Output Fields


    • Attachments (list): A list of ‘Attachment’ objects
      • Name (text): The name of the downloaded file
      • Size (text): The size of the file in bytes
      • File Content (text): The content of the file.
  • Custom API Action

    Allows you to make a customized HTTP request to the Smartsheet API. For the most in depth information on the nature of those requests. See the documentation for Smartsheet here.


    Request Type (dropdown): The type of request you’d like to make. See Squarespace HTTP Requests. * GET * POST * PUT * PATCH * DELETE



    • Relative URL (text): Specify the relative URL as /api/v2/{insert_remaining_URL}. You can specify query parameters in the relative URL using “?”, or specify the query parameters as an object key pair in the Query input.
    • Query (object): Specify any additional query parameters that should be included in object format (key value pairs).
    • Headers (object): Specify any headers required in addition to authorization or content-type (these are already handled by this connector).
    • Body (object): Specify a request body in JSON format.


    Response * Status Code (number): success or failure of your HTTP request. Here is a list of all status codes. * Headers (object): a detailed context for the status code, unrelated to the output body. Response headers are dependent on your selected HTTP request option. Note that not all headers are response headers. This will usually be a replica of the example below.

        Example: {"Content-type":"application/json"}
    • Body (object): data returned from your selected HTTP request (for example, the data from a GET request).
  • List Sheets

    Get a list of all of the sheets the selected account has access to, optionally filtered.


    • Filter By (dropdown): Choose “No Filter” to get all sheets, “Folder” to include only sheets inside a specified folder, or “Workspace” to include only sheets inside a specified workspace.

    Input Fields

    • Folder orWorkspace ID (text): The ID of the folder or workspace you want to get a list of sheets from. If you chose to Filter By “No Filter” on the Options tab then this input field will not appear.

    Output Fields

    • Sheets (list of object): a list of all the sheets the selected account has access to in alphabetical order, optionally filtered to a folder or workspace if specified. Included keys for each sheet in the list are:
      • ID (text): the ID of the sheet
      • Name (text): the sheet name
      • Access Level (text): the account’s permission level for this sheet, e.g. “OWNER”
      • Permalink (text): a URL that represents a direct link to the sheet in Smartsheet
      • Created At (text): the date and time the sheet was created
      • Modified At (text): the date and time the sheet was last modified
  • Move Folder

    Move Folder

    Moves a folder to a new location.

    Input Fields

    • Folder ID (text): The ID of the folder you want to move.
    • Destination Type (dropdown): Choose between “Root” to move the folder to the Home folder, “Folder” to move it to being a subfolder of another folder, or “Workspace” to move it into a workspace.
    • Destination ID (text): The ID of the folder or workspace you want to create the new folder inside. If you chose “Root” for the “Destination Type” leave this field blank.

    Output Fields

    • Permalink (text): a URL that represents the link to the folder in Smartsheet.
  • Move Row

    Move a row between sheets.

    Note: Smartsheet only allows 5000 rows per sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    Copy * Sheet ID From (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet being copied from * Sheet ID To (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet being copied to * Row ID (text): Row id of the row to be copied


    Result * Moved Row ID (text): ID of the new row that was created as a result of the action

  • Move Sheet

    Move sheet

    This card will move a sheet to a the folder or workspace you specify.


    • Move To (dropdown): Select ‘Folder’ to move the sheet to a folder, or choose ‘Workspace’ to move the sheet to a workspace.

    Input Fields

    Sheet ID (text): the ID of the sheet you want to move.

    Folder/Workspace ID (text): the ID of the folder or workspace that you want to move the sheet to.

  • Read All Groups

    Read All Groups

    Reads all groups from a Smartsheet connection, and returns all groups as a list of objects.

    Output Fields

    • Groups (list): A list of ‘Group’ objects. Each object includes:

    • Name (text): the name of the group.

    • Group ID (number): the ID of the group.

    • Description (text): a description of the group.

    • Owner Email (text): the email address of the group owner.

    • Owner User ID (number): Group owner’s user Id.

    • Created At (text): Time of group creation.

    • Updated At (text): Time of last modification to group.

    • There is an additional option to include more information in the group objects, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field.

  • Read All Rows

    Read All Rows

    Reads all rows from a sheet and returns all rows in the sheet as a list of objects.

    Note: This action will read all columns regardless of column output(s) selected.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account. You can also select –Insert ID– to define the sheet as an input.

    Input Fields

    Sheet ID (only if you selected –Sheet ID– in options) (text): the ID of the sheet you want to read.

    Output Fields


    • Rows (list): A list of ‘Row’ objects. Each object includes:

      • Row ID (text): The ID of the row.

      • Row Number (text): The number of the row as it appears in Smartsheet.

      • Columns (object): A dynamically generated object containing the values from each column in the row.

        • There is an additional option to include more information in the column objects, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field. All columns will be read regardless of using this field.
      • There is an additional option to include more information in the row objects, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field.

  • Read All Sights

    Read All Sights

    Returns information about all sights in a Smartsheet connection as a list of objects.

    Output fields

    • Sights (list): a list of all sights, as objects. Each object includes:

      • Sight ID (number): the ID of the sight.

      • Name (text): the name of the sight.

      • Access Level (text): the user’s permissions on the Sight. For more information, visit this link: http://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#access-levels

      • Sight URL (text): the URL that represents a direct link to the Sight in Smartsheet.

      • Created At (text): timestamp of the time of creation.

      • Modified At (text): timestamp of the last modification.

      • There is an additional option to include more information in the object list, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field.

  • Read Column

    Read Column Section

    Reads an entire column from a Smartsheet sheet.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Columns (dropdown list): a list of all columns associated with the chosen sheet

    Output Fields


    • Column (list): A list of text, where each element in the list is the value from each cell in a column.  The first element in the list is the value in the first cell in a column, and the last value in the list is the value of the last cell in a column.
  • Read Column Section

    Read Column Section

    Returns a list of values between a starting row and ending row in a given column. Each value between the start row and the end row will be extracted from the specified column.

    Note: the starting row value is contained within the returned output, but the ending row value is not.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account. You can also select –Insert ID– to define the sheet as an input.

    • Your sheet’s columns (dropdown list): a list of all columns associated with the chosen sheet. You can also select –Insert ID– to define the column as an input.

    • start(text): the starting row number. The data in this row will be contained in the output.

    • end (text): the ending row number. The data in this row will not be contained in the output.

    Output Fields


    • all (text): the values in a given section of a column
  • Read Group

    Read Group

    Returns information about a group based on the given Smartsheet group ID.

    Input Fields

    • Group ID (number): the ID of the group.

    Output Fields

    • Name (text): the name of the group.

    • Description (text): a description of the group.

    • Owner Email (text): the email address of the group owner.

    • Owner User ID (number): Group owner’s user Id.

    • Members (list): a list of all members of the group, as objects. Each object contains the following information:

      • User ID (number)

      • Email (text)

      • First Name (text)

      • Last Name (text)

      • Full Name (text)

      • There is an additional option to include more information in the object list, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field.

    • Created At (text): Time of group creation.

    • Updated At (text): Time of last modification to group.

  • Read Row

    Read the values of a row in Smartsheet using the row ID.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.


    Sheet * ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet you want to use.

    Row * ID (text): The ID of the row you wish to read.


    Columns The output fields are dynamically generated based on your instance.

  • Read Row by Number

    Read the values of a row in Smartsheet using the row number.


    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.


    Read by * Sheet ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet you want to use. * Row Number (text): The number of the row that you want to read.


    The output fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.

    Row * ID (text): The ID of the row you wish to read.

  • Read Sight

    Read Sight

    Returns information about a sight based on the given Smartsheet sight ID.

    Input Fields

    • Sight ID (number): the ID of the sight you want to read. If you choose the option – Insert ID – you will be able to dynamically input a sight ID from an action previously in the Flow.

    Output fields

    • Name (text): the name of the sight.

    • Access Level (text): the user’s permissions on the Sight. For more information, visit this link: http://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#access-levels

    • Column Count (number): the number of columns that the Sight contains.

    • Sight URL (text): the URL that represents a direct link to the Sight in Smartsheet.

    • Created At (text): timestamp of the time of creation.

    • Modified At (text): timestamp of the last modification.

  • Search by Column

    Search by Column

    Search all cells in a column for a specified value.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account. If you choose the option – Insert ID – you will be able to dynamically input a sheet ID from an action previously in the Flow.

    • Return (dropdown list): Choose ‘Single Row’ to return the first result, or choose ‘All Rows’ to return a list of all results.

    Input Fields

    • Sheet ID (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu) (text): the ID of the sheet you want to share

    • Columns: A dynamically generated list of all columns in your chosen sheet.  Enter values in the columns that you wish to search by. * Note - if field is a boolean, search 1 for ‘true’ and 0 for ‘false’

    Output Fields

    • Result
      • ID (text or list): Returns the row ID of the first result found or returns a list of row IDs for all results found, depending on the option chosen in the ‘Return’ dropdown
  • Search by Term

    Search by Term

    Searches the specified sheet for a specific value based on a text string input, returns the first match it finds. The search can be a partial or exact match, but will return the first matching record.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your account.

    Input Fields

    • Term (text): The term that you want to locate in the sheet.

    Output Fields

    • id (text): returns the ID of the object that was searched for.

    • type (text): the type of the object where it found a match. The following types are possible results:

      • row
      • attachment
      • discussion
      • sheet
  • Search for Object

    Search for Object

    Searches the specified object type for a specific value based on a text string input.


    • Object Type (Dropdown list): allows you to determine whether you want to search specifically for a Workspace, Folder, Template or sheet.

    Input Fields

    The text string you use needs to directly match the object you are looking for. This includes case sensitivity.

    • Name (text): The name of the object (from the options above) that you want to search for.

    Output Fields

    • id (text): returns the ID of the object that was searched for.
    • permalink (text/URL): returns the unique url that will directly open the object that was searched for.
  • Send Row

    Send a row of Smartsheet data to a designated recipient through email.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.

    • Columns to send (dropdown): Choose All Columns to send all columns, or choose Customize to choose which columns to send.

    • Send (dropdown): Choose Single Row if you only want to send one row within the notification. Choose List of Rows if you want to send a collection of rows in a single notification. When you select this the ID input will change to IDs and require a list of IDs in order to process correctly.


    The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.

    Email * To (text): the email address to which you want to send the update. Multiple email addresses can be specified by separating them with a comma. * Subject (text): The subject line of the email. * Message (text): The content of the email. * CC Me (true/false): If true, you will be CC’d on the email.

    Include * Attachments (true/false): If true, a link to row attachments will be included in the email. * Discussions (true/false): If true, row discussions will be included in the email.


    • ID (text): The ID of the sheet.

    Rows * IDs (list): The unique ID(s) of the row(s) you want to send.


    The output fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.

  • Send Update Request

    Send an update request to another Smartsheet user. The recipient will get an email asking them to update a certain row with new information.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets: choose the sheet you would like the recipient to update, or if you choose the option – Insert ID – you will be able to dynamically input a sheet ID from an action previously in the Flow.
    • Columns to send: choose “All Columns” to ask the recipient to update all columns, or choose “Customize” to choose which columns to send.

    Input Fields

    Based on your choices in the “Options” step, you will see a subset of the fields below.

    • Row ID (number): the unique ID of the row you would like the recipient to update. This field is required.
    • Email
      • To: the email address of the user you would like to send the update request to.
      • Subject: the subject line of the email.
      • _Message:_ the content of the email.
      • CC Me: set to “true” if you would like to be CC’d on the email.
    • Include
      • Attachments: set to “true” if you would like row attachments to be included in the update request.
      • Discussions: set to “true” if you would like row discussions to be included in the update request.
    • Sheet ID (number): the ID of the sheet you would like the user to update. If visible, this field is required.
    • Columns: A dynamically generated list of the columns in your sheet. If you would like the column to be included in the update request, set that field to “true.” At least one column must be included.
  • Share Sheet

    Share a sheet with anybody by sending a link to the sheet via email.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Access Level (dropdown list): a list of all of the permissions that you can choose when sharing a sheet.

    Input Fields


    • To (text): The email address of the recipient
    • Subject (text): The subject of the email
    • Message (text): The body of the email
    • CC Me (dropdown): Select ‘true’ if you want a copy of the email to be sent to the email address associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Sheet (this field only appears if ‘– Select ID –’ is selected in the ‘Your Smartsheet Sheets’ dropdown menu)

    • ID (text): the ID of the sheet you want to share

    Access Level (this field only appears if ‘– Select Value –’ is selected in the ‘Access Level’ dropdown menu)

  • Share Sight

    Share Sight

    Share a sight with several potential access levels, with the ability to send a link to the sight via email.


    Input Fields

    • Sight ID (number): the ID of the sight you want to share.

    If you selected Yes in the “Send Email?” option:

    • To (text): The email address of the recipient
    • Subject (text): The subject of the email
    • Message (text): The body of the email
    • CC Me (dropdown): Select ‘true’ if you want a copy of the email to be sent to the email address associated with your Smartsheet account.

    If you selected No in the “Send Email?” option:

    • User Email (text): The email address of the new user/group. An email will not be sent.

    Access Level (this field only appears if ‘– Select Value –’ is selected in the ‘Access Level’ dropdown menu)

  • Share Workspace

    Share Workspace

    Share a workspace with anybody by sending a link to the workspace via email.


    • Access Level (dropdown list): a list of all of the permissions that you can choose when sharing a sheet.

    Input Fields

    • Workspace ID (text): the ID of the workspace you want to share.

    • Email

      • To (text): The email address of the recipient
      • Subject (text): The subject of the email
      • Message (text): The body of the email
      • CC Me (dropdown): Select ‘true’ if you want a copy of the email to be sent to the email address associated with your Smartsheet account.
    • Access Level (this field only appears if ‘– Select Value –’ is selected in the ‘Access Level’ dropdown menu) (text): The access level you want to set.  Use values as specified in http://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#access-levels

  • Update Column Properties

    Updates the properties associated with a column. Using this action enables you to change the name, location, and property type of a column inside of Smartsheet.


    • Your smartsheet sheets:  The sheet to update, or –Insert ID– to define the sheet as an input.
    • Your sheet’s columns: The name of the column to update, or –Insert ID– to define the column as an input.

    Input Fields

    • Index (text): Insert a number value to determine the index location where you would want to move the column on the sheet when it is updated. If you want the location of the column to remain unchanged leave the value blank.

    • Title (text): If you want to change the name of the column insert a text string into that field. To keep the value the same leave blank.

    • Options (text): Insert the values that you would want to update in the column property type. For example, if you are building a dropdown list you would insert the “List” output from the “Create Dropdown List” action.

    • Type (dropdown list)Select the property type that you would want the column to be changed to:

      • Text/Number: Will make the column property type a basic text / number column that will then expect to have those types of values entered.
      • Contact List: Will enable the contact list functionality where you can type in either a name or email address and the cell will be populated with an individual’s name (Display Name) and their associated email address (Value).
      • Date: Sets the column property to expect a date value. Typically in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
      • Dropdown List: Coverts the column to use a dropdown list of values that a user inside Smartsheet gets to choose from. NOTE: for this to work you need to have inserted a “List” from “Create Dropdown List” like mentioned above for this to populate values into the new dropdown list for that column.
      • Checkbox: Converts the column to be a checkbox where the user can either check or uncheck box inside of Smartsheet.
  • Update Group

    Update Group

    Transfers group ownership to the owner specified in the owner ID input field.

    Input Fields

    • Group ID (number): the ID of the group.
    • Name (text): the name of the group.
    • Description (text): a description of the group.
    • User Owner ID (number): the ID of the new owner of the group.
  • Update Row

    Update Row

    Update a row in a sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.


    Row * id (text): Smartsheet id of the row to update

    Location * Row ID (text): If you want to update the location of the row, the ID of the row used to define the new location of the current row * Position (dropdown): The position of the current row relative to Row ID. * Do Not Move: Does not move the row * Top of Sheet: Moves the row to the top of the sheet. Row ID not required for this option, and will be ignored if provided. * Bottom of Sheet: Moves the row to the bottom of the sheet. Row ID not required for this option, and will be ignored if provided. * Above Row: Moves the row above Row ID. * Below Row: Moves the row below Row ID. * To Parent Row (Top): Makes the row a child of Row ID, putting it above all other child rows. * To Parent Row (Bottom): Makes the row a child of Row ID, putting it below all other child rows. * Indent: Keeps the row in current position, but indents it. Row ID not required for this option, and will be ignored if provided. * Outdent: Keeps the row in current position, but outdents it. Row ID not required for this option, and will be ignored if provided.

    Sheet * ID (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet that contains the row to update


    The output fields are dynamically generated based on your instance.

    If the Restrict to checkbox at the bottom of the Insert Column or Edit Column Properties form is checked in the Smartsheet UI, you need to fill in the correct data to pass data validation.

  • Update Rows

    Update multiple rows in a Smartsheet sheet. 

    Note: Smartsheet only allows 5000 rows per sheet.

    Required fields are indicated in red.


    • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown): Select from the list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet instance. Choose Insert ID to select a Smartsheet sheet by its ID, which is entered in the Input section.



    • Sheet ID (text): Unique identifier of the sheet.

    Update * Rows (list): Each added row is an object. The best way to construct these objects is with a Build Row Object card, accompanied by a Construct card. * For each row added, a build row object card is needed. Each build row object card takes a text input for each column in the associated sheet, as well as the ID of the row you’d like to edit. * Drag the row output on each build row object card into a list construct card. * Drag the list output from the list construct card into the rows input on the add rows card.

  • Update Sight

    Update Row

    Updates the name of the specified sight in Smartsheet.  To use this card, select which sight to update.  

    You’ll have an input Sight -> id that identifies the sight in Smartsheet. You will also need to include an input Name, which is the new name for the sight.

    Input Fields

    • Sight ID (number): the ID of the sight.
    • Name (text): the new name for the sight.

    Output Fields

    • (none)
  • Upload Cell Image

    Update Row

    Upload an image into a specific cell.  To use this card, first select which sheet to update.  In the options pane, select from one of the sheets in your account, or select _–Insert ID–_ if you want to specify the ID of the sheet as in input.

    If you selected one of your sheets in the previous step, then you’ll have an input Column -> id and input Row -> id that identifies which cell in the sheet. The Row -> id might come from the output of an Add Row card, or the output of a Search card.  In addition, you’ll see an Upload section that requires a File Name and File Content. Both upload fields are required.

    If you select the sheet as –Insert ID– then you’ll see an additional input, Sheet -> ID - this is the ID of the sheet to use, either from a previous card such as Create Sheet, or type it in (you can find the ID of a sheet in the Smartsheet application, under Properties).


    • Your smartsheet sheets:  The sheet to update, or –Insert ID– to define the sheet as an input.

    Input Fields

    • Sheet ID (only if you selected –Sheet ID– in options) (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet that contains the row to update
    • Row ID (text): Smartsheet id of the row to update.
    • Column ID (text): Smartsheet id of the column to update.

    Upload Fields

    • File Name (text): name of the image file
    • File Content (text): upload of the image file; this includes .png, .jpg, .gif, .tif, etc.

    Output Fields

    • Image ID (text): Smartsheet id of the newly-uploaded image
  • Updated Report

    This card monitors for new and updated rows in a Smartsheet report.


    • Your Smartsheet Reports (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet reports associated with your Smartsheet account.

    Output Fields

    • Metadata

      • ID (text): the ID of the row.
      • Row Number (text): the row number as it appears on the report
      • Created At (text): the time that the row was created on its parent sheet
      • Modified At (text): the time that the row was modified on its parent sheet
    • Output

      • Table Columns – dynamic (column specific): The card will read any user defined column names and output them dynamically.
      • Row ID (text): Row ID within the report
      • Sheet ID (text): Sheet ID of the sheet in the report
      • Created At (text): time of when the report was created
      • Modified At (text): time when the report was last modified