Update Row

Upload an image into a specific cell.  To use this card, first select which sheet to update.  In the options pane, select from one of the sheets in your account, or select _–Insert ID–_ if you want to specify the ID of the sheet as in input.

If you selected one of your sheets in the previous step, then you’ll have an input Column -> id and input Row -> id that identifies which cell in the sheet. The Row -> id might come from the output of an Add Row card, or the output of a Search card.  In addition, you’ll see an Upload section that requires a File Name and File Content. Both upload fields are required.

If you select the sheet as –Insert ID– then you’ll see an additional input, Sheet -> ID - this is the ID of the sheet to use, either from a previous card such as Create Sheet, or type it in (you can find the ID of a sheet in the Smartsheet application, under Properties).


  • Your smartsheet sheets:  The sheet to update, or –Insert ID– to define the sheet as an input.

Input Fields

  • Sheet ID (only if you selected –Sheet ID– in options) (text): Smartsheet id of the sheet that contains the row to update
  • Row ID (text): Smartsheet id of the row to update.
  • Column ID (text): Smartsheet id of the column to update.

Upload Fields

  • File Name (text): name of the image file
  • File Content (text): upload of the image file; this includes .png, .jpg, .gif, .tif, etc.

Output Fields

  • Image ID (text): Smartsheet id of the newly-uploaded image