Read All Rows

Reads all rows from a sheet and returns all rows in the sheet as a list of objects.

Note: This action will read all columns regardless of column output(s) selected.


  • Your Smartsheet sheets (dropdown list): a list of all available Smartsheet sheets associated with your Smartsheet account. You can also select –Insert ID– to define the sheet as an input.

Input Fields

Sheet ID (only if you selected –Sheet ID– in options) (text): the ID of the sheet you want to read.

Output Fields


  • Rows (list): A list of ‘Row’ objects. Each object includes:

    • Row ID (text): The ID of the row.

    • Row Number (text): The number of the row as it appears in Smartsheet.

    • Columns (object): A dynamically generated object containing the values from each column in the row.

      • There is an additional option to include more information in the column objects, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field. All columns will be read regardless of using this field.
    • There is an additional option to include more information in the row objects, accessible by using the “Enter key name here” field. If you don’t have a reason to include additional information, it is unlikely that you need to use the additional field.