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To authorize your Asana account, first Name Your Account, a nickname for the Asana account. The nickname can be anything - the actual name of the account, an Asana project title, or a generic nickname, but should be unique so if you have multiple Asana accounts authorized in your team, you can tell them apart. An OAuth window opens asking for your Asana account and password information. When you enter your Asana account information and password, the card asks if you want to authorize access to your Asana account. Click Allow.   You can also create multiple configurations for each channel to link all your accounts to the Designer, and manage the configurations from your settings page. Read more about managing configurations from the Settings page.


    • New Project

      Triggers when a new project is created in your Asana instance.

      NOTE This event works for workspaces containing fewer than 4,500 projects.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available organizations in Asana.

      Output Fields


      • Project Name (text): the name of the new project.
      • Description (text): a description of the new project.
      • Project ID (number): the unique identifier of the new project.
      • Time Created (date): the date and time on which the project was first created.
      • Due Date (date): the date on which the new project is due.


      • User ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to which the project is assigned.
      • User Name (text): the name of the team member to which the project is assigned.


      • Team ID (number):the unique ID of the team for which the project was created.
      • Team Name (text): the name of the team for which the project was created.
    • New Task

      Triggers a Flow when a new task is created.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available workspaces in Asana.

      • Select Project By (dropdown): a dropdown menu to choose how you would like to find your project.

        • Dropdown Menu: Allows you to use the Projects dropdown menu to select your project from the list. NOTE: Use this for workspaces with a small number of projects.

        • Project ID: Allows you to use the Project ID field to look up your project. NOTE: if you select this option, select the “Use ID” option in the Projects dropdown.

      • Projects (dropdown): a dropdown of your available projects to monitor for a new task. NOTE: The Asana API does not allow monitoring all projects for new tasks, so you must build a new Flow for each project you are monitoring for new tasks.

      • Project ID (text): A field to look up your project by project ID. This field is necessary when you use Select Project By: Project ID but the contents are ignored otherwise. The project ID can be found in the URL of the project on Asana. For example: https://app.asana.com/0/**1111094557386982**/list.

      Output Fields


      • Task Name (text): the name of the task.
      • Description (text): the description of the task.
      • Time Created (date): the date and time at which the task was created.
      • Time Updated (date): the date and time at which the task was last updated.
      • Completed? (boolean): will return “true” if complete, and “false” if not complete.
      • Time Completed (date): the date and time at which the task was completed.
      • Due On (date): the date at which the task is due. NOTE: this field will only output data when a task was assigned a due date without a time specified. This means that you may have to use the Assign If function to send the due date to another app depending on whether the Due On OR the Due At field has data.
      • Due At (date): the date and time at which the task is due. NOTE: this field will only output data when a task was assigned with a due date AND a specified time. This means that you may have to use the Assign If function to send the due date to another app depending on whether the Due On OR the Due At field has data.
      • Workspace ID (text): the unique ID of the workspace in which the task exists.
      • Workspace Name (text): the unique name of the workspace in which the task exists.
      • Project ID (number):the unique ID of the project on which the task was created.
      • Project Name (text): the name of the project on which the task was created.
      • Assignee ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to which the task is assigned.
      • Assignee Name (text): the name of the team member to which the task is assigned.
    • New Task in Team Projects

      Triggers when a task is created within a specific project in a team. NOTE: This event can not pick up new tasks that are not assigned to a project. Teams are only present in workspaces that are organizations. This card can only be used by Premium Asana members as it uses the Search API.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available organizations in Asana.
      • Team (dropdown): a dropdown of your available teams to monitor for a new task. NOTE: The Asana API does not allow monitoring all projects for new tasks, so you must build a new Flow for each project you are monitoring for new tasks.

      Output Fields


      • Task Name (text): the name of the new task.
      • Description (text): a description of the task.
      • Task ID (text): the unique identifier of the new task.
      • Section ID (text): the unique identifier for the section.
      • Section Name (text): the name of the section the task is in within the project.
      • Time Created (text): the date and time the task was first created in ISO 8601.
      • Due On (text): the date the task is due in in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.
      • Due at (text): the time the task is due in ISO 8601.
      • Description (text): a description of the task.
      • Attachment IDs (list): the related attachments.
      • Tags (list): the tags associated with the task.
      • Followers (list): the User ID and name of the users following the task.
      • Comments (list): the ID, Created By, Created At, and Text of the comments.


      • Assignee ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to whom the task is assigned.
      • Assignee Name (text): the name of the team member to whom the task is assigned.


      • Project ID (number):the unique ID of the project on which the task exists.
      • Project Name (text): the name of the project on which the task exists.
    • Task Completed

      Task Completed

      Triggers when a task is completed within a specific project. NOTE: This event can not pick up completed tasks that are not assigned to a project.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available workspaces in Asana.

      • Select Project By (dropdown): a dropdown menu to choose how you would like to find your project.

        • Dropdown Menu: Allows you to use the Projects dropdown menu to select your project from the list. NOTE: Use this for workspaces with a small number of projects.

        • Project ID: Allows you to use the Project ID field to look up your project. NOTE: if you select this option, select the “Use ID” option in the Projects dropdown.

      • Projects (dropdown): a dropdown of your available projects to monitor for a completed task. NOTE: The Asana API does not allow monitoring all projects for completed tasks, so you must build a new Flow for each project you are monitoring for completed tasks.

      • Project ID (text): A field to look up your project by project ID. This field is necessary when you use Select Project By: Project ID but the contents are ignored otherwise. The project ID can be found in the URL of the project on Asana. For example: https://app.asana.com/0/**1111094557386982**/list.

      Output Fields


      • Task Name (text): the name of the task that was completed.
      • Description (text): a description of the task.
      • Task ID (number): the unique identifier of the completed task.
      • Time Created (date): the date and time on which the task was first created.
      • Time Completed (date): the date and time on which the task was completed.


      • Assignee ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to which the task is assigned.
      • Assignee Name (text): the name of the team member to which the task is assigned.


      • Project ID (number):the unique ID of the project on which the task exists.
      • Project Name (text): the name of the project on which the task exists.
    • Task Updated

      Monitors for an updated task within a specific project. NOTE: This event can not pick up updates to tasks that are not assigned to a project.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available workspaces in Asana.

      • Select Project By (dropdown): a dropdown menu to choose how you would like to find your project.

        • Dropdown Menu: Allows you to use the Projects dropdown menu to select your project from the list. NOTE: Use this for workspaces with a small number of projects.

        • Project ID: Allows you to use the Project ID field to look up your project. NOTE: if you select this option, select the “Use ID” option in the Projects dropdown.

      • Projects (dropdown): a dropdown of your available projects on which to monitor for an updated task. NOTE: The Asana API does not allow monitoring all projects for updated tasks, so you must build a new Flow for each project on which you are monitoring for updated tasks.

      • Project ID (text): A field to look up your project by project ID. This field is necessary when you use Select Project By: Project ID but the contents are ignored otherwise.

      Output Fields


      • Task Name (text): the name of the task that was updated.
      • Task ID (number): the unique identifier of the task that was updated.
      • Time Created (date): the date and time on which the task was first created.
      • Due On (date): the date at which the task is due. NOTE: this field will only output data when a task was assigned a due date without a time specified. This means that you may have to use the Assign If function to send the due date to another app depending on whether the Due On OR the Due At field has data.
      • Due At (date and time): the date and time at which the task is due. NOTE: this field will only output data when a task was assigned with a due date AND a specified time. This means that you may have to use the Assign If function to send the due date to another app depending on whether the Due On OR the Due At field has data.
      • Description (text): a description of the task.
      • Completed? (boolean): returns either ‘true’ or ‘false’ depending on whether the task has been completed or not.
      • Time Completed (date): the date and time on which the task was completed. Will only output data if the field Completed? is true.


      • Assignee ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to which the task is assigned.
      • Assignee Name (text): the name of the team member to which the task is assigned.


      • Project ID (number):the unique ID of the project on which the task exists.
      • Project Name (text): the name of the project on which the task exists.
    • Updated Task in Team Projects

      Triggers when a task is created within a specific project in a team. NOTE: This event can not pick up updated tasks that are not assigned to a project. Teams are only present in workspaces that are organizations. This card can only be used by Premium Asana members as it uses the Search API.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available organizations in Asana.
      • Team (dropdown): a dropdown of your available teams to monitor for an updated task. NOTE: The Asana API does not allow monitoring all projects for updated tasks, so you must build a new Flow for each project you are monitoring for updated tasks.

      Output Fields


      • Task Name (text): the name of the task that was updated.
      • Description (text): a description of the task.
      • Task ID (text): the unique identifier of the updated task.
      • Section ID (text): the unique identifier for the section.
      • Section Name (text): the name of the section the task is in within the project.
      • Time Created (text): the date and time the task was first created in ISO 8601.
      • Time modified (text): the date and time the task was modified in ISO 8601.
      • Due On (text): the date the task is due in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.
      • Due at (text): the time the task is due in ISO 8601.
      • Description (text): a description of the task.
      • Attachment IDs (list): the related attachments.
      • Tags (list): the tags associated with the task.
      • Followers (list): the User ID and Name of the users following the task.
      • Comments (list): the ID, Created By, Created At, and Text of the comments.


      • Assignee ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to whom the task is assigned.
      • Assignee Name (text): the name of the team member to whom the task is assigned.


      • Project ID (number):the unique ID of the project on which the task exists.
      • Project Name (text): the name of the project on which the task exists.


    • Add Follower

      Adds followers to a certain task within Asana.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields.
    • Add Tag

      Add a tag to an existing task.

    • Add Task

      Creates a new task within an Asana organization.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available organizations in Asana.

      Input Fields


      • Name (text): the name of the project you are creating. Please note that you can create projects with the same name. Use the Search Project action to ensure you don’t duplicate project names.
      • Due Date (date): the date at which the project is due. You can either have the project due on a date, in which case the format must be yyyy-mm-dd or due at a particular time on a day, in which case the format must be yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
      • * Due On (date): the date at which the task is due. NOTE: Use Due On if you only want to set a due date for a task, and Due At to set a date and time for when the task is due. Enter Due On in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
        • Due At (date and time): the date and time at which the task is due. NOTE: Use Due On if you only want to set a due date for a task, and Due At to set a date and time for when the task is due. Enter Due At in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+00:00
      • Public? (boolean): whether the project is public to your entire team. Enter ‘true’ if the project should be visible by all team members or ‘false’ if the project is private.
      • Description (text): a description of the project.

      Status You can indicate the status of a project by either color or description or both. Status is not required to create the project.

      • Color (text):the color that matches the status of the project you are creating - Green, Yellow or Red.
      • Description (text): the description of the status.


      • Team ID (number):the unique ID of the team to which the project is assigned. NOTE: This field is required. You can find a team’s ID by navigating to Team Conversations. The long number string in the URL is the Team ID.
      • Team Name (text): the name of the team to which the project is assigned.


      • User ID (number):the unique ID of user to which the project is assigned.
      • Owner Name (text): the name of the user to which the project is assigned.

      Output Fields

      • Project ID (number): the unique identifier of the project that was created.
    • Create Project

      Creates a new project within an Asana organization.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available organizations in Asana.

      Input Fields


      • Name (text): the name of the project you are creating. Please note that you can create projects with the same name. Use the Search Project action to ensure you don’t duplicate project names.
      • Due Date (date): the date at which the project is due. You can either have the project due on a date, in which case the format must be yyyy-mm-dd or due at a particular time on a day, in which case the format must be yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
      • Public? (boolean): whether the project is public to your entire team. Enter ‘true’ if the project should be visible by all team members or ‘false’ if the project is private.
      • Description (text): a description of the project.

      Status You can indicate the status of a project by either color or description or both. Status is not required to create the project.

      • Color (text):the color that matches the status of the project you are creating - Green, Yellow or Red.
      • Description (text): the description of the status.


      • Team ID (number):the unique ID of the team to which the project is assigned. NOTE: This field is required. You can find a team’s ID by navigating to Team Conversations. The long number string in the URL is the Team ID.
      • Team Name (text): the name of the team to which the project is assigned.


      • User ID (number):the unique ID of user to which the project is assigned.
      • Owner Name (text): the name of the user to which the project is assigned.


      • Project ID (number): the unique identifier of the project that was created.
    • Custom API Call

      Make an authenticated HTTP request to the Asana API

    • Download Attachment

      Downloads an attachment in Asana.

      Input Fields

      • Attachment
        • Attachment ID (text): The ID of the attachment.

      Output Fields

      • File
        • File Content (file): File content.
        • Size (number): Size of the file.
        • Name (text): The name of the file.
        • Type (text): The file type.
    • Read Project

      Read the data on a project.


      No options available.

      Input Fields

      Read By

      • Project ID (number): the unique identifier of the project that was created.

      Output Fields


      • Name (text): the name of the project.
      • Description (text): a description of the project.
      • Time Created (number): the date and time at which the project was created.
      • Time Updated (number): the date and time at which the project was last updated.
      • Due Date (date): the date at which the project is due. If the project is due on a date, the format will be yyyy-mm-dd. If it is due at a particular time of day, the format will be yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
      • Archived? (boolean): returns “true” if the project is archived or “false” if it is not.


      • Status Color (text):the color that represents the status of the project. This will be returned as either Green, Yellow or Red.
      • Description (text): the description of the status.


      • User ID (number):the unique ID of user to which the project is assigned.
      • Owner Name (text): the name of the user to which the project is assigned.


      • Team ID (number):the unique ID of the team to which the project is assigned.
      • Team Name (text): the name of the team to which the project is assigned.
    • Read Project Sections

      Read all sections of project by project ID

    • Read Project Tasks

      Read tasks associated with project.

      Input Fields

      • Project
        • Project ID (text): Globally unique ID of the project (Eg. 1234)

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • Tasks (text): The task is the basic object around which many operations in Asana are centered.
    • Read Task

      Gets a task in Asana using the task ID.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • Project
        • Task Name (text): The name of the project.
        • Description (text): A brief overall description of the project.
        • Time Created (text): The date and time at which the project was created.
        • Time Modified (text): The date and time at which the project was last updated.
        • Completed? (text): If the task has been completed.
        • Time Completed (text): Dependent if task has been completed, if so the time the task has been completed is documented here.
        • Due On (text): When the task is due; date.
        • Due At (text): When the task is due; time.
        • Workspace ID (text): The ID of the workspace the task is in.
        • Workspace Name (text): The name of the workspace the task is in.
        • Project ID (text): The ID of the project.
        • Project Name (text): The project name.
        • Parent Task ID (text): For nested tasks.
        • Assignee ID (text): The ID of the user the task was assigned to.
        • Assignee Names (text): The name of the user the task was assigned to.
        • Attachment IDs (text): Attachment IDs.
    • Read User

      Reads user profile.

      Input Fields

      • User
        •  User ID or Email (text): Identification code or email associated with user (Eg. 1234 or user@email.com)

      Output Fields

      • Fields
        • User ID (text):  Globally unique ID of the user.
        • Name (text): Full name of read user.
        • Email (text): Email associated with read user.
        • Workspace ID (text): Globally unique ID of the workspace (Eg. 1234)
    • Remove Follower

      Removes followers from a certain task within Asana.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields.
    • Remove Tag

      \Remove a tag from an existing task.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields.
    • Search Projects

      Search a project by name to find the project’s ID.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown list of your available Asana organizations.

      Input Fields

      Search By

      • Name (text): the name of the project you are searching for.

      Output Fields


      • Name (text): the name of the project.
      • ID (number): the unique identifier of the project.
    • Search Team

      Search for a team using the team name

    • Search Users

      Search a user by name or email to find the user’s Asana ID.


      • Organization (list): a drop down menu of all of your available Asana organizations.

      Input Fields

      • User
        • Name (text): The name of the user you are searching for.
        • Email (text): The email of the user you are searching for.

      Output Fields

      • Result
        • Name (text): The name of the user.
        • Email (text): The email of the user.
        • User ID (text): The unique identifier of the user.
    • Update Project

      Updates an existing project within an Asana organization.


      • Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available organizations in Asana.

        NOTE: This action is only compatible with organizations so if you do not see your workspace in the menu, it may not be an organization. From the API: “Check out https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/workspaces for the difference between workspaces and organizations.”

      Input Fields

      For any field that is complete with data, the existing data will be overwritten on the project. You can leave fields blank. Update By

      • Project ID (number): the unique identified of the project you wish to update in Asana. This field is required.


      • Name (text): the new name of the project. Please note that you can have projects with the same name. Use the Search Project action if you wish to avoid duplicate project names.
      • Due Date (date): the new date at which the project is due. You can either have the project due on a date, in which case the format must be yyyy-mm-dd or due at a particular time on a day, in which case the format must be yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
      • Public? (boolean): changes the visibility of the project. Enter ’true’ if the project should be visible by all team members or ‘false’ if the project is private.
      • Description (text): the new description of the project.

      Status You can indicate the status of a project by either color or description or both.

      • Color (text):the color that matches the new status of the project - Green, Yellow or Red.
      • Description (text): the description of the new status.


      • Team ID (number):the unique ID of the team to which the project is assigned.
      • Team Name (text): the name of the team to which the project is assigned.


      • User ID (number):the unique ID of user to which the project is assigned.
      • Owner Name (text): the name of the user to which the project is assigned.
    • Update Task

      Updates the data on a task.


      No options available.

      Input Fields


      • Task ID (text): the unique ID of the task you wish to read. NOTE: This field is required.
      • Name (text): the name of the task.
      • Description (text): the description of the task.
      • Assignee (text): the ID of the team member to which the task is assigned.
      • Due On (date): the date at which the task is due. NOTE: Due On is given if only a due date is selected for a task, and Due At is returned if a date and time is selected for when the task is due. Due On must be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
      • Due At (date and time): the date and time at which the task is due. NOTE: Due On is given if only a due date is selected for a task, and Due At is returned if a date and time is selected for when the task is due. Due Atmust be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
      • Completed? (boolean): enter “true” if complete, and “false” if not complete.