Updates the data on a task.


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Input Fields


  • Task ID (text): the unique ID of the task you wish to read. NOTE: This field is required.
  • Name (text): the name of the task.
  • Description (text): the description of the task.
  • Assignee (text): the ID of the team member to which the task is assigned.
  • Due On (date): the date at which the task is due. NOTE: Due On is given if only a due date is selected for a task, and Due At is returned if a date and time is selected for when the task is due. Due On must be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Due At (date and time): the date and time at which the task is due. NOTE: Due On is given if only a due date is selected for a task, and Due At is returned if a date and time is selected for when the task is due. Due Atmust be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
  • Completed? (boolean): enter “true” if complete, and “false” if not complete.