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The first time you add an SDL card to a Flow, you need to configure access to your SDL account. Setting up a configuration will allow you to connect the Designer to your SDL account, save the data, and reuse that configuration next time you build a Flow with this card. That way, you don’t have to sign in every time you want to build a Flow using SDL. After you’ve set up one configuration, you can choose to use that configuration again, or set up a new one.

You can set up and save multiple configurations and share them with your teammates. Here’s how to set up a new SDL configuration:

  1. Add the SDL card you would like to use to your Flow. If you already have configurations set up, you will have to select “+ New connection” at the top-right of the card to create a new configuration. If you don’t have any configurations set up, click the green “+ New Connection” button.
  2. Nickname your configuration in the “Connection Nickname” field. Choose something unique, since you may need to be able to tell multiple configurations apart in the future. Populate the username and password fields with your SDL account username and password.
  3. Click Create.

If you want to change/add configurations, you can select the dropdown at the top of your SDL card, and follow steps


    • Approve Project

      Approve a project in SDL by project ID. Project must be awaiting approval.


      • Input
        • Project ID (string): Enter the project ID for the project that will be approved.


      • Output
        • Status Code (number): The status code returned by SDL. The status codes are as follows:
          • 204 - The project was successfully approved and will be passed to the translation team.
          • 401 - Authorization has been denied for this request.
          • 402 - The project requires payment information to be provided. Approving this project is only possible through the Managed Translation user interface.
          • 403 - The user does not have the required permission.
          • 404 - The requested project was not found.
    • Build File List

      Build a collection of files to attach to a single project to either be translated or added as a reference file. This action is designed to be used in conjunction with the Create Project action. The output of this card should be used as the input value for Create Project’s ‘Files’ input field.

      This action supports creating a project with up to ten files. If you need to create a project with more than ten files then you will need to use the Dynamic File List Action.


      • Project Option (dropdown): Select the project option that you will choose when creating the project. This will determine the source languages and target languages that are available.
      • Source Language (dropdown): Select the source language.


      • Target Languages dynamically generated
        • Language (boolean): Target languages are dynamically generated based on the choice of Project Option selected in the options. Choose True or False to identify if you would like the project files translated into the respective language.
      • File
        • File ID (string): ID of the file uploaded to SDL. Use the FileId returned from the Upload File or Upload Multiple Files actions.
        • Option (dropdown): Choose whether to Translate or add as a Reference file.
      • NOTE: This action supports creating a project with up to ten files. If you need to create a project with more than ten files then you will need to use the Dynamic File List Action.


      • Output
        • Files (list of objects): A list of file objects in the structure required by the SDL API to attach files to a project to be translated. Use this field’s output value as the input to the Create Project’s ‘Files’ input field value.
    • Cancel or Complete Project

      Cancel or completes the specified project in SDL. This will be dependent on the status of the project in the workflow. If the project is awaiting download, the project will transition through any final steps in the workflow, and will eventually be moved to complete. If the project is awaiting approval or vendor selection it will be cancelled. If the project is at any other status, the request will fail.


      • Input
        • Project ID (string): Enter the project ID for the project that will be approved.


      • Output
        • Status Code (number): The status code returned by SDL. The status codes are as follows:
          • 204 - The project was successfully cancelled or completed.
          • 401 - Authorization has been denied for this request.
          • 403 - The user does not have the required permission.
          • 404 - The requested project was not found.
          • 410 - The specified project is no longer available or no longer at a status where cancellation or completion is possible.
    • Create Project

      Create a project in SDL.


      • Project Option (dropdown): Select the project option. This will determine the source languages and target languages that are available. Additionally, the Project Option metadata fields will dynamically generate as input fields. Select –Provide At Runtime– to input this field at runtime.
      • Source Language (dropdown): Select –Provide At Runtime– to input this field at runtime.


      • Fields
        • Description (string): Sets the project description.
        • DueDate (string): Sets the project due date. This field will be in ISO format. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss. Example: 2019-02-13T22:32:53Z
        • Files (list of objects): List of objects containing file translation metadata. Can optionally use the output from the Build File List action or Dynamic File List action for this field.
        • ScopeOptionId (string): Sets the scope option identifier.
        • Name (string): Sets the name of the project.
        • TmSequenceId (string): Sets the tm sequence identifier.
        • Project (string): The Project Option value being used ID or Name.
        • Source Language (string): Language being used as the Source.
          • Example (string): EN-GB
        • Vendors (list of strings): Gets the vendor ids to be associated with this project.
      • Project Options
        • Dynamically Generated: The metadata fields for the selected project option will populate here. If –Provide At Runtime– was selected, then input an object with key-value pairs for the Project Options field. All fields must be preconfigured and and comply with Project Options in SDL.
        • Example: { “Metadata1” : “ExampleA”, “Metadata2” : “ExampleB” }


      • Output
        • Result (string): Identifies if the project creation was a success or failure.
        • ProjectId (string): The project identifier (ID).
        • ExpectExtendedPreparationTime (boolean): Indicates whether to expect extended preparation time.
        • IsUsersFirstProject (boolean): Indicates if this is the user’s first project.
    • Custom API Action

      This action allows you to make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the SDL API.

      NOTE: This is not like any of the other SDL cards; this card shows some of what goes on behind the scenes on other cards. If you have no experience working with API calls this may be a challenge, however this card is highly customizable. Good luck, and it may help if you refer to the documentation!


      • Request Type (dropdown): your available HTTP request methods. There are 5 supported HTTP request methods (sometimes called verbs) in custom API calls:
        • GET: retrieves data from a web server based on your parameters. GET requests a representation of the specified resource, and if successful will receive a 200 OK response message with the requested content. Additional documentation here.
        • POST: sends data to a web server based on your parameters. POST requests include actions like uploading a file. Multiple POST’s may result in a different outcome than a single POST, so you should be cautious about unintentionally sending multiple POST’s. If a POST is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Additional documentation here.
        • PUT: sends data to a location in the web server based on your parameters. PUT requests include actions like uploading a file. The difference between a PUT and POST is that PUT is idempotent, meaning that the result of a single successful PUT is the same as many identical PUT’s. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 201 or 204). Additional documentation here.
        • PATCH: applies partial modifications to a resource on a web server based on your parameters. PATCH is not idempotent, meaning that the result of multiple PATCH’s could have unintended consequences. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 204). Additional documentation here.
        • DELETE: deletes the specified resource from the web server based on your parameters (if the resource exists). If a DELETE is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Additional documentation here.


      • Request

        • Relative URL (text): Relative request URL. The relative URL structure for this action follows the /tm4lc/api/v1 route. E.g. - If the full API URL is https://languagecloud.sdl.com/tm4lc/api/v1/languages/list, then the Relative URL would be /languages/list.

          Example: /languages/list
        • Query (object or text): JSON object that determines the action taken at the URL.

          Example: {"name":"something-urgent"}  
        • Headers (object): JSON that determines the content type of the request. This will usually be a replica of the example below.

          Example: {"Content-type":"application/json"}


      • Response
        • Status Code (Number): the success or failure of your HTTP request. Here is a list of all status codes.
        • Headers (object): a more detailed context for the response/status code that doesn’t relate to the output body. Not all headers that appear in a response header are response headers, meaning that some are unlikely to be useful to you. The response headers are dependent on the HTTP request you choose in options.
        • Body (object): depending on the HTTP request you chose in Options, you may receive some data back. That data, such as the data from a GET request, will be contained in this Body object.
    • Download Project Zip File

      Download a project’s .zip file containing the translated documents. Optionally include the source files.


      • File
        • File Name (string): Enter the desired name of the .zip file. Optionally include the .zip extension.
        • Project ID (string): Enter the Project ID that will download its files translated contents.
        • Include source files? (boolean): Optionally choose to include the source files in the download .zip file.


      • Output
        • File Content (file): The downloaded .zip file content. Click the link for this field in the execution history view to download the file from the browser.
        • File Name (string): The name of the downloaded file.
    • Download Translated File

      Download a specified translated file by ID.


      • File

        • File Name (string): Enter the desired name of the file. NOTE: Ensure a file extension is present in the filename. Downloading a file without an extension may cause issues.

          Example: translate_to_german.txt
        • File ID (string): Enter the File ID.

        • Project ID (string): Enter the Project ID of the file.


      • Output
        • File Content (file): The downloaded file content. Click the link for this field in the execution history view to download the file from the browser.
        • File Name (string): The name of the downloaded file.
    • Dynamic File List

      Build a collection of files to attach to a single project to either be translated or added as a reference file. This action is designed to be used in conjunction with the Create Project action. The output of this card should be used as the input value for Create Project’s ‘Files’ input field.

      This action can take an arbitrary amount of files and languages to create a list to be used with Create Project’s ‘Files’ input field.


      • Target Languages (list of objects): A list of objects composed of a Language as a key and True or False string as a Value.
        • Example (object): An example of a language to be translated to. { “EN-GB”: “True” }
      • Files (list of objects) : A list of objects composed of File IDs and Options of Translate or Reference.
        • Example (object): An example of a file to be translated. { “File ID”: “1”, “Option”: “Translate” }


      • Output
        • Files (list of objects): A list of file objects in the structure required by the SDL API to attach files to a project to be translated. Use this field’s output value as the input to the Create Project’s ‘Files’ input field value.
    • Get Project

      Get a specified project by ID.


      • Project Option (dropdown): Choose an available project option from the dropdown list. This will generate your project option metadata output fields.


      • Input
        • Project ID (string): Enter the ID of the project.


      • Fields
        • CanBeCancelled (boolean): Project cancellable status.
        • ProviderProjectLink (string): Project external URL.
        • Cost (number): Project cost.
        • CostBands (list of objects): Project cost bands.
        • CostDetails (list of objects): Project cost details.
        • LcMetaData (list of objects): Language Cloud Job metadata.
        • CreatedByUserId (string): Created by user identifier.
        • CreatedByUserName (string): Created by username.
        • CreatedDate (string): Created date.
        • Currency
          • Code (string): Currency code.
          • Symbol (string): Currency symbol.
        • CurrencyInfo
          • Code (string): Currency info code.
          • Symbol (string): Currency info symbol.
        • DeliveredDate (string): Project delivered date.
        • Description (string): Description.
        • DueDate (string): Project due date.
        • AuthorizedDate (string): The date when the lats task was authorized.
        • Duration (string): Job duration in hours.
        • DeliveryEstimate (string): Estimated delivery date.
        • FuzzyWords (number): Fuzzy word count.
        • HasReferenceFiles (boolean): Value indicating whether this Job has reference files.
        • HundredWords (number): Hundred word count.
        • Id (string): Project ID.
        • InContextPreviewAvailable (boolean): The in-context preview available flag.
        • JobOptionsId (string):
        • JobOptionsName (string):
        • LanguagePairDetails (list of objects): The language pair details.
          • Language (object): Language object containing code, cultureCode, Name, and ShortName.
          • Files (list of objects): List of file objects.
          • PerfectMatchWords (number): The perfect match words.
          • HundredWords (number): Hundred word count.
          • FuzzyWords (number): Fuzzy word count.
          • NewWords (number): New word count.
          • RepeatedWords (number): Repeated word count.
          • TMLeverage (number): TM Leverage.
          • TMSavings (number): TM Savings.
          • TotalCost (number): Total cost.
          • PercentComplete (number): Percent complete.
          • TotalWords (number): Total word count.
        • Languages (number): Number of languages.
        • Name (string): Project name.
        • NewWords (number): New word count.
        • Organization (string): The organization where this project was created.
        • PercentComplete (number): Percent complete.
        • PerfectMatchWords (number): Perfect match word count.
        • ProjectContact (string): The project contact.
        • ProjectOptionsId (string): The project options identifier.
        • ProjectOptionsLocalizedName (string): The project options name key.
        • ProjectOptionsName (string): The name of the project options.
        • ProjectType (string): Type of project.
        • ProviderJobId (string): Provider job identifier.
        • ProviderProjectId (string): Provider project identifier.
        • ProjectGroupId (string): Project group identifier.
        • ProjectGroupName (string): Project group name.
        • RepeatedWords (number): Repeated word count.
        • ScopeOptionId (string): Scope option identifier.
        • SourceFiles (number): Number of source files.
        • SourceLangauge
          • Code (string): Source language code.
          • CultureCode (string): Source language culture code.
          • Name (string): Source language name.
          • ShortName (string): Source language short name.
        • SourceWords (number): Source word count.
        • Status (string): Project status.
        • TMSavings (number): TM Savings.
        • VendorCosts (list of objects)
          • VendorId (string): Vendor identifier.
          • Cost (number): Vendor cost.
        • VendorId (string): Vendor identifier.
        • WordCount (number): Word count.
        • ProjectCode (string): Project code.
      • Project Options
        • Dynamically Generated: The metadata fields for the selected project option will populate here.
    • Upload File

      Upload a file to SDL.


      • File
        • File Name (string): Enter the desired name of the file. NOTE: Ensure a file extension is present in the filename. Uploading a file without an extension may cause issues.
        • File Content (file): File content to upload.
        • Project Option (dropdown): Dynamically generated list of project options. Alternative ID or Name of the Project Option can be provided.


      • Output
        • FileId (string): File identifier.
        • FileName (string): Name of the file.
        • IsTranslatable (boolean): Value indicating whether this instance is translatable.
        • IsReference (boolean): Value indicating whether this instance is reference.
        • UnsupportedFilesInArchive (boolean): Value indicating whether there are unsupported files in the archive.
        • ArchiveIsPasswordProtected (boolean): Value indicating whether the archive is encrypted.
        • ArchiveIsUnsupported (boolean): Value indicating whether the archive type is supported.
        • UnsupportedAreReference (boolean): Value indicating whether unsupported files in the archive will be handled as reference files.
        • ProviderName (string): Provider name.
        • WordCount (number): Word count.
        • UploadComplete (boolean): Value indicating whether the file upload has been successfully completed.
    • Upload Multiple Files

      Upload multiple files to SDL.


      • File

        • Files (list of objects): A list of file objects to upload to SDL. Each file object should come in the form of {"File Name": "<FILE NAME WITH EXTENSION>", "File Content": "<FILE CONTENT ID>"}.

              Example: [{
                  "File Name": "translateMe.txt",
                  "File Content": "j3k9d-c82dw-a2j456-oovpr2-m2fiqp-fo31l"
        • Project Option (dropdown): Dynamically generated list of project options.


      • Output
        • Files (list of objects)
          • FileId (string): File identifier.
          • FileName (string): Name of the file.
          • IsTranslatable (boolean): Value indicating whether this instance is translatable.
          • IsReference (boolean): Value indicating whether this instance is reference.
          • UnsupportedFilesInArchive (boolean): Value indicating whether there are unsupported files in the archive.
          • ArchiveIsPasswordProtected (boolean): Value indicating whether the archive is encrypted.
          • ArchiveIsUnsupported (boolean): Value indicating whether the archive type is supported.
          • UnsupportedAreReference (boolean): Value indicating whether unsupported files in the archive will be handled as reference files.
          • ProviderName (string): Provider name.
          • WordCount (number): Word count.
          • UploadComplete (boolean): Value indicating whether the file upload has been successfully completed.