Upload a file to SDL.
- File
- File Name (string): Enter the desired name of the file. NOTE: Ensure a file extension is present in the filename. Uploading a file without an extension may cause issues.
- File Content (file): File content to upload.
- Project Option (dropdown): Dynamically generated list of project options. Alternative ID or Name of the Project Option can be provided.
- Output
- FileId (string): File identifier.
- FileName (string): Name of the file.
- IsTranslatable (boolean): Value indicating whether this instance is translatable.
- IsReference (boolean): Value indicating whether this instance is reference.
- UnsupportedFilesInArchive (boolean): Value indicating whether there are unsupported files in the archive.
- ArchiveIsPasswordProtected (boolean): Value indicating whether the archive is encrypted.
- ArchiveIsUnsupported (boolean): Value indicating whether the archive type is supported.
- UnsupportedAreReference (boolean): Value indicating whether unsupported files in the archive will be handled as reference files.
- ProviderName (string): Provider name.
- WordCount (number): Word count.
- UploadComplete (boolean): Value indicating whether the file upload has been successfully completed.