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Authorizing an Excel Online Account

The first time you use an Excel Online card in your Flow, you will need to authorize an account.

  1. Add an Account Nickname. This should be unique, so that in the case that your teammates authorize multiple accounts, you will be able to tell them apart.
  2. Click “Create” to launch a pop-up window to sign into your account and save this configuration.


    • New Worksheet

      This card will start Flow when a new worksheet on you workbook.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.

      Output Fields

      • Worksheet
        • Worksheet ID (text) : The worksheet unique identification.
        • Worksheet Name (text) : The worksheet name.
        • Position (text) : The worksheet position, this is displayed as the tab number of the sheet specified by the name that you type.
        • Visibility (text) : The visibility of the worksheet.Visibility ?
      • context
        • Execution ID (text) : the context execution indentification.
    • Row Added or Updated

      Start the Flow when a new row is added or updated to the worksheet.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.

      Output Fields

      • Row
        • Row Number (number): Number of the row Added or Updated; this is the number displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.
      • Values (text) : a list that represent each column in the row that was added or updated.
      • context
        • Execution ID (text) : The context execution identification.
    • Table Row Added or Updated

      Start the Flow when a new row is added to a Table.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Table (dropdown): a list of tables available in the selected worksheet. Table in Excel is a formatted series of worksheets rows and column which have additional function.

      Output Fields

      • Table
        • Row Number (number) : the table row number.
      • Values (text) : Dynamically generated list of column headers based on the selected table.
    • Updated Cell

      Start the Flow when data within a cell is updated.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Cell Reference (text) : forexample “A1, for the first cell in the spreadsheet.

      Output Fields

      Cell Explanation
      Cell Text (text) The text in the specified cell.
      Cell Value (text) The value of the cell.
      Type _(text) _type
      Format (text) number format
      Column Hidden _(T/F) _If the column is hidden
      Row Hidden _(T/F) _If the row is hidden
      Hidden _(T/F) _If the cell is hidden
      Formula _(text) _Excel online formula
      • context
        • Execution ID (text) : the execution context unique identifier.


    • Add Row

      Add Row

      This card adds a row of data to the end of a worksheet. Microsoft’s Excel API takes time to propagate changes. When more than one row is being added to a Worksheet, we recommend you add a Wait Function Card set to 10 seconds. If you see rows being omitted, add more time.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.

      Input Fields

      • Values : This will be the list of values for the new row.
        • Column Letters (A - ZZ) (text) : Each of the field will represent the corresponding cell in the newly created row. For example if the worksheet is empty then the first three field will be 1A, 1B, 1C.

      Output Fields

      • Row
        • Row Number (number): The newly created row’s number. This is the number displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.
    • Add Table Row

      This card will add a row of data to the end of the specified table in the worksheet.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Table (dropdown): a list of tables available in the selected worksheet. Table in Excel is a formatted series of worksheets rows and column which have additional function.

      Input Fields

      • Values

        • Columns (text - dynamically generated): list of column headers based on the selected table, this will represent each column of the row that will be contained in the newly assigned table.

          Output Fields

      • Row

        • Row Number (number): The newly created table row number. This is the number displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.
    • Clear Cells

      Clear formats and/or data from the designated cells.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Apply to (dropdown): select what should be cleared from the cells.
        • All - clear formats and content.
        • Formats - clear formats only.
        • Contents - clear contents only.

      Input Fields

      The cell reference cells are used to construct a grid of cells to apply the clear action.

      • Cells
        • Cell Reference Begin (text): a value representing a cell (e.g. A2) in the top left corner of the grid to be cleared.
        • Cell Reference End (text): a value representing a cell (e.g. D4) in the bottom right corner of the grid to be cleared.

      Output Fields

      • Response
        • Status Code (number)
    • Delete Cells

      Delete Cells

      Delete cells from an Excel Online sheet.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Shift (dropdown): select how to shift cells once the delete action is completed.
        • Left - shift cells left.
        • Up - shift cells up.

      Input Fields

      The cell reference cells are used to construct a grid of cells to apply the delete action.

      • Cells
        • Cell Reference Begin (text): a value representing a cell (e.g. A2) in the top left corner of the grid to be deleted.
        • Cell Reference End (text): a value representing a cell (e.g. D4) in the bottom right corner of the grid to be deleted.

      Output Fields

      • Response
        • Status Code (number)
    • Get Cell Value

      Gets information for a cell.

      Input Fields

      • Cell
        • Cell Reference (text): In format like “ A1”, for the first cell on the spreadsheet.

      Output Fields

      Cell Explanation
      Cell Text (text) The text in the specified cell.
      Cell Value (text) The value of the cell.
      Type _(text) _type
      Format (text) number format
      Column Hidden _(T/F) _If the column is hidden
      Row Hidden _(T/F) _If the row is hidden
      Hidden _(T/F) _If the cell is hidden
      Formula _(text) _Excel online formula
    • HTTP Request

      Make an authenticated HTTP request to the Excel Online API

    • Read All Rows

      Read all rows in a worksheet (maximum of 300).


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.

      Input Fields

      • Offset (number) : The amount of offset of the row to read. This is the numbers displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.

      Output Fields

      • Rows (list of object) : Dynamically generated rows object based on the worksheet.
    • Read Row

      Read a row of data from an Excel Online worksheet.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.

      Input Fields

      • Row
        • Row Number (number): number of the row you want to read; this is the number displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.

      Output Fields

      In the field selection window, select the column letters from which you want to retrieve values.

      • Values
        • Column letter (A-ZZ) (text): a letter that identifies the column from which to read the row data. Each of the fields will represent the corresponding cell of the read row.
    • Read Table Row

      This card will get value from the a row in the table.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Table (dropdown): a list of tables available in the selected worksheet. Table in Excel is a formatted series of worksheets rows and column which have additional function.

      Input Fields

      • Row
        • Row Number (number) : number of the row you want to read; this is the number displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.

      Output Fields

      • Values : Dynamically generated list of each column of the row that was read from the table.
    • Search Rows by Column

      Search for a row or rows that match a value in a certain column.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Column to Search (dropdown) : The column the search will be conducted on.
      • Result Set (dropdown) : either the first matching row or all matching rows.

      Input Fields

      • Column
        • Value (text) : The column value. This is the number displayed in Excel on the top of first row.

      Output Fields

      • Result : rows that are search for.
    • Update Cell

      Updates a value within a row on Excel Online.


      Choose a workbook and worksheet in order to update a cell.

      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.

      Input Fields

      • Cell
        • Cell Reference (text): In format like “ A1”, for the first cell on the spreadsheet.
        • Value (text): the new value.
        • Formula (text): Add an excel formula. e.g.: =SUM(A2:A10), = CONCAT(A1;B5),=MAX (number1, [number2], …) etc
        • Format (text): Number format. Excel Online uses special inner format. It can be read via Get Cell Value Format output Short list of formats: Number - 0 Currency - $#,##0 Date - m/d/yyyy Percentage - 0.00% Fraction - # ?/? Scientific - 0.00E+00 Text - @ Accounting - _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)

      Output Fields

      • Response
        • Status Code (number)
    • Update Row

      Updates a row in an Excel Online Worksheet.

      Input Fields

      • Row
        • Row Number (number): the row number.
      • Values
        • Columns (A, B, C…) (text): the values to be inputted at the column location in the row.

      Output Fields

      • Response
        • Status Code (number)
    • Update Table Row

      Updates a row in the sheet including values for the row.


      • Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
      • Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
      • Table (dropdown): a list of tables available in the selected worksheet. Table in Excel is a formatted series of worksheets rows and column which have additional function.

      Input Fields

      • Row

        • Row Number (number) : number of the row you want to read; this is the number displayed in Excel to the left of the first column.
      • Values : Dynamically generated list of each column of the row that was read from the table.