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The first time that you add a Box card to a Flow, you will be prompted to configure the connection. This will enable you to connect your Box account, save your account information, and reuse the connection for future Box Flows.

  1. Enter a Connection Nickname. This is useful if you plan to create multiple Box connections to share with your team.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Log in to your Box account to authorize the connection.
  4. In Box, click Grant Access. This saves your connection and returns you to your Flow.


    • File Created

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a file is uploaded to Box or any of its root folders.

      All field types are text.

      Output Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID: unique identifier of the event
        • Event Type: type of event that created this file (for example, FILE_UPLOAD)
      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file that was created
        • File Name: name of the file
        • File Description: description of the file
        • Version ID: version ID of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • SHA1 Hash: optional SHA-1 hash to prevent corruption of file in transit
        • Size: size of the file
        • Path: path to the file (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created: timestamp when the file was created in Box
        • Time Content Created: timestamp when the file was originally created
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the file’s parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the file’s parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the item (active, trashed, or deleted)
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow
    • File Created in Folder

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a file is uploaded to a specified folder or subfolder in Box.

      All field types are text.

      Option Fields

      • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder

      Output Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID: unique identifier of the event
        • Event Type: type of event that created this file (for example, FILE_UPLOAD)
      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file that was created
        • File Name: name of the file
        • File Description: description of the file
        • Version ID: version ID of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • SHA1 Hash: optional SHA-1 hash to prevent corruption of file in transit
        • Size: size of the file
        • Path: path to the file (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created: time that the file was created in Box
        • Time Content Created: time that the file was originally created
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the file’s parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the file’s parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the item (active, trashed, or deleted)
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow
    • File Updated

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a file in a Box folder is updated.

      All field types are text.


      • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder (for the root folder, enter in 0)

      Output Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID: unique identifier of the event
        • Event Type: type of event that created this file (for example, FILE_UPLOAD)
      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file that was created
        • File Name: name of the file
        • File Description: description of the file
        • Version ID: version ID of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • SHA1 Hash: optional SHA-1 hash to prevent corruption of file in transit
        • Size: size of the file
        • Path: path to the file (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created: time that the file was created in Box
        • Time Content Created: time that the file was originally created
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the file’s parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the file’s parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the item (active, trashed, or deleted)
      • Share Link
        • Share URL: URL to view the file
        • Download URL: URL to download the file
        • Vanity URL: customizable URL (for example, “go.site.com/winterpromo”)
        • Password Enabled: indicator of password
        • Time Unshared: timestamp when the link was unshared
        • Download Count: number of times the link was downloaded
        • Access Level: accessibility of the share link (for example, Edit or View)
        • Can Download: indicator of downloadable content
        • Can Preview: indicator of viewable content
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow
    • Folder Created

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a file is uploaded to Box or any of its root folders.

      Unless otherwise indicated, all field types are text.

      Output Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID: unique identifier of the event
        • Event Type: type of event that created this file (for example, FILE_UPLOAD)
      • Folder
        • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder
        • Name: name of the folder
        • Description: description of the folder
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • Size: size of the folder
        • Path (list of text): path to the folder (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created: timestamp when the folder was created
        • Time Content Created: timestamp when the file in the folder was created
        • Folder Upload Email: email address that can receive files for upload to this folder
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the folder (active, trashed, or deleted)
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the folder
        • User ID: ID of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Modified By
        • Name: name of the user who most recently modified the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow
    • Folder Updated

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a file is uploaded to Box or any of its root folders.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.

      Output Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID: unique identifier of the event
        • Event Type: type of event that created this file (for example, FILE_UPLOAD)
      • Folder
        • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder
        • Name: name of the folder
        • Description: description of the folder
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • Size: size of the folder
        • Path (list of text): path to the folder (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created: timestamp when the folder was created
        • Time Modified: timestamp when the folder was last modified
        • Time Trashed: timestamp when the folder was last trashed
        • Time Purged: timestamp when the folder was deleted permanently
        • Time Content Created: timestamp when the file in the folder was originally created
        • Time Content Modified: timestamp when the content of the folder was modified
        • Folder Upload Email: email address that can receive files for upload to this folder
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the folder (active, trashed, or deleted)
      • Share Link
        • Share URL: URL to view the folder
        • Download URL: URL to download the folder
        • Vanity URL: customizable URL
        • Password Enabled: indicator of password
        • Time Unshared: timestamp when the folder was unshared
        • Download Count: number of times the folder was downloaded
        • Access Level: accessibility of the share link (for example, Edit or View)
        • Can Download: indicator of downloadable content
        • Can Preview: indicator of viewable content
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the folder
        • User ID: ID of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Modified By
        • Name: name of the user who most recently modified the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow
    • New Comment

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a new comment is created in Box.

      All field types are text.

      Output Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID: unique identifier of the event
        • Event Type: type of event that created this file (for example, FILE_UPLOAD)
      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file where the comment was created
      • Comment
        • Comment ID: unique identifier of the comment
        • Message: content of the message
        • Reply Comment: reply to the comment
        • Time Created: timestamp when the comment was created
        • Time Modified: timestamp when the comment was last modified
      • Created by
        • Name: name of the user who created the comment
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
    • New Task

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a new task is created in Box.

      All field types are text.

      Output Field

      • Task
        • Task ID: unique identifier of the task
        • Task Description: description of the task
        • Action: action of the task
        • Due Date: date that the task must be completed
        • Time Created: timestamp when the task was created
      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the associated file
        • File Name: name of the file
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the task
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Assigned to
        • Name: name of the user who is assigned the task
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow
    • New Task Assignment

      Use this event to trigger a Flow when a new task is assigned in Box.

      All field types are text.

      Output Field

      • Task
        • Task Assignment ID: unique identifier of the task assignment
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file that was created
        • File Name: name of the file
        • Message: message attached to the task assignment
        • Time Assigned: timestamp when the task was assigned
        • Time Created: timestamp when the task assignment was created
        • Resolution State: status of the resolved assignment (completed, incomplete, approved, or rejected)
      • Assigned to
        • Name: name of the user who is assigned the task
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Assigned By
        • Name: name of the user who assigned the task
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Context
        • Execution ID: unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow


    • Add Comment to File

      Add a comment to any of the files in Box using the File ID.

      All field types are text.

      Input Fields

      • Comment
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file to comment on 
        • Message: text of the comment (if message contains a tag, leave this blank)
        • Tagged Message: text of the comment if it includes a tagged user @userid:Username

      Output Fields

      • Comment
        • Comment ID: unique identifier of the new comment
        • Time Created: timestamp that the comment was created (for example, 2012-12-12T11:25:01-08:00)
    • Add Task to File

      Attach a task with a due date to a file.

      All field types are text.


      • Task
        • File ID: unique identifier of the associated file
        • Message: message about the task
        • Due Date: date when the task must be completed


      • Task
        • Task ID: unique identifier of the task
        • Time Created: timestamp when the task was created
    • Assign Task

      Assign a task to a user.

      All field types are text.


      • Task Assignment
        • Task ID: unique identifier of the task (drag this from the Create Task card)
        • Assign to ID: unique identifier of the user assigned the task
        • Assign to Email: email address of the user


      • Task Assignment
        • Task Assignment ID: unique identifier of task assignment
        • Time Assigned: timestamp when the task was assigned
    • Copy Folder

      Copy a folder and its contents using the folder ID.

      All field types are text.


      • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder to be copied
      • Destination Folder ID: unique identifier of the destination folder
      • New Name: name of the destination folder


      • Folder ID: unique identifier of the new destination folder
      • Path: path of the new destination folder
    • Create Folder

      Create a new folder in Box.

      All field types are text.


      • Folder Name: name of the new folder
      • Parent ID: unique identifier of the parent folder


      • Folder ID: unique identifier of the new folder
    • Create Share Link

      Create a share link for an item.

      All field types are text.


      • Item
        • ID: unique identifier of the source file or folder
      • Share Link
        • Access: accessibility of the file (options are open, company, or collaborators)
        • Date Unshared: expiration date
        • Password: password for the link
        • Can Download: indicator of downloadable content
        • Can Preview: indicator of viewable content


      • Share Link
        • Share URL: URL to view the file
        • Download URL: URL to download the file
    • Custom API Action

      Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Box 2.0 API.

      NOTE: This action is unlike other Box cards; refer to Box Developer documentation.


      • Request Type (drop-down): one of five supported HTTP request methods (sometimes called verbs) in custom API calls:
        • GET retrieves data from a web server based on your parameters. GET requests a representation of the specified resource. If successful, GET will receive a 200 OK response message with the requested content. Refer to additional documentation here.
        • POST sends data to a web server based on your parameters. POST requests include actions like uploading a file. Multiple POSTs may result in a different outcome than a single POST, so you should be cautious about unintentionally sending multiple POSTs. If a POST is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Refer to additional documentation here.
        • PUT sends data to a location in the web server based on your parameters. PUT requests include actions like uploading a file. The difference between a PUT and POST is that PUT is idempotent, meaning that the result of a single successful PUT is the same as many identical PUT’s. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 201 or 204). Refer to additional documentation here.
        • PATCH applies partial modifications to a resource on a web server based on your parameters. PATCH is not idempotent, meaning that multiple PATCHs could have unintended consequences. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 204). Refer to additional documentation here.
        • DELETE deletes the specified resource from the web server based on your parameters (if the resource exists). If a DELETE is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Refer to additional documentation here.

      Input Data

      • Relative URL (text): address on the web server you are attempting to interact with. Relative URL means that you don’t have to explicitly specify the protocol at the beginning of the URL (such as “http://“). This suggests to the web server that the interaction is occurring on the server (in this instance).

        Example: /user/me
      • Query (object or text): JSON object that determines the action taken at the URL

        Example: {"name":"something-urgent"}
      • Headers (object): JSON object that determines the content type of the request. This will usually be a replica of the example below.

        Example: {"Content-type":"application/json"}

      Output Data

      • Status Code (Number): success or failure of your HTTP request. Here is a list of all status codes.
      • Headers (object): detailed context for the status code, unrelated to the output body. Response headers are dependent on your selected HTTP request option. Note that not all headers are response headers.
      • Body (object): data returned from your selected HTTP request (for example, the data from a GET request)
    • Delete File

      Delete a file from Box using its File ID.

      Field type is text.


      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file
    • Delete Folder

      Delete a folder from Box using its Folder ID.

      Field type is text.


      • Folder
        • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder
    • Download File

      Download the contents of a file using the file ID.

      All field types are text.


      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file to download


      • File
        • File Content: downloaded file content in the file system
    • Read All Files In Folder

      Return a list of the File ID and File Name pairs in a folder.


      • Folder ID (text): unique identifier of the folder that contains the File ID and Name pairs (for the root folder, enter 0)

      Output Fields

      • Result
        • Files (list)
          • File ID (text): unique identifier of the file
          • File Name (text): name of the file
    • Read File Info

      Retrieve information about a file to use in other cards. Note that this only works when the file was uploaded with a file extention. Information cannot be returned for files without extensions.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.


      • File
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file


      • File
        • File Name: name of the file
        • File Extension: type of file, without . (for example, png or jpg)
        • File Description (text): description of the file
        • Version ID: version ID of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • Size: size of the file in bytes (use caution when parsing this integer to prevent EE notation: IEEE754 format)
        • Path: path that designates the key, in the format of a JSON-Pointer (see Note)
        • Time Created: timestamp when the file was created
        • Time Modified: timestamp when the file was modified
        • Time Trashed: timestamp when the file was trashed
        • Time Purged: timestamp when the file was purged
        • Time Created: timestamp when the file was created in Box
        • Time Content Created: timestamp when the file content was created
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the file’s parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the file’s parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the item (active, trashed, or deleted)
        • Tags (list of text): list of the tags on this folder
      • Share Link
        • Share URL: URL to view the file
        • Download URL: URL to download the file
        • Vanity URL: customizable URL (for example, “go.site.com/winterpromo”)
        • Password Enabled: indicator of password
        • Time Unshared: timestamp when the link was unshared
        • Download Count: number of times the link was downloaded
        • Access Level: accessibility of the share link (for example, Edit or View)
        • Can Download: indicator of downloadable content
        • Can Preview: indicator of viewable content
        • Allowed Link Access Level: amount of access available for the link
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Modified by
        • Name: name of the user who modified the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the file
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner

      Note: Because all keys are located at the root of the metadata instance, the key must be prefixed with a /. Special characters ~ and / in the key must be escaped according to the JSON-Pointer specification. The value at the path must exist for the operation to be successful.

    • Read Folder Info

      Retrieve information about a file to use in other cards.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.

      Input Fields

      • Folder
        • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder

      Output Fields

      • Folder
        • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder
        • Name: name of the folder
        • Description: description of the folder
        • Version Tag: version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID: unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • Size: size of the folder
        • Path (list of text): path to the folder (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created: timestamp when the folder was created
        • Time Modified: timestamp when the folder was modified
        • Time Trashed: timestamp wghen the folder was trashed
        • Time Purged: timestamp when the folder was purged
        • Time Content Created: timestamp when the file in the folder was created
        • Time Content Modified: timestamp when the content in the folder was last modified
        • Folder Upload Email: email address that can receive files for upload to this folder
        • Parent Folder Name: name of the parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the parent folder
        • Item Status: status of the folder (active, trashed, or deleted)
        • Sync State: the synchronization state of this folder
        • Tags (List): tags on this folder
      • Share Link
        • Share URL: URL to view the folder
        • Download URL: URL to download the folder
        • Vanity URL: customizable URL
        • Password Enabled: indicator of password
        • Time Unshared: timestamp when the folder was unshared
        • Download Count: number of times the folder was downloaded
        • Access Level: accessibility of the share link (for example, Edit or View)
        • Can Download: indicator of downloadable content
        • Can Preview: indicator of viewable content
      • Permissions
        • Can Non-Owners Invite: indicator if non-owners can send invitations to this folder
        • Is Externally Owned: indicator if the folder is externally owned
        • Allowed Link Access Levels (list): user levels that can share link access
        • Allowed Invitee Roles (list): roles that can invite
        • Has Collaborations: indicator if the folder allows collaboration
      • Created By
        • Name: name of the user who created the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Modified By
        • Name: name of the user who most recently modified the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the user
        • Email: email address of the user
      • Owned By
        • Name: name of the user who owns the folder
        • User ID: unique identifier of the owner
        • Email: email address of the owner
    • Search Folders

      Search folders in Box by using filters.

      Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk on the Action Card.


      • Result Set (drop-down list): filter results by
        • First matching record: return the first folder to match the search parameters
        • All matching records: return all folders that match the search parameters


      Search By * Name (text): name of the folder * Start Date (text): start date of a created at range (End Date must be used in conjunction) * End Date (text): end date of a created at range (Start Date must be used in conjunction) * User ID (text): name of the user who created the folder * Parent ID (text): unique identifier of the parent folder



      • Folders
        • Name (text): name of the folder
        • Description (text): description of the folder
        • Version Tag (text): version tag of the file (tracked for Box users with premium accounts only)
        • Sequence ID (text): unique identifier for use with events endpoint
        • Size (text): size of the folder
        • Path (text): path to the folder (for example, /pictures/2016/4/…)
        • Time Created (text): timestamp when the folder was created in Box
        • Time Modified (text): timestamp when the folder was modified in Box
        • Time Trashed (text): timestamp when the folder was trashed in Box
        • Time Purged (text): timestamp when the folder was purged in Box
        • Time Content Created (text): timestamp when the folder was originally created
        • Folder Upload Email (text): email from which the folder was uploaded
        • Parent Folder Name (text): name of the folder’s parent folder
        • Parent Folder ID (text): unique identifier of the folder’s parent folder
        • Item Status (text): status of the item (active, trashed, or deleted)
        • Sync State (text): the synchronization state of this folder
        • Tags (list): tags on this folder
        • Share Link
        • Share URL (text): URL to view the folder
        • Download URL (text): URL to download the folder
        • Vanity URL (text): customizable URL
        • Password Enabled (true/false): indicator of password
        • Time Unshared (text): timestamp when the folder was unshared
        • Download Count (number): number of times the folder was downloaded
        • Preview Count (number): number of times the folder was previewed
        • Access Level (text): accessibility of the share link (for example, Edit or View)
        • Can Download (true/false): indicator of downloadable content
        • Can Preview (true/false): indicator of viewable content
        • Permissions
          • Can Non-Owners Invite (true/false): indicator if non-owners can send invitations to this folder
          • Is Externally Owned (true/false): indicator if the folder is externally owned
          • Allowed Link Access Levels (list): user levels that can share link access
          • Allowed Invitee Roles (list): roles that can invite
          • Has Collaborations (true/false): indicator if the folder allows collaboration
        • Created By
          • Name (text): name of the user who created the folder
          • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
          • Email (text): email address of the user
        • Modified By
          • Name (text): name of the user who most recently modified the folder
          • User ID(text): unique identifier of the user
          • Email (text): email address of the user
        • Owned By
          • Name (text): name of the user who owns the folder
          • User ID (text): unique identifier of the owner
          • Email (text): email address of the owner
    • Update File Info

      Update information about a file in Box.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.


      • Updated By
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file
      • File
        • Name: name of the file
        • Description: description of the file
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the parent folder
        • Tags (list of text): tags on this folder
    • Update Folder Info

      Updates the information about a folder in Box.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.


      • Update By
        • Folder ID: unique identifier of the folder
      • Folder
        • Name: name of the folder
        • Description : description of the folder
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the parent folder
        • Sync State: synchronization state of the folder (synced, not_synced, or partially_synced)
        • Tags (list of text): tags on the folder
    • Update Task

      Update information about a task in Box.

      Field types are text.


      • Task
        • File ID: unique identifier of the file associated with the task
        • Message: message about the task
        • Due Date: date that the task must be completed
    • Update Task Assignment

      Update the assignment of a task.

      Field types are text.


      • Task Assignment
        • Task Assignment ID: unique identifier of the task
        • Message: message about the updated task
        • Resolution Status: status of the task
    • Upload File

      Upload a file into Box.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.

      Input Fields

      • File
        • Name: name of the file
        • Parent Folder ID: unique identifier of the target folder
        • File Content (file): contents of the file

      Output Field

      • File ID: unique identifier of the file
    • Add User to Group

      Add a user to a group in Box.

      Required fields are indicated in red.


      Group Role: Choose from member and admin.



      • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.


      • User ID (text): Unique identifier of the user.
      • Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts.
      • Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts.
      • Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly.
      • Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.



      • Membership Object
        • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.
        • Type (text): Type of the group membership.
        • Role (text): Role of the user in the group.
        • Created At (text): When the group membership was created.
        • Modified At (text): When the group membership was modified.
      • Configurable Permissions
        • Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts.
        • Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts.
        • Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly.
        • Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.
      • Group
        • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.
        • Name (text): The name of the group.
        • Type (text): The value is always group.
        • Group Type (text): Type of the group.
      • User
        • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
        • Name (text): full name of the user
        • Login (text): email address of the user
        • Type (text): The value is always user.
    • Create New User

      Create a new user in your Box Account. You must a Box Administrator to perform this action.

      Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk on the Action Card.


      New User Details

      • Login (text): user’s email address (must be unique in your Box organization)
      • Name (text): user’s full name
      • Role (drop-down): user’s role (co-admin or user)
      • Job Title (text): user’s job title
      • Address (text): user’s mailing address
      • Phone Number (text): user’s phone number
      • Language (text): user’s preffered language
      • Status (text): status of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
      • Timezone (text): timezone of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
      • Allotted Space (GBs) (number): amount of space (in gigabytes) allotted to the user
      • Can See Managed Users (true/false): If true, the user can see managed users
      • Is Exempt From Device Limits (true/false): If true, the user is exempt from device limits
      • Is Exempt From Login Verification (true/false): If true, the user is exempt from login verification
      • Is External Collab Restrictied (true/false): If true, external collaboration is restricted
      • Is Sync Enabled (true/false): If true, the sync is enabled



      • User ID (text): unique identifier of the new user
      • Type (text): type of the user
      • Name (text): user’s full name
      • Login (text): user’s email address
      • Created At (text): timestamp when the user was created
      • Modified At (text): timestamp when the user was modified
      • Language (text): user’s preferred language
      • Timezone (text): timezone of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
      • Space Allotted (number): amount of space (in gigabytes) allotted to the user
      • Space Used (number): amount of space (in gigabytes) allotted to the user
      • Max Upload Size (number): maximum size (in gigabytes) of user uploads
      • Status (text): status of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
      • Job Title (text): user’s job title
      • Phone (text): user’s phone number
      • Address (text): user’s mailing address
      • Avatar URL (text): URL of the user’s Avatar image
      • Role (text): user’s role
      • Can See Managed Users (true/false): if true, the user can see managed users
      • Is Sync Enabled (true/false): if true, the sync is enabled
      • Is External Collab Restrictied (true/false): if true, external collaboration is restricted
      • Is Exempt From Device Limits (true/false): if true, the user is exempt from device limits
      • Is Exempt From Login Verification (true/false): if true, the user is exempt from login verification
      • Is Password Reset Required (true/false): if true, the user is required to reset their password
      • Enterprise
        • ID (text): unique idenfier of the user’s enterprise
        • Type (text): type of the user’s enterprise
        • Name (text): name of the user’s enterprise
      • My Tags (dropdown): list of tags for all files and folders owned by the user
      • Hostname (text): the root of any links that need to be generated for the user
      • Notification Email
        • Email (text): the email address to which notifications will be sent
        • Is Confirmed (true/false): if true, the email address is confirmed
    • Create Personal Box Folder

      Create a new personal folder for a user in Box. You must be a Box Admin to create a personal folder, and as a Box Admin, you are the true owner of the folder. You can assign the user co-owner or editor permissions.


      • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
      • Owner of Box Folder (drop-down): indicator if user is co-owner or editor of the folder
      • Personal Folder Name (text): name of the folder (use a Compose function to create a dynamic and unique name)
      • Sync Personal Folder to Desktop (drop-down): indicator to sync folder to user’s desktop upon installation


      • Personal Box Folder ID (number): unique identifier of the created folder
      • Folder Name (text): name of the created folder
      • Personal Folder Owner (text): selection from Personal Folder Owner above
    • Deactivate User

      Deactivate a user in Box. Deactivated users are not deleted; they retain their folder ownership but are unable to access them until they are reactivated. You must be a Box Admin to deactivate users.

      Field types are text.


      • User ID: unique identifier of the user


      • User Status: status of the user after deactivation (inactive)
    • Delete User

      Delete a user in Box. You must be a Box Admin to delete a user. Deleted users lose all of their folders and permissions; consider transferring ownership of folders to another user before deletion.

      Field types are text.


      • File Transfer Destination (drop-down):
        • Transfer user’s files to another user
        • Delete user’s files (cannot be undone)


      • User ID: unique identifier of the user to delete
      • Transfer To User ID (dependent on option selection): unique identifier of the user to receive transferred files


      • Deletion Status Code: status code of the deletion request (204 means the request was successful)
    • Get User

      Retrieve user information by User ID. You must be a Box Admin to perform this action.

      All field types are text.


      • User ID: unique identifier of the user


      • ID: unique identifier of the user
      • Login: email address of the user
      • Name: user’s full name
      • Space Allotted: amount of space (in gigabytes) allotted to the user
      • Space Used: amount of space used (in bytes) by the user
      • Role (drop-down): user’s role (for example, user or co-admin)
      • Max Upload Size: maximum size (in bytes) of user uploads
      • Job Title: user’s job title
      • Status: status of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
    • Get User's Group Membership

      Retrieve a user’s group membership in Box using their membership ID.

      Required fields are indicated in red.


      Group Membership ID

      • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.



      • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.
      • Type (text): Type of the group membership.
      • Role (text): Role of the user in the group.
      • Configurable Permissions
        • Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts.
        • Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts.
        • Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly.
        • Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.
      • Created At (text): When the group membership was created.
      • Modified At (text): When the group membership was modified.
      • Group
        • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.
        • Name (text): The name of the group.
        • Type (text): The value is always group.
        • Group Type (text): Type of the group.
      • User
        • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
        • Name (text): full name of the user
        • Login (text): email address of the user
        • Type (text): The value is always user.
    • List Group's Members

      List a Box group’s members.

      Required fields are indicated in red.



      • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.



      • Users (list)
        • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
        • Name (text): full name of the user
        • Login (text): email address of the user
        • Type (text): The value is always user.
        • Membership Object
        • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.
        • Type (text): Type of the group membership.
        • Role (text): Role of the user in the group.
        • Created At (text): When the group membership was created.
        • Modified At (text): When the group membership was modified.
        • Group
        • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.
        • Name (text): The name of the group.
        • Type (text): The value is always group.
        • Group Type (text): Type of the group.
    • List User's Groups

      Retrieve a user’s groups in Box using their user ID.

      Required fields are indicated in red.



      • User ID (text): Unique identifier of the user.



      • Groups (list)
        • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.
        • Name (text): The name of the group.
        • Type (text): The value is always group.
        • Group Type (text): Type of the group.
        • Membership Object
        • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.
        • Type (text): Type of the group membership.
        • Role (text): Role of the user in the group.
        • Created At (text): When the group membership was created.
        • Modified At (text): When the group membership was modified.
        • User
        • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
        • Name (text): full name of the user
        • Login (text): email address of the user
        • Type (text): The value is always user.
    • Reactivate User

      Reactivate an inactive user. When returned to active status, the user regains access to their files and folders. You must be a Box Admin to perform this action.

      Field types are text.


      • User ID: unique identifier of the user


      • User Status: status of the user after reactivation (active)
    • Remove User from Group

      Delete a user’s group membership in Box using their membership ID.

      Required fields are indicated in red.


      Group Membership ID

      • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.



      • Status Code (Number): success or failure of your HTTP request. Here is a list of all status codes.
    • Search for User

      Search for a user by name or email. You must be a Box Admin to perform this action.

      All field types are text.


      • Search By (drop-down):

        • Name: search by user’s name
        • Email: search by user’s email (Box login)
      • Result Set (drop-down):

        • First Matching User: return the first user to match the search parameters
        • All Matching Users: return all users that match the search parameters


      • ID: unique identifier of the user
      • Login: email address of the user
      • Name: full name of the user
      • Space Allotted: amount of space (in gigabytes) allotted to the user
      • Space Used: amount of space (in bytes) used by the user
      • Role (drop-down): role of the user (user or co-admin)
      • Max Upload Size: maximum size (in gigabytes) of user uploads
      • Job Title: job title of the user
      • Status: status of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
    • Transfer User Folders

      Transfer files and folders from one user to another. The transferred content is collected in a new folder, with the title of the original user’s login. You must be a Box Admin to perform this action.

      Field types are text.


      • Transfer From User ID: unique identifier of the user whose folders will be transferred
      • Transfer To User ID: unique identifier of the user who will receive the transferred files
    • Update User

      Update a user by user ID. You must be a Box Admin to perform this action.

      All field types are text.


      • User ID: unique identifier of the user
      • Address: physical address of the user
      • Can See Managed Users: whether the user can see other enterprise users in their contact list
      • Enterprise: can be set to null to roll the user out of the enterprise and make them a free user
      • Is Exempt From Device Limits: whether to exempt the user from enterprise device limits
      • Is Exempt From Login Verification: whether the user must use two-factor authentication
      • Is External Collab Restricted:  whether the user is allowed to collaborate with users outside their enterprise
      • Is Password Reset Required: whether the user is required to reset their password
      • Is Sync Enabled: whether the user can use Box Sync
      • Job Title: job title of the user
      • Language: the language of the user, formatted in modified version of the ISO 639-1 format
      • Login: email address of the user
      • Name: full name of the user
      • Notification Email: alternate notification email address to which notifications are sent. When it’s confirmed, this will be the email address to which notifications are sent instead of the primary email address. Set to null to remove notification email.
      • Notify: whether the user should receive an email when they are rolled out of an enterprise
      • Phone: phone number of the user
      • Role (drop-down): role of the user (user or co-admin
      • Space Amount (in Bytes): amount of space (in bytes) allotted to the user
      • Status: status of the user (for example, Active or Inactive)
      • Timezone: timezone of the user
      • Tracking Codes: tracking codes allow an admin to generate reports from the admin console and assign an attribute to a specific group of users.
    • Update User's Group Membership

      Update a user’s group membership in Box using their membership ID.

      Required fields are indicated in red.


      Group Role: Choose from member and admin.


      The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your selection in Options.

      Group Membership ID * Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership. * Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts. * Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts. * Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly. * Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.



      • Membership Object
        • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.
        • Type (text): Type of the group membership.
        • Role (text): Role of the user in the group.
        • Created At (text): When the group membership was created.
        • Modified At (text): When the group membership was modified.
      • Configurable Permissions
        • Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts.
        • Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts.
        • Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly.
        • Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.
      • Group
        • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.
        • Name (text): The name of the group.
        • Type (text): The value is always group.
        • Group Type (text): Type of the group.
      • User
        • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
        • Name (text): full name of the user
        • Login (text): email address of the user
        • Type (text): The value is always user.