Update a user’s group membership in Box using their membership ID.

Required fields are indicated in red.


Group Role: Choose from member and admin.


The input fields for this card are dynamically generated based on your selection in Options.

Group Membership ID * Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership. * Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts. * Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts. * Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly. * Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.



  • Membership Object
    • Group Membership ID (text): Unique identifier of the group membership.
    • Type (text): Type of the group membership.
    • Role (text): Role of the user in the group.
    • Created At (text): When the group membership was created.
    • Modified At (text): When the group membership was modified.
  • Configurable Permissions
    • Can Create Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can create accounts.
    • Can Edit Accounts (true/false): If true, the user can edit accounts.
    • Can Instant Login (true/false): If true, the user can login instantly.
    • Can Run Reports (true/false): If true, the user can run reports.
  • Group
    • Group ID (text): Unique identifier of the group.
    • Name (text): The name of the group.
    • Type (text): The value is always group.
    • Group Type (text): Type of the group.
  • User
    • User ID (text): unique identifier of the user
    • Name (text): full name of the user
    • Login (text): email address of the user
    • Type (text): The value is always user.