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The first time you add a Podio card to a Flow, you will need to create a configuration. This will allow you to connect to your account, save your account information, and reuse that configuration next time you build a Flow with the connector. That way, you don’t have to sign in every time you want to build a Flow with this Connector. Instead, use the configuration you have already set up. You can create and save multiple configurations and share them with your teammates.

Here’s how to set up a new configuration in Podio:

  1. First, enter in an Account Nickname. This should be unique so if you are connecting multiple Podio accounts you will be able to tell them apart.
  2. Then click “Create” to launch a pop-up window where you will sign into your Podio Account. This will also save your configuration.


    • Item Updated

      Triggers a Flow when an item is updated in Podio.


      • WorkspaceID (drop down menu): The workspace you wish to use.
      • Application (drop down menu): The application that will trigger the Flow when an item is updated within it.

      Output Fields

      Output fields are dynamically generated; below is an example of some of the fields you might see.

      • Event
        • Hook ID (text): The ID of the hook.
        • Item ID (text): The ID of the item.
        • Event Type (text): The type of the event app.
        • Revision ID (text): The ID of a revised version.
      • Item
        • Tags (list of text): A list of all tags on the item.
        • Reminder (text): The reminder attached to the item.
        • External ID (text): The item’s external ID.
      • Context
        • Execution ID (text): The ID for the execution.
    • New Item

      Triggers a Flow when a new item is created in Podio.


      • WorkspaceID (drop down menu): The workspace you wish to use.
      • Application (drop down menu): The application that will trigger the Flow when a new item is created within it.

      Output Fields

      Output fields are dynamically generated; below is an example of some of the fields you might see.

      • Event
        • Hook ID (text): The ID of the hook.
        • Item ID (text): The ID of the new item.
        • Event Type (text): The type of the event app.
        • Revision ID (text): The ID of a revised version.
      • Item
        • Tags (list of text): A list of all tags on the item.
        • Reminder (text): The reminder attached to the item.
        • External ID (text): The item’s external ID.
    • New Private Message

      Triggers a Flow when a new private message is sent in Podio.

      Output Fields

      • Message
        • Text (text): The text/content of the message.
        • Time Created(text): When the message was created/sent.
        • Message ID(text): The ID for the message.
      • Embedded File
        • Thumbnail Link(text): The link to get a thumbnail for an attached file.
        • Link(text): The link to download the attached file.
        • File ID(text): The ID of the file.
        • External File ID(text): The external ID of the file.
      • Embedded Media
        • HTML(text): The HTML object extracted from the link.
        • Description(text): A description of the embed.
        • URL(text): The URL to the embed.
        • Original URL(text): The url the user originally provided.
        • Resolved URL(text): The final url after redirects (e.g. if the url was shortened link).
        • Title(text): The title of the linked content/embed.
        • Type(text): The type of the embed.
    • New Task

      Triggers a Flow when a new task is created in Podio.


      • WorkspaceID (drop down menu): Choose from existing workplaces; The workplace which will trigger the Flow when a new task within it is created.

      Input Fields

      • Task
        • Task Name (text):The name of the task.
        • Description (text): A description of the task.
        • Status (text): Task status.
        • Started (T/F): If the task has been started or not.
        • Link (text): The URL to the task.
        • Labels (list of  strings): Labels on the task.
        • Files (list of text): List of file IDs that are attached to the task.
        • Created Time (text): When the task was created.
        • Due Date _(text)_: YYYY-MM-DD
        • Recurrence (text): If it repeats i.e. “weekly”, “monthly”, or “yearly”.
        • Labels _(list of strings)_: add any labels to the task
        • Reminder (minutes) (number): add a reminder
        • External ID _(text)_: ID
      • Responsible 
        • User ID (text): The ID of a specific user if they are responsible for the task.
        • Contact ID (text): The ID of the contact assigned to the task
        • Name (text): The name of the user assigned to the task.
      • Created by
        • User ID (text): The ID of the user who created the task.
        • Name (text): The name of the user who created the task.
      • Reference 
        • Type _(text)_: The type of the reference.                    More help here.
        • Title _(text)_: The title of the reference.
    • Task Updated

      Triggers a Flow when a task is updated in Podio.


      • WorkspaceID (drop down menu): Choose from existing workplaces; The workplace which will trigger the Flow when a task within it is updated.

      Input Fields

      • Event
        • Hook ID (text): The ID of the hook. 
        • Event Type (text): The type of event.
      • Task
        • Task Name (text):The name of the task.
        • Description (text): A description of the task.
        • Status (text): Task status.
        • Started (T/F): If the task has been started or not.
        • Link (text): The URL to the task.
        • Labels (list of  strings): Labels on the task.
        • Files (list of text): List of file IDs that are attached to the task.
        • Created Time (text): When the task was created.
        • Due Date _(text)_: YYYY-MM-DD
        • Recurrence (text): If it repeats i.e. “weekly”, “monthly”, or “yearly”.
        • Labels _(list of strings)_: add any labels to the task
        • Reminder (minutes) (number): add a reminder
        • External ID _(text)_: ID
      • Responsible 
        • User ID (text): The ID of a specific user if they are responsible for the task.
        • Contact ID (text): The ID of the contact assigned to the task
        • Name (text): The name of the user assigned to the task.
      • Created by
        • User ID (text): The ID of the user who created the task.
        • Name (text): The name of the user who created the task.
      • Reference 
        • Type _(text)_: The type of the reference.                    More help here.
        • Title _(text)_: The title of the reference.


    • Create Contact

      Creates a new contact on Podio.

      Input Fields

      • Fields
        • Name (text)- required 
        • Birthdate _(text) : _in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
        • Organization (text)
        • Department (text)
        • Title (text list)
        • Website (text list)
        • About (text)
        • Street Address (text)
        • City (text)
        • State (text)
        • Country (text)
        • Zip Code (text)
        • Email (text list)
        • Phone Number (textlist)
        • Skype Username (text)
        • LinkedIn Profile (text)
        • Twitter Handle (text)

      Output Fields

      • Contact
        • Contact ID (text): the unique ID for the new contact, which can be used later to locate it.
    • Create Item

      Create a new item in a certain application.


      • Workspace (dropdown): a list of workspaces available to your account
      • Applications (dropdown): a list of applications available in the selected workspace

      Input Fields

      • Fields
        • External ID (text): The external id of the item. This can be used to hold a reference to the item in an external system.
        • Tags (list of text): The tags to put on the item.
        • Application Template Fields (text): A dynamically generated list of fields included in the selected application’s template.

      Output Fields

      • Item
        • Item ID (text): The ID of the newly created item.
    • Create Task

      Creates a task in Podio.

      Input Fields

      • Fields
        • Task Name (text): Required
        • Description (text): A description of the task.
        • Due Date (text): YYYY-MM-DD
        • Due Time (text): HH:MM
        • Due On (text): YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
        • Labels _(list of strings)_: add any labels to the task
        • Reminder (minutes) (number): add a reminder
        • External ID _(text)_: ID
        • Privacy _(T/F)_: If the task is private.
      • Responsible 
        • User ID (text): The ID of a specific user if they are responsible for the task.
      • Reference 
        • Type _(text)_: The type of the reference.                    More help here.
        • Reference ID _(text)_: The reference ID.

      Output Fields

      • Task
        • Task ID _(text)_: The ID for the new task.
    • Read Contact

      Given a contact ID, provides the stored information.

      Input Fields

      • Contact
        • Contact ID _(text_): The unique ID for the contact. Can be found by using Search Contacts.

      Output Fields

      • Fields
        • Name (text)
        • Birth date (text)
        • Organization (text)
        • Department (text)
        • Title _(list of strings)_
        • Website _(list of strings)_
        • About (text)
        • Street Address (text)
        • City (text)
        • State (text)
        • Country (text)
        • Zip Code (text)
        • Email _(list of strings)_
        • Phone Number _(list of string)_
        • Skype Username (text)
        • LinkedIn Profile (text)
        • Twitter Handle (text)
    • Read Item

      Using the Item ID, this card provides all of the information regarding the item.


      • Workspace (drop down menu): The Workspace where the item is located.
      • Applications (drop down menu): The application where the item is located.

      Input Fields

      • Item ID (text): The unique identifier for the item. Can be found using Search Items.

      Output Fields

      Outputs vary depending on what information is recorded for items within the specified application.

    • Read Task

      Gets the information on a task using the task ID.

      Input Fields

      • Read By
        • Task ID (text): The unique ID for the task.

      Output Fields

      • Task
        • Task Name
        • Description
        • Status
        • Started
        • Link
        • Labels
        • Files
        • Created Time
        • Due Date
        • Recurrence
        • Reminder (Minutes)
        • External ID
      • Responsible 
        • User ID
        • Contact ID
        • Name
      • Created by
        • User ID
        • Name
      • Reference
        • Type
        • Title
    • Search Contacts

      Searches for Contacts based on input information. Note: This will return the first match found.


      • Workspace (drop down menu): the Workspace the contact will be searched for in.
      • Search by (drop down menu): Name, Title, Skill, mail, Phone Number, Skype Username.


      • Field 
        • Value (text): the input value searched with based on the ‘Search by’ selection.

      Output Fields

      • Contact ID (text): Contact ID is given if found.
    • Search Items

      Search Item

      Searches for an item based on input information. Note: This will return the first match found.


      • Workspace (drop down menu): the Workspace the item will be searched for in.
      • Applications (drop down menu): A choice from the applications in the Workspace selected.
      • Search by (drop down menu): A choice from the searchable fields within the application selected.


      • Field 
        • Value (text): the input value searched with based on the ‘Search by’ selection.

      Output Fields

      • Item ID (text): Item ID is given if found.
    • Update Contact

      Updates a Podio contact by contact ID.

      Note: The API endpoint used by this action is deprecated, and will soon be removed. See API documentation here: https://developers.podio.com/doc/contacts/update-contact-60556


      • Workspace (dropdown): A list of workspaces available to your account.

      Input Fields

      • Contact
        • Contact ID (text): The unique ID associated with the contact.
      • Fields
        • Name (text): Contact’s full name.
        • Birth date (text): Contact’s birthdate.
        • Organization (text): The organization or company the person is associated with.
        • Department (text): The department of the organization.
        • Title (list of text): The person’s title, usually the work title.
        • Website (list of text): A URL to the persons homepage or the homepage of the company.
        • About (text): Short text about the person.
        • Street Address (text): The address where the person lives or works.
        • City (text): The name of the city.
        • State (text): The name of the state, only applicable in some countries.
        • Country (text): The name of the country.
        • Zip Code (text): The zip code of the address.
        • Email (list of text): Email address.
        • Phone Number (list of text): The phone number.
        • Skype Username (text): The username for Skype.
        • LinkedIn Profile (text): The full URL of the user’s LinkedIn profile.
        • Twitter Handle (text): The name of the user’s Twitter profile.
    • Update Item

      Update an item using the Item ID.


      • Workspace (drop down menu): The Workspace where the item is located.
      • Applications (drop down menu): The application where the item is located.

      Input Fields

      • Update By
        • Item ID (text): Required. Can be found by using Search Items.
      • Fields 
        • Fields are dependent on the Application choice.
    • Update Task

      Update a task using the Task ID.

      Input Fields

      • Update By
        • Task ID (text): Required 
      • Fields 
        • Task Name (text):The name of the task.
        • Description (text): A description of the task.
        • Due Date _(text)_: YYYY-MM-DD
        • Due Time _(text)_: HH:MM
        • Due On _(text)_: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
        • Labels _(list of strings)_: add any labels to the task
        • Reminder (minutes) (number): add a reminder
        • External ID _(text)_: ID
        • Privacy _(T/F)_: If the task is private.
      • Responsible 
        • User ID (text): The ID of a specific user if they are responsible for the task.
      • Reference 
        • Type _(text)_: The type of the reference.            More help here.
        • Reference ID _(text)_: The reference ID.