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  • AssignedRecord

    Assigned Record

    Monitor Assigned Record allows you to start a Flow whenever a record is assigned in Workfront.

    You should select which record type (object) you want to monitor for. We support about 20 different record types including Programs, Projects, Documents, Tasks, Issues and Hours. While they may show up in the dropdown list of record types to select from, some record types, such as ‘Approvals’ are not supported to use for Workfront Monitors.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, or what object(s) are being assigned that you want to monitor for, select the object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system for a task that is assigned, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
      • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Output Fields

    There are two types of output fields that you will see:

    • Standard Output Fields
      • These fields are the standard fields that Workfront has for the particular object that you have selected.
    • Custom Output Fields
      • The other field type you may see is a custom field. These fields are automatically populated in alphabetical order starting at the bottom of the standard fields list. Custom fields will only show up if you have a custom form associated with the object that you have selected.
  • DetailedUpdate

    Detailed Update

    Detailed Update allows you to monitor for specific events within a specific record type. This monitor should be used when there is only a single type of update you are interested in triggering your Flow off of. A common way to use this card is when you only want a Flow to start when there are new Notes on projects (but not tasks, issues, etc.). You should think of Detailed Update as more specific than Monitor for Updated Objects or Monitor for New Objects.


    • Workfront Object: Pick which object type you want your update to be narrowed down to (e.g. Project or Task).
    • Update Type: Pick which type of update you want to trigger your Flow (e.g. Note or Assigned Work)

    Output Fields

    The output fields may seem a bit cryptic at first glance, but they relate to the specific update you are monitoring for. The most important field will be the “message” field as it contains the actual body of the update.

    • Message
      • Body of the message i.e. the actual text you would see in the update section of Workfront.
    • Top Name
      • If you selected project as your update type this would be the name of the project the update is on.
    • TopObj ID
      • If you selected task as your update type this would be the ID of that task which you could use in a “read” or “update” an object step in the Workfront connector.
  • DocumentApproved

    Document Approved

    The Document Approved event triggers a Flow to start when a document is approved in Workfront.

    Output Fields

    • Fields
      • DocumentID (text): The unique identifier of the document that has been approved in Workfront.
      • ObjectID _(text_): The unique identifier of the object that the document is associated with.
      • ObjectType (text): The type of object that the document is associated with.
    • Context
      • Execution ID (text): The unique identifier for each time the Flow is executed.
  • MonitorNew

    Monitor New

    Monitor New allows you to start a Flow whenever a new record is created in Workfront.

    You should select which record type (object) you want to monitor for. The software supports about 20 different record types including Programs, Projects, Documents, Tasks, Issues and Hours. While they may show up in the dropdown list of record types to select from, some record types, such as ‘Approvals’ are not supported to use for Workfront Monitors.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
      • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Output Fields


    There are two types of output fields:

    • Standard Output Fields
      • These fields are the standard fields that Workfront has for the particular object that you have selected.
    • Custom Output Fields
      • The other field type you may see is a custom field. These fields are automatically populated in alphabetical order starting at the bottom of the standard fields list. Custom fields will only show up if you have a custom form associated with the object that you have selected.
  • MonitorUpdated

    Monitor Updated

    Monitor Updated allows you to start a Flow whenever a record is updated in Workfront.

    You should select which record type (object) you want to monitor for. We support about 20 different record types including Programs, Projects, Documents, Tasks, Issues and Hours. While they may show up in the dropdown list of record types to select from, some record types, such as ‘Approvals’ are not supported to use for Workfront Monitors.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
      • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Output Fields


    There are two types of output fields that you will see:

    • Standard Output Fields
      • These fields are the standard fields that Workfront has for the particular object that you have selected.
    • Custom Output Fields
      • The other field type you may see is a custom field. These fields are automatically populated in alphabetical order starting at the bottom of the standard fields list. Custom fields will only show up if you have a custom form associated with the object that you have selected.
  • NewWithCustomFormData

    New With Custom Form Data - Workfront

      New With Custom Form Data is a card that starts a Flow every time a Workfront object is created which has a custom form attached to it.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Select Custom Form (dropdown list): a list of the custom forms available
      • This only displays the custom forms available to the object chosen in the first dropdown list.
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
      • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Output Fields

    • Fields
      • Dynamically Generated Fields: The outputs of this card are determined by the custom form fields in the custom form selected in Options.
    • Context
      • Execution ID (text): the unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow


  • AttachTemplate

    Attach Template

    Attaches template to selected project.

    Input Fields

    • Project
      • ID* (text): Identification number or title of project (Eg. 98107)
    • Template
      • ID* (text): Title of Template to attach to project.
    • Optional
      • Predecessor Task ID (text): Identification number or title of predecessor task.
      • Parent Task ID (text): Identification number or title of parent/upper level task.

    Output Fields

    • Project ID (text): Title/Number of selected project.
    • Template ID (text): Title of template attached to project.

    Click here for more information.

  • CreateAnObject

    Create An Object

    Create An Object allows you to create a new record in Workfront as a step in your Flow.

    Note: Different object types have different required fields, so always make sure you are at least providing the minimum number of input fields. If you want to create an issue, in addition to a name for the issue, you will need to provide a valid project ID. This can be a dynamic field referenced from another step in your Flow, or manually typed into the input field.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list):
      • Depending on which type of record you want to create, select an object that will have relevant information. If you want to create a Project, you should select Project from the dropdown list and then make sure you have access to data from previous steps to use when creating the Project.
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
      • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Input Fields

    Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

    • Standard Input Fields
      • Will generate a list of the standard fields associated with the object you have selected from the drop down list.
    • Custom Input Fields
      • Where applicable, will display any custom fields that are associated with the object you have selected from the drop down list.

    Output Fields

    Each new record will out put an ‘ID’ field. This ‘ID’ is the Workfront ID of that record and is the same as the ID you can find in the URL of any specific Workfront record.

    • New Record Output Fields
      • ID
  • Delete Record

    Delete Record

    This card will delete a record based on the record type you choose.


    • _Record Type_ (dropdown)
      • Document Folder
      • Document Version
      • Document
      • Note
      • Task
      • Timesheet
      • Job Role
      • Project
      • Team
      • Reserved Time
      • Company
      • Issue
      • Expense
      • Billing Rate
      • Template Task
      • Portfolio
      • Note Tag
      • Project User
      • Approval
      • Program
      • Milestone
      • User
      • Milestone Path
      • Step Approver
      • Assignments
      • Group
      • Journal Entry


    • _Record ID_ (text)
  • DownloadDocument

    Download Document

    Downloads a document from Workfront based on the document’s unique ID.

    Input Fields

    • Document
      • ID (text): the unique ID of the workfront document (this is found by clicking on the document in workfront and then using the ID at the end of the URL)

    Output Fields

    • Document
      • File Content (file): the content of the file just downloaded; use with file cards from other cloud apps or the file function cards
  • EnterCustomFormData

    Enter Custom Form Data

    Enter custom form data for a particular entity (Workfront object).


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Select Custom Form (dropdown list): the custom form to enter data into
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list): A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Input Fields

    • The fields listed will be whatever fields are available in the custom form selected. Fields can be checked or unchecked using the Customize Card button in the bottom right of the card.

    Output Fields

    • id (text): The id of the custom form record.
    • last_updated (text): The last time this custom form record was updated.
  • ReadRecord

    Read Record

    Read a record of any type by providing the the unique Workfront ID for the record. Outputs will vary based on the record type chosen from the options menu.


    • Record Type (dropdown)
      • Document Folder
      • Document Version
      • Document
      • Note
      • Task
      • Timesheet
      • Job Role
      • Project
      • Team
      • Reserved Time
      • Company
      • Issue
      • Expense
      • Billing Rate
      • Template Task
      • Portfolio
      • Note Tag
      • Project User
      • Approval
      • Program
      • Milestone
      • User
      • Milestone Path
      • Step Approver
      • Assignments
      • Group
      • Journal Entry


    • Record ID: the unique Workfront ID of the record you wish to read


    • Various: The outputs will vary and additional fields may be available depending on the account and record type you choose
  • ReadAnObject

    Read an object

    Read an Object allows you to select an object type from Workfront (e.g. project, task, issue, etc.) and then reference a Workfront ID to display all of the fields associated with that record ID. This is a useful action when you only have the ID and need to find out more information about that record.


    • Select an Object: Choose an object from the dropdown list that you will want to input an ID for.

    Input Fields

    Read an Object has a single input:

    • ID (Number)
      • This ID must reference a record that matches the object type you have selected.  If the ID field is blank it will cause an error.

    Output Fields

    The output of Read an object will allow you to select any associated field with the record type you are reading (standard and custom fields). If there is no value in a field at the time that this step in a Flow is running, it will return a blank value.

  • SearchForAnObject

    Search For An Object

    Search For An Object allows you to search for a record in Workfront by referencing one or more fields to search by.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps in your Flows, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other WorkFront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
      • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Input Fields

    The input fields available are based on the object you previously selected. The input fields generated will be the available search parameters.It is best practice to use unique values to search by. You can also search by custom form fields.

    Output Fields

    If there is a match between your search fields and an existing record of your selected type in Workfront all of the record’s fields will be available to output.


    • A common use case with search is to use some logic right afterwards.
      • Ex. Search for a project, and then use an If/Else function card to say- if there is a project found, update that project, if there is no project found, create a project.
  • UpdateWithCustomFormData

    Update with Custom Form Data

    An overview on what the card does. Should also be used to describe general ‘odd’ card behavior that is atypical of other cards.


    • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
      • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
    • Select Custom Form (dropdown list): the custom form to watch for updates
    • Generate Fields? (dropdown list): A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

    Output Fields


    There are two types of output fields that you will see:

    • Standard Output Fields
      • These fields are the standard fields that Workfront has for the particular object that you have selected.
    • Custom Output Fields
      • The other field type you may see is a custom field. These fields are automatically populated in alphabetical order starting at the bottom of the standard fields list. Custom fields will only show up if you have a custom form associated with the object that you have selected.
  • UpdateAnObject

    Update An Object

    The Update Object action allows you to update an existing record in Workfront as a step in your Flow by referencing an existing ID.

    Selecting an Object

    • Choose an Object that has data you care about: Depending on which type of record you want to create, select an object that will have relevant information.
      • For example, if you want to update a Project, you should select Project from the dropdown list and then make sure you have access to data from previous steps to use when updating the Project.

    Input Fields

    Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

    • Record ID
      • You will need to reference the ID of the record that you wish to update. 
    • Standard Input Fields
      • Will generate a list of the standard fields associated with the object you have selected from the drop down list. 
    • Custom Input Fields
      • Where applicable, will display any custom fields that are associated with the object you have selected from the drop down list. 

    Output Fields

    Update an Object does not output any fields.

  • UploadDocument

    Upload Document

    Upload Document allows you to create new documents and document versions on a specific project, tasks, issue, program, etc.

    How to set up:

    • Select an Object type: Choose which type of record a document will upload too in your Flow.

    Input Fields

    There are three required input fields:

    • File Content
      • The file content will be an output from a previous step where you down load a file. The output will be called “file ref”.
    • File Name 
      • This should be the name that you want to give your document. It should include the file extension at the end (e.g., .pdf, .png, .gif, etc.).
    • Object ID
      • This ID should be the specific record which you will want a document to be added to.

    Output Fields

    Once your document has been successfully updated, the step will output the new document ID.