New With Custom Form Data - Workfront

  New With Custom Form Data is a card that starts a Flow every time a Workfront object is created which has a custom form attached to it.


  • Your Workfront Objects (dropdown list): a list of your Workfront objects
    • Depending on what data you want to move to subsequent steps, select an object that will have relevant information. For example, if you want to send task data to another system, you should select the task object and then use other Workfront actions (like read an object) to get related data by referencing a record ID.
  • Select Custom Form (dropdown list): a list of the custom forms available
    • This only displays the custom forms available to the object chosen in the first dropdown list.
  • Generate Fields? (dropdown list):
    • A toggle that specifies whether or not to generate fields from the previously selected Workfront object.

Output Fields

  • Fields
    • Dynamically Generated Fields: The outputs of this card are determined by the custom form fields in the custom form selected in Options.
  • Context
    • Execution ID (text): the unique identifier associated with the execution of the Flow