Detailed Update

Detailed Update allows you to monitor for specific events within a specific record type. This monitor should be used when there is only a single type of update you are interested in triggering your Flow off of. A common way to use this card is when you only want a Flow to start when there are new Notes on projects (but not tasks, issues, etc.). You should think of Detailed Update as more specific than Monitor for Updated Objects or Monitor for New Objects.


  • Workfront Object: Pick which object type you want your update to be narrowed down to (e.g. Project or Task).
  • Update Type: Pick which type of update you want to trigger your Flow (e.g. Note or Assigned Work)

Output Fields

The output fields may seem a bit cryptic at first glance, but they relate to the specific update you are monitoring for. The most important field will be the “message” field as it contains the actual body of the update.

  • Message
    • Body of the message i.e. the actual text you would see in the update section of Workfront.
  • Top Name
    • If you selected project as your update type this would be the name of the project the update is on.
  • TopObj ID
    • If you selected task as your update type this would be the ID of that task which you could use in a “read” or “update” an object step in the Workfront connector.