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In the Designer Channels menu, select JIRA and select an Event from the menu.

In the Account tab of the new JIRA Event card, enter a nickname or easily remembered name for this configuration in the Name of your account field. Enter your JIRA Username, Password, and your JIRA Instance URL (without the https:// of the URL).

If you don’t know what your JIRA Instance URL is, log in to your JIRA account and look at its URL in the browser.

Your JIRA instance URL is the section of the URL that includes [yourdomainname].atlassian.net.

NOTE: Do not include the https:// or subfolder components of the URL.

Click Save Configuration to save the new configuration to your Flow.

NOTE: If you will be using Webhook monitors in your JIRA Flows, the user you authenticate in the Designer must have global admin permissions in JIRA.


    • MonitorIssueCreated

      Monitor Issue Created

      Monitor Issue Created allows the user to poll JIRA every 5 minutes for new issues on a project.


      • Project (dropdown): A list of your projects in JIRA
        • Generates appropriate fields for input per project. If you want a more generic selection of inputs for editing, select “All Projects”.

      Output Fields

      With the exception of the below fields, all other output fields are dynamically generated based on the option previously chosen.

      • Issue
        • self (text): Access URL for Issue within JIRA
        • _id (text)_: Issue ID
        • _key (text)_: Issue Key
    • MonitorIssueUpdated

      Monitor Issue Updated

      Monitor Issue Updated allows the user to poll JIRA every 5 minutes for updated issues on a project.


      • Project (dropdown): A list of your projects in JIRA
        • Output fields are generated based on the project selected. If you want a more generic selection of inputs for editing, select “All Projects”.

      Output Fields

      With the exception of the below fields, all other output fields are dynamically generated based on the option previously chosen.


      • self (text): Access URL for Issue within JIRA
      • id (text): Issue ID
      • key (text): Issue Key
    • WebhookIssueCreated

      Webhook Issue Created

      Webhook Issue Created triggers a Flow whenever a new issue is created in Jira.

      NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.


      • Project (dropdown): A list of your projects in JIRA
        • Generates appropriate fields for input per project. If you want a more generic selection of inputs for editing, select “All Projects”.

      Output Fields

      With the exception of the below fields, all other output fields are dynamically generated based on the option previously chosen.

      • Issue
        • self (text): Access URL for Issue within JIRA
        • _id (text)_: Issue ID
        • _key (text)_: Issue Key
    • WebhookIssueDeleted

      Webhook Issue Deleted

      NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Input Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

      • Input Field Header #1
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
      • Input Field Header #2 
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field

      Output Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the output fields, such as if they are dynamically generated as in the case of Salesforce. This section should be reserved for “hey, these output fields are weird because…”. This section can be omitted if there is nothing to note about the Output Fields.

      • Output Field Header #1
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field
      • Output Field Header #2 
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field

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    • WebhookIssueTransitioned

      Webhook Issue Transitioned

      NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      This trigger will successfully trigger when an issue status is changed. As an example when an issue moves from “To do” to “In Progress” this workflow will trigger and provide information about the issue.


      • Project (dropdown list): a list of all the JIRA projects associated with your JIRA account.

      Output Fields

      • Transition
        • Transition_ID (text): unique ID of the action associated with changing the status of the issue.
        • From (text): status that the issue transitioned from.
        • To (text): status that the issue transitioned to.
      • User 
        • Name (text): username of the user who transitioned the issue in JIRA
        • Display_Name (text): name of the user who transitioned the issue in JIRA
        • Active (true/false): whether the issue is currently active or not
        • User_ID (text): id of the user who made the change. Can also often be the same as the “Name” above
        • Email (text): email of the user who made the change
      • Issue
        • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the fields available in the selected project. Fields are assigned according to the names of the fields within the project including custom fields.

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    • WebhookIssueUpdated

      Webhook Issue Updated

      NOTE: The account you authenticated in for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Waits to receive an incoming request from JIRA containing information on updated issues. This request occurs whenever an issue is updated within Jira and will trigger the Flow immediately for any update made to the issue, including status changes and comments.


      • Project (dropdown): A list of your projects in JIRA
        • Output fields are generated based on the project selected. If you want a more generic selection of inputs for editing, select “All Projects”.

      Output Fields

      With the exception of the below fields, all other output fields are dynamically generated based on the option previously chosen.


      • self (text): Access URL for Issue within JIRA
      • id (text): Issue ID
      • key (text): Issue Key
    • WebhookNewComment

      Webhook New Comment

      NOTE: The account you authenticated in Azuqua for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Waits to receive an incoming request from JIRA containing information on new comments. This request occurs whenever a comment is added to an issue in JIRA and will trigger the Flow immediately.


      • Project (dropdown): A list of your projects in JIRA

      Output Fields

      • Issue
        • Issue ID (text): ID of the issue the comment was added to
        • Issue Key(text): Key of the issue the comment was added to
      • Comment
        • Comment ID (text): ID of the new comment
        • URL (text): weblink of the new comment
        • Body (text): body of the new comment
        • Author ID (text): ID of the author of the new comment
        • CreatedDate (text): date the comment was created

      Additionally, all data present on an issue page can be outputted.

    • WebhookNewWorkLogEntry

      Webhook New Work Log Entry

      NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Input Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

      • Input Field Header #1
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
      • Input Field Header #2 
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field

      Output Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the output fields, such as if they are dynamically generated as in the case of Salesforce. This section should be reserved for “hey, these output fields are weird because…”. This section can be omitted if there is nothing to note about the Output Fields.

      • Output Field Header #1
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field
      • Output Field Header #2 
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field

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    • WebhookProjectCreated

      Webhook Project Created

      NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Input Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

      • Input Field Header #1
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
      • Input Field Header #2 
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field
        • actual input field: description of input field

      Output Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the output fields, such as if they are dynamically generated as in the case of Salesforce. This section should be reserved for “hey, these output fields are weird because…”. This section can be omitted if there is nothing to note about the Output Fields.

      • Output Field Header #1
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field
      • Output Field Header #2 
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field

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    • WebhookProjectUpdated

      Webhook Project Updated

      NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Triggers immediately when a project is updated in JIRA. NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

      Input Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

      • Input Field Header #1
        • actual input field: description of the input field
        • actual input field: description of the input field
        • actual input field: description of the input field
      • Input Field Header #2 
        • actual input field: description of the input field
        • actual input field: description of the input field
        • actual input field: description of the input field

      Output Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the output fields, such as if they are dynamically generated as in the case of Salesforce. This section should be reserved for “hey, these output fields are weird because…”. This section can be omitted if there is nothing to note about the Output Fields.

      • Output Field Header #1
        • actual output field: one sentence description of the field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of the field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of the field
      • Output Field Header #2 
        • actual output field: one sentence description of the field
        • actual output field: one sentence description of the field
        • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of the field

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    • CreateComment

      Create Comment

      Use this card to create a comment on an issue inside of JIRA. Using this card in addition to adding the text of the comment you are able to set the security level of the comment if needed.

      Input Fields

      • Issue

        • ID (text): This is the unique ID of the JIRA issue you want to add the comment to.
      • Comment

        • Body (text): The text of the comment you wish to add to the specific JIRA issue
        • Visibility_Type (text): The type of visibility you wish this comment to be visible at (example: role, project, etc. )
        • Visibility_Level (text): The level of visibility you wish to specify based on the type. (Example: if you selected role for visibility type you could use administrator)
    • CreateIssue

      Create Issue

      Create an issue of any type within any project in Jira.


      • Project (dropdown):The project that you would like to add the issue to. The dropdown is automatically generated from the list of projects that are attached to your JIRA account.
      • Issue Type (dropdown): The type of issue you would like to create.

      Input Fields

      The input fields on this card are dynamically generated depending on the issue type you chose in the options section of the card and which custom fields you have set up in your account. NOTE: If you have a custom field that is a checkbox, you can check the box when you create an issue by typing the checkbox option into the field, exactly matching case and spelling. Possible inputs include:


      • Summary (text): the short description of the issue, seen as a title within the UI.
      • Issue Type (text): the type of issue you want to create. Options include: Improvement, Task, Sub Task, New Feature, Bug, or Epic.  Alternatively, you can also use numerical task IDs (10101, 10102, etc.).
      • Component/s (text): you can’t write to this field as it is a system-generated field on the issue.
      • Description (text): a longer description of the issue.
      • Project (text): the key of the project you want to create the issue within. NOTE: This must be the project’s key, not the full name of the project.  This is usually an acronym of the project name and can be found in parentheses after your project’s name on JIRA under the Projects dropdown.
      • Reporter (text): the JIRA user who is reporting the issue. This field must be formatted as the reporter’s username in JIRA. NOTE: If you don’t enter anything into this field, the reporter will be the user whose credentials are creating the issue.
      • Fix Version/s (text): you can’t write to this field as it is a system-generated field on the issue.
      • Priority (text): the priority of the new issue. Options are: lowest, low, medium, high, highest.
      • Labels (text): a comma-separated list of labels you want to tag the issue with. These labels can be new or pre-existing in your JIRA instance.
      • Environment (text): the environment within which the issue exists. NOTE: You can type anything into this field.
      • Attachment (file): a file you wish to attach to the issue.
      • Due Date (timestamp): the date on which the issue is due.
      • Linked Issues(text): a comma-separated list of issue keys associated with this new issue.
      • Assignee (text): the JIRA user who is assigned to the issue. This field must be formatted as the assignee’s username in JIRA.

      Output Fields


      • Key (text): The key of the new issue.
      • ID (text): The unique ID of the new issue.
      • URL (text): The URL that directs to the new issue.
    • CreateProject

      Create Project

      Creates a new project in JIRA.


      • Project Types (dropdown): A list of available project types

      Input Fields

      • Fields
        • Key (text): a unique key to identify your project. NOTE: This is a required field. JIRA keys are alpha numeric strings up to 10 characters long. If you do not have a key coming from a different system, you can generate your own using the functions UUID and Substring. The output of UUID will be the string input in Substring, and your end value is 6. The output of Substring is your key.
        • Name (text): the name of your new project. NOTE: This is a required field.
        • Description (text): the description of your new project. NOTE: This is a required field.
        • Lead_Name (text): the owner of this project input as their username. Ex: “Charlie”. NOTE: This is a required field. If you don’t have a specific assignee for your project, you can use the input “admin”
        • Issue_Security_Scheme (text): the ID of the security scheme for this project.
        • Permission_Scheme (text): the ID of the permissions scheme for this project
        • Notification_Scheme (text): the ID of the notification scheme for this project
        • Category_ID (text): the ID of the category of this project

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • ID (text): the unique ID of your project.
        • Key (text): the unique key to identify your project that you specified upon creation.
        • URL (url): the URL of your project in JIRA.

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    • EditIssue

      Edit Issue

      Edit Issue allows users to edit issues in JIRA.


      • Project (dropdown): A list of your projects in JIRA
      • Issue Type (dropdown): A list of your issue types for the specified project
        • This provides a criteria for generating the appropriate fields for input. If you want a more generic selection of inputs for editing, select a combination of these options including ”All Issue Types” or “All Projects”. If you choose to include an “All” option, you will have to include that Project Key or Issue Type as input.

      Input Fields

      All inputs are dynamically generated based on the option selected.

      Output Fields

      No output fields available for this card.

    • ReadIssue

      Read Issue

      Read information about a specific issue in JIRA.


      • Project (dropdown): list of your projects in JIRA; choose the project to search; select “–All Projects–” to search across all projects
      • Issue Type (dropdown): list of issues types; choose the issue type to search; select “–All Issue Types–” to search across all issue types

      Input Fields

      • fields
        • issueIdOrKey (text): the issue ID or key (e.g. ACB-63)

      Output Fields

      The output of Read Issue will allow you to select any associated field of the issue you are reading (standard and custom fields). If there is no value in a field at the time that this step in a Flow is running, it will return a blank value.

    • SearchIssues

      Search Issues

      Search for an issue based on specified information


      • Project (dropdown): list of your projects in Jira; choose the project to search; select “–All Projects” to search across all projects
      • Issue Type (dropdown): list of issues types; choose the issue type to search; select “–All Issue Types–” to search across all issue types

      Input Fields

      To search for a specific issue, enter data in the fields to use in the search query.

      • Fields
        • assignee (text): the person assigned to the issue
        • category (text): category of the issue
        • comment (text): text contained with a comment
        • created (text): timestamp of when the issue was entered into JIRA
        • creator (text): person that created the issue
        • description (text): detailed description of the issue
        • due (text): date that the issue is scheduled to be completed
        • issueKey (text): a unique identifier for the issue
        • lastViewed (text): timestamp of when the issue was last viewed
        • parent (text): parent task of an issue
        • priority (text): the priority assigned to the issue
        • project (text): the project to which the issue belongs
        • remainingEstimate (text): an estimate of the remaining time required to resolve the issue
        • reporter (text): the person that reported the issue
        • resolution (text): a record of the issue’s resolution
        • resolved (text): timestamp of when the issue was resolved
        • sprint (text): sprint that an issue is assigned to
        • status (text): the status of the issue
        • summary (text): brief summary of the issue
        • text (text): text contained in any text field (e.g. summary, description, etc.)
        • timeSpent (text): total amount of the time spent on the issue
        • type (text): type of the issue
        • updated (text): timestamp of when the issue was last updated
        • voter (text): person that has voted for the issue
        • watcher (text): person that is watching the issue

      Output Fields

      • Issue
        • Key (text): the issue key (e.g. ACB-63)
        • ID (text): the issue ID
        • URL (text): a URL to retrieve full issue data as a JSON object
    • searchUsers

      Search Users

      Find a user’s information by real name, username, or email address


      • User
        • Query (text):Enter a name, username, or email address to search with. i.e. “sarah” or “sarah@companyname.com”.


      • Output
        • User Keys (text): Key/code associated with searched user.