Webhook Issue Transitioned

NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

This trigger will successfully trigger when an issue status is changed. As an example when an issue moves from “To do” to “In Progress” this workflow will trigger and provide information about the issue.


  • Project (dropdown list): a list of all the JIRA projects associated with your JIRA account.

Output Fields

  • Transition
    • Transition_ID (text): unique ID of the action associated with changing the status of the issue.
    • From (text): status that the issue transitioned from.
    • To (text): status that the issue transitioned to.
  • User 
    • Name (text): username of the user who transitioned the issue in JIRA
    • Display_Name (text): name of the user who transitioned the issue in JIRA
    • Active (true/false): whether the issue is currently active or not
    • User_ID (text): id of the user who made the change. Can also often be the same as the “Name” above
    • Email (text): email of the user who made the change
  • Issue
    • The fields in this section are dynamically generated based on the fields available in the selected project. Fields are assigned according to the names of the fields within the project including custom fields.

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