Create Issue

Create an issue of any type within any project in Jira.


  • Project (dropdown):The project that you would like to add the issue to. The dropdown is automatically generated from the list of projects that are attached to your JIRA account.
  • Issue Type (dropdown): The type of issue you would like to create.

Input Fields

The input fields on this card are dynamically generated depending on the issue type you chose in the options section of the card and which custom fields you have set up in your account. NOTE: If you have a custom field that is a checkbox, you can check the box when you create an issue by typing the checkbox option into the field, exactly matching case and spelling. Possible inputs include:


  • Summary (text): the short description of the issue, seen as a title within the UI.
  • Issue Type (text): the type of issue you want to create. Options include: Improvement, Task, Sub Task, New Feature, Bug, or Epic.  Alternatively, you can also use numerical task IDs (10101, 10102, etc.).
  • Component/s (text): you can’t write to this field as it is a system-generated field on the issue.
  • Description (text): a longer description of the issue.
  • Project (text): the key of the project you want to create the issue within. NOTE: This must be the project’s key, not the full name of the project.  This is usually an acronym of the project name and can be found in parentheses after your project’s name on JIRA under the Projects dropdown.
  • Reporter (text): the JIRA user who is reporting the issue. This field must be formatted as the reporter’s username in JIRA. NOTE: If you don’t enter anything into this field, the reporter will be the user whose credentials are creating the issue.
  • Fix Version/s (text): you can’t write to this field as it is a system-generated field on the issue.
  • Priority (text): the priority of the new issue. Options are: lowest, low, medium, high, highest.
  • Labels (text): a comma-separated list of labels you want to tag the issue with. These labels can be new or pre-existing in your JIRA instance.
  • Environment (text): the environment within which the issue exists. NOTE: You can type anything into this field.
  • Attachment (file): a file you wish to attach to the issue.
  • Due Date (timestamp): the date on which the issue is due.
  • Linked Issues(text): a comma-separated list of issue keys associated with this new issue.
  • Assignee (text): the JIRA user who is assigned to the issue. This field must be formatted as the assignee’s username in JIRA.

Output Fields


  • Key (text): The key of the new issue.
  • ID (text): The unique ID of the new issue.
  • URL (text): The URL that directs to the new issue.