Webhook Project Created

NOTE: The account you authenticated for JIRA must have global admin permissions in JIRA in order to use this webhook event.

Input Fields

Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

  • Input Field Header #1
    • actual input field: description of input field
    • actual input field: description of input field
    • actual input field: description of input field
  • Input Field Header #2 
    • actual input field: description of input field
    • actual input field: description of input field
    • actual input field: description of input field

Output Fields

Any additional information that should be known about the output fields, such as if they are dynamically generated as in the case of Salesforce. This section should be reserved for “hey, these output fields are weird because…”. This section can be omitted if there is nothing to note about the Output Fields.

  • Output Field Header #1
    • actual output field: one sentence description of field
    • actual output field: one sentence description of field
    • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field
  • Output Field Header #2 
    • actual output field: one sentence description of field
    • actual output field: one sentence description of field
    • _actual output field:_ one sentence description of field

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