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To authorize Basecamp 3, first give the account a Nickname, and hit ‘Create’. From there, you will be redirected to a page wehre you can authorize Azuqua to access your Basecamp account, and you should hit ‘Yes, I’ll allow access’ to proceed.


    • New Comment

      This card triggers a Flow when a there is a new comment in Basecamp3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): A auto-generated list of existing basecamps. Choose which basecamp you wish to use to trigger the Flow.


      • Comment
        • Comment ID (number): The ID of the comment.
        • Status (text): The status of the comment.
        • Content(text): The content of the comment.
        • Created At(text): When the comment was created.
        • URL(text): URL of the comment.
      • Parent
        • Parent ID(number): The ID of the parent to the comment.
        • Parent Name(text): The name of the parent.
        • Parent Type(text): The type of the parent.
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID(number): The ID for the basecamp the comment is located in.
        • Basecamp Name(text): The name of the basecamp.
      • Author
        • User ID(number): The ID of the user who authored the comment.
        • Full Name(text): The full name of the author.
        • Email Address(text): The email address of the author.
        • Type(text): The type of user they are.
        • Title(text): Their title.
        • Admin?(T/F): If they are admin or not.
        • Owner?(T/F): If they are the owner or not.
        • Company ID(number): The ID of the company they belong to.
        • Company Name(text): The name of said company.
      • Context
        • Execution ID(text): The ID of the event.
    • New File Upload

      This card starts a Flow when a new file is uploaded to a certain Basecamp.

      Output Fields

      • File
        • File ID (Number): The unique ID of the file. This can be used with the “Download File” action to get the content of the file.
        • Status (text): The status of the file upload.
        • File Name (text): The name of the file in Basecamp, including the extension.
        • Description (text): The description of the file.
        • Content (text): The type of the file (e.g. “image/png”).
        • Byte Size (text): The size of the file in bytes.
        • Width (Number): The width of the file in pixels.
        • Height (Number):The height of the file in pixels.
        • Created At (text): The date the file was originally uploaded to Basecamp.
        • Updated At (text): The date the file last updated in Basecamp.
        • URL (text): The URL of the file in basecamp.
      • Parent
        • Parent ID (Number): The ID of the the item that the file was attached to in Basecamp.
        • Parent Name (text): The name of the the item that the file was attached to in Basecamp.
        • Parent Type (text): The of item that the file was attached to in Basecamp.
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID (text): The ID of the Basecamp where the file was uploaded.
        • Basecamp Name (text): The ID of the Basecamp where the file was uploaded.
      • Author
        • User ID (Number): The ID of the user who uploaded the file.
        • Full Name (text): The name of the user who uploaded the file.
        • Email Address (text): The email of the user who uploaded the file.
        • Type (text): The type of the user who uploaded the file (e.g. “User”).
        • Title (text): The title of the user who uploaded the file.
        • Admin? (Boolean): “true” if the user is an admin.
        • Owner? (Boolean): “true” if the user is the owner of the file.
        • Company ID (text): The ID of the company that the user who uploaded the file belongs to.
        • Company Name (text): The name of the company that the user who uploaded the file belongs to.
    • New Message

      This card triggers a Flow when a there is a new message in Basecamp3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): A auto-generated list of existing basecamps. Choose which basecamp you wish to use to trigger the Flow.


      • Message
        • Comment ID (number): The ID of the message.
        • Status (text): The status of the message.
        • Subject (text): The subject of the message.
        • Content (text): The content of the message.
        • Created At (text): When the message was created.
        • URL (text): URL of the message.
        • Comments Count (number): The number of comments.
      • Message Board
        • Message Board ID (number): The ID of the parent to the message.
        • Message Board Name (text): The name of the parent.
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID (number): The ID for the basecamp the message is located in.
        • Basecamp name (text): The name of the basecamp.
      • Author
        • User ID (number): The ID of the user who authored the message.
        • Full Name (text): The full name of the author.
        • Email Address (text): The email address of the author.
        • Type (text): The type of user they are.
        • Title (text): Their title.
        • Admin? (T/F): If they are admin or not.
        • Owner? (T/F): If they are the owner or not.
        • Company ID (number): The ID of the company they belong to.
        • Company Name (text): The name of said company.
      • Context
        • Execution ID (text): The ID of the event.
    • New Text Document

      This card triggers a Flow when a there is a new text document in Basecamp3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): A auto-generated list of existing basecamps. Choose which basecamp you wish to use to trigger the Flow.


      • Document
        • Document ID (number): The ID of the document.
        • Status (text): The status of the document.
        • Title (text): Title of the document.
        • Content(text): The content of the document.
        • Created At(text): When the document was created.
        • URL(text): URL of the document.
        • Comments Count (number): The number of comments on the document.
      • Folder
        • Folder ID(number): The ID of the parent to the message.
        • Folder Name(text): The name of the parent.
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID(number): The ID for the basecamp the document is located in.
        • Basecamp Name(text): The name of the basecamp.
      • Author
        • User ID(number): The ID of the user who authored the document.
        • Full Name(text): The full name of the author.
        • Email Address(text): The email address of the author.
        • Type(text): The type of user they are.
        • Title(text): Their title.
        • Admin?(T/F): If they are admin or not.
        • Owner?(T/F): If they are the owner or not.
        • Company ID(number): The ID of the company they belong to.
        • Company Name(text): The name of said company.
      • Context
        • Execution ID(text): The ID of the event.
    • New To Do

      This card triggers a Flow when a there is a new to do in Basecamp3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): A auto-generated list of existing basecamps. Choose which basecamp you wish to use to trigger the Flow.


      • To-do
        • To-do ID (number): The ID of the to do.
        • Status (text): The status of the to do.
        • Content (text): The content of the to do.
        • Description (text): A description of the to do.
        • Completed (T/F): If the to do is completed.
        • Starts On (text): When the to do starts.
        • Due On (text): When the to do should be completed.
        • Assignees (list of objects)
          • User ID (number): The ID of the assignee.
          • Full Name (text): The name of the assignee.
          • Email Address (text): The assignee’s email address.
          • Type (text): The type of user they are.
          • Title (text): Their title.
          • Admin? (T/F): If they are admin or not.
          • Owner? (T/F): If they are the owner or not.
          • Company ID (number): The ID of the company they belong to.
          • Company Name (text): The name of above company.
      • List
        • List ID (number): The ID of the list the to do is on.
        • List Name (number): The name of the list.
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID (number): The ID of the basecamp the to do is in.
        • Basecamp Name (text): The name of the basecamp the to do is in.
      • Author
        • User ID (number): The ID of the user who authored the to do.
        • Full Name (text): The author’s full name.
        • Email Address (text): The author’s email address.
        • Type (text): The type of user the author is.
        • Title (text): The author’s title.
        • Admin? (T/F): If the author is admin or not.
        • Owner? (T/F): If the author is the owner or not.
        • Company ID (number): The ID of the company the author belongs to.
        • Company Name (text): The name of the company the author belongs to.
      • Content
        • Execution ID (text): The ID for the event.


    • Complete To Do

      Completes a to do in a Basecamp 3 Project to-do list.


      • Basecamp (drop down list): Choose from existing projects.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields for this card.
    • Create Basecamp

      Creates a basecamp project in Basecamp 3.

      Input Fields

      • Basecamp
        • Name (text): The name of the new basecamp project.
        • Description (text): A description of the project.
      • Invite
        • User IDs (list of numbers): Users you wish to invite to the project; User IDs are found in the URL of the user.

      Output Fields

      • Basecamp ID (number): The ID of the basecamp
      • URL (text): The URL for the basecamp project.
      • Campfire ID(number): The ID number for the campfire associated with the project.
      • Message Board ID(number): The ID for the message board associated with the project.
      • To-dos List ID(number): The ID for the to-do lists
      • Schedule ID(number): The ID of the schedule.
      • Check-in Questionnaire ID (number)
      • Vault ID(number): The ID of the primary folder for the project.
      • Inbox ID(number): The Inbox ID. All forwards in a project are children of an Inbox.
    • Create Text Document

      Creates a text document in Basecamp 3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): Choose from existing projects.
      • Folder (drop down menu): Choose from the existing folders within the basecamp chosen.


      • Document
        • Title (text): The title of the document.
        • Content (text): The content for the document.
        • Status _(text): ‘_active’ to publish immediately.

      Output Fields

    • Create To Do

      Creates a to-do item in a Basecamp 3 to-do list.


      • Basecamp (drop down list): Choose from existing projects.

      Input Fields

      • To-do
        • List ID (number): The unique identifier for the List. Found in the URL of the to-do list. (https://3.basecamp.com/3195570/buckets/304256/todolists/**594936024**)
        • Content (text): What the to-do is for.
        • Description (text): Information about the to-do.
        • Assignee IDs (list of text): The IDs of the users who are assigned to the task.
        • Notify Assignees? (T/F): When set to true, will notify the assignees about being assigned.
        • Due On (text): The date when the to-do should be completed. ie 2017-07-13.
        • Starts On (text): Allows the to-do to run from this date until the ‘Due On’ date. ie 2017-07-08.

      Output Fields

      • To-do ID(number): The ID number for the to-do.
      • To-do URL (text): The URL of the to-do.
    • Create To Do List

      Creates a to do list in a Basecamp 3 Project.


      • Basecamp (drop down list): Choose from existing projects.

      Input Fields

      • To-do List
        • Name (text): The name of the to-do list.
        • Description (text): A description of the to-do list.

      Output Fields

      • To-do List ID (number): The ID number for the to-do list.
      • To-do List URL (text): The URL of the to-do list.
    • Download File

      Downloads a file from Basecamp 3 using a File ID.


      • Basecamp (drop down list)” Choose from existing projects.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • File
        • File Content (file): The file.
        • File Name (text): The name of the file.
        • Description (text): The description of the file.
        • Content Type (text): The type of file.
        • Byte Size (number): Size.
        • Width (number): Width.
        • Height (number): Height.
    • Find Basecamp

      Finds an existing Basecamp Project in Basecamp 3 by using a search query.


      • Find By (drop down menu): Name or Description. What you will search with.

      Input Field

      • Search
        • Query String (text): The search term- should be consistent with the ‘Find By’ selection, above.

      Output Fields

    • Post Comment

      Posts a new comment in Basecamp 3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): Automatically generated list of existing basecamps. Choose the basecamp containing the item you wish to write the comment on.

      Input Fields

      • Parent
        • Parent ID (number): The ID of the thing you wish to write a comment on.
      • Comment
        • Content (text): The content of the message you wish to comment.

      Output Field

      • Comment ID (number): The ID of the comment.
    • Post Message

      Posts a message in the message board in Basecamp 3.

      Input Fields

      • Message
        • Subject (text): The subject of the message.
        • Content (text): The content/body of the message.
        • Status (text): ‘active’ for publishing immediately.

      Output Fields

      • Message ID (number): The ID for the message.
    • Read All Basecamps

      Returns a list of information for each existing basecamp in Basecamp 3.

      Input Fields

      • There are no input fields for this card.

      Output Fields

      • Basecamps (list of objects):
        • Basecamp ID (number): The ID of the basecamp.
        • Name (text): The name of the basecamp.
        • Status (text): The status of the basecamp.
        • Description (text): A description of the basecamp.
        • Created At (text): When the basecamp was created.
        • Updated At (text): When the basecamp was most recently updated.
        • URL (text): The URL of the basecamp.
        • Campfire ID (number): The ID of the campfire associated with the basecamp.
        • Message Board ID (number): The ID of the message board associated with the basecamp.
        • To-do List ID (number): The ID of the to do list in the basecamp.
        • Schedule ID (number): The ID of the schedule in the basecamp.
        • Check-in Questionnaire ID (number): The ID of the check-in questionnaire.
        • Vault ID  (number): The vault ID.
        • Inbox ID (number): The inbox ID.
    • Read Basecamp

      Reads a Basecamp Project in Basecamp 3.

      Input Field

      Output Fields

      • Basecamp
        • Name (text): The name of the basecamp.
        • Status (text): The status of the basecamp. Active, archived, trashed.
        • Description (text): The description of the basecamp project.
        • Created At (text): The date it was created.
        • Updated At (text): The date it was last updated.
        • URL (text): The URL for the basecamp project.
        • Campfire ID (number): The ID number for the campfire associated with the project.
        • Message Board ID (number): The ID for the message board associated with the project.
        • To-dos List ID (number): The ID for the to-do lists
        • Schedule ID (number): The ID of the schedule.
        • Check-in Questionnaire ID  (number)
        • Vault ID (number): The ID of the primary folder for the project.
        • Inbox ID (number): The Inbox ID. All forwards in a project are children of an Inbox.
    • Read Text Document


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): Choose from existing projects.


      Output Fields

      • Document
        • Status (text):
        • Title (text): The title of the document.
        • Content (text): The text/ content of the document.
        • Created At (text): The date the document was created on.
        • URL (text): The URL of the document.
        • Comments Count (number):
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID (text): The ID of the basecamp the document is in.
        • Basecamp Name (text): The name of the basecamp.
      • Author
        • User ID (number): The User ID of the author.
        • Full Name (text): The author’s full name.
        • Email Address (text): The author’s email.
        • Type (text): The type of user of the author.
        • Title (text): The author’s title.
        • Admin? (T/F): If the author is an admin.
        • Owner? (T/F): if the author is the owner.
        • Company ID (number): The ID of the company the author belongs to.
        • Company Name (text): The name of the company the author belongs to.
    • Read To Do List

      Reads a to do list in a Bascamp 3 Project.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): Choose from existing projects.

      Input Field

      Output Fields

      • To-do List
        • Name (text): The name of the to-do list.
        • Description (text): Description of the to-do list.
        • Status (text): The status of the list. Like ‘archived’, ‘active’ or ‘trashed’.
        • Created At (text): When the to-do list was created.
        • Updated At (text): When the to-do list was updated.
        • URL (text): The URL of the to-do list.
        • Completed? (T/F): If the tasks are completed.
        • Completed Ratio (text): How many of the to-dos are completed. (ie if there are 5 to dos and 3 are completed, the ratio would be “35”).
      • Basecamp
        • Basecamp ID (number): The ID for the basecamp project the to-do list is in.
        • Basecamp Name (text): The name of the basecamp project.
      • Author
        • User ID (number): The User ID of the author.
        • Full Name (text): The author’s full name.
        • Email Address (text): The author’s email.
        • Type (text): The type of user of the author.
        • Title (text): The author’s title.
        • Admin? (T/F): If the author is an admin.
        • Owner? (T/F): if the author is the owner.
        • Company ID (number): The ID of the company the author belongs to.
        • Company Name (text): The name of the company the author belongs to.
    • Read User

      Reads a user in Basecamp 3.

      Input Fields

      Output Fields

      • User
        • Full Name (text): The full name of the user.
        • Email Address (text): The user’s email address.
        • Type (text): ie “User”.
        • Title (text): User’s title.
        • Admin? (T/F): If they are admin or not.
        • Owner? (T/F): If they are the owner or not.
        • Company ID (number): The ID for the company they belong to.
        • Company Name (text): The name of the company they belong to.
        • Created At (text): date/time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SS
        • Updated At (text): date/time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SS
        • Time Zone (text): The name of the timezone. ie “America/Chicago” or “Etc/UTC”.
    • Trash Basecamp

      Deletes an existing Basecamp Project in Basecamp 3.


      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields for this card.
    • Update Basecamp

      Updates a basecamp project in Basecamp 3.

      Input Fields

      • Update By
        • Basecamp ID (number): The ID of the basecamp you wish to update. Can be found by using ‘Find Basecamp’ or in the URL of the basecamp.
      • Basecamp
        • Name (text): The name of the basecamp.
        • Description (text): A description of the basecamp.
      • Invite
        • User IDs (list of numbers): The user IDs of the users you wish to share the basecamp with.
      • Uninvite
        • User IDs (list of numbers): The user IDs of the users you wish to unshare the basecamp with.

      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields for this card. 
    • Update Text Document

      Updates the content or title of a text document in Basecamp 3.


      • Basecamp (drop down menu): Choose from existing projects.


      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields for this card. 
    • Update To Do

      Updates a to-do in a Basecamp 3 to-do list.


      • Basecamp (drop down list): Choose from existing projects.

      Input Fields

      • Update By
      • To-do
        • Content (text): What the to-do is for.
        • Description (text): Information about the to-do.
        • Assignee IDs (list of text):
        • Notify Assignees? (T/F): When set to true, will notify the assignees about being assigned.
        • Due On (text): The date when the to-do should be completed. ie 2017-07-13.
        • Starts On (text): Allows the to-do to run from this date until the ‘Due On’ date. ie 2017-07-08.

      Output Fields

      • There are no output fields for this card.
    • Upload File

      Uploads a file to Basecamp 3.


      • Basecamp (drop down list): Choose from existing projects.
      • Folders (drop down list): The folders within the selected project.

      Input Fields

      • File
        • File Content (file): The file.
        • File Name (text): The name of the file.
        • Description (text): A description of the file.

      Output Fields

      • File ID (number): The ID for the file.