Encode text into a URL-encoded text for use within a URL. This function encodes all reserved characters, like space : ? / etc., for use in a URL. For more details on URL encoding, see this Wikipedia article.
For example, if you want to build a URL where the value of name comes from a previous step, then you can use this function to encode that value as follows:
If your input is: Sherlock Holmes: Detective
Then the encoded output is: Sherlock%20Holmes%3A%20Detective
You can use Concatenate to then build the URL, by adding the output above to https://www.example.com/searchcustomers?name=
to get https://www.example.com/searchcustomers?name=Sherlock%20Holmes%3A%20Detective
This function is the inverse of Decode Query. Note that in many cases, it may be easier to use Encode Query because it will build a full URL query with multiple query parameters including the encoding.
Input Fields
- text: the text to encode
Output Fields
- output: the URL-encoded output