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  • Instance Server (string)

    • The full URL of your CRM instance. Including ‘https’ through ‘.com’. This can be retrieved from the browser’s URL.

      Example: https://crmsandbox2016.YourInstance.com
  • User Name (string)

    • Dynamics CRM account username.
  • User Password (string)

    • Dynamics CRM account password.


    • Monitor

      Monitor your records


    • Create

      Create an entity record in Dynamics CRM IFD.


      • Your Dynamics CRM organization (dropdown): Dynamic list of organizations. Choose which Dynamics CRM organization that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM entities (dropdown): Dynamic list of entities. Choose which entity/record type that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM forms (dropdown): Dynamic list of forms. Choose the form for your chosen entity. This is dependent on which entity you have chosen in the previous option.

      Input Fields

      • entityFields
        • Dynamically Generated Fields (string): Input fields for the selected entity will be dynamically generated.

      Output Fields

      • entities
        • id (string): The entity id of the created record.
    • Create Lookup

      Create a lookup object for the selected entity to pass into a lookup input field when creating / updating a lookup type field in Dynamics CRM.


      • Your Dynamics CRM organization (dropdown): Dynamic list of organizations. Choose which Dynamics CRM organization that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM entities (dropdown): Dynamic list of entities. Choose which entity/record type that you would like to use. Select the ‘Your Dynamics CRM entities’ Option as the type of entity that is the lookup field. For example, if you are updating a lookup field that is of type Account, then select the Account entities option. Then pass the entity ID of the entity that you would like to use as the new value for that field into the input of Create Lookup. Then, use the output of the Create Lookup as the input into the lookup field that you are creating/updating.

      Input Fields

      • fields
        • id (string): Enter the id of the entity that will be the new value of the lookup field.

      Output Fields

      • entity
        • lookup (object): The object that should be passed into the subsequent lookup input field.
    • Custom API Action

      Make a custom request to your Dynamics CRM IFD instance.


      • Your Dynamics CRM organization (dropdown): Dynamic list of organizations. Choose which Dynamics CRM organization that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM entities (dropdown): Dynamic list of entities. Choose which entity/record type that you would like to use.
      • Method (dropdown): Choose the method that corresponds to the type of action you would like to perform.
        • Read - Read an entity record.
        • Create - Create an entity record.
        • Update - Update an entity record.
        • Search - Search for one/many entity records.

      Input Fields

      • Record
        • ID (string): ID of the record that you would like to read/update. Note: This field will only appear if the Option for Method is Read or Update.
      • Data
        • Extensible fields (user created): This is where you will manually enter the data that you would like to send in your request. For example, if you wanted to add a description field, you would click on the placeholder field where it says ‘Click or drop here to create’. Then, name the field ‘description’.

      Output Fields

      • Response
        • Status Code (number): The status code of the HTTP response. Here is a list of all status codes.
        • Raw (object) - The complete body payload that is returned from Dynamics CRM IFD for this request.
    • Custom API Metadata Action

      Custom API Metadata Action that will retrieve metadata about your Dynamic instance.

    • Read

      Read an entity record in Dynamics CRM IFD.


      • Your Dynamics CRM organization (dropdown): Dynamic list of organizations. Choose which Dynamics CRM organization that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM entities (dropdown): Dynamic list of entities. Choose which entity/record type that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM forms (dropdown): Dynamic list of forms. Choose the form for your chosen entity. This is dependent on which entity you have chosen in the previous option.

      Input Fields

      • entity
        • id (string): The entity id of the record to be read.

      Output Fields

      • entityFields
        • Dynamically Generated Fields (string): Output fields for the selected entity will be dynamically generated.
    • Search

      Search for an entity record that matches your search criteria. Search for a record where an entity’s fields match the values of the input field values.


      • Your Dynamics CRM organization (dropdown): Dynamic list of organizations. Choose which Dynamics CRM organization that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM entities (dropdown): Dynamic list of entities. Choose which entity/record type that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM forms (dropdown): Dynamic list of forms. Choose the form for your chosen entity. This is dependent on which entity you have chosen in the previous option.

      Input Fields

      • Fields
        • Dynamically Generated Fields (string): Input fields for the selected entity will be dynamically generated.

      Output Fields

      • entity
        • id (string): The entity id of the matching record.
    • Update

      Update an entity record in Dynamics CRM IFD.


      • Your Dynamics CRM organization (dropdown): Dynamic list of organizations. Choose which Dynamics CRM organization that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM entities (dropdown): Dynamic list of entities. Choose which entity/record type that you would like to use.
      • Your Dynamics CRM forms (dropdown): Dynamic list of forms. Choose the form for your chosen entity. This is dependent on which entity you have chosen in the previous option.

      Input Fields

      • record
        • id (string): The entity id of the record to be updated.
      • entityFields
        • Dynamically Generated Fields (string): Input fields for the selected entity will be dynamically generated.