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The first time you add a Marketo card to a Flow, you need to set up a configuration for that Connector. Setting up a configuration will allow you to connect Azuqua to your Marketo account, save the information, and reuse that configuration next time you build a Flow with the connector. That way, you don’t have to sign in every time you want to build a Flow with this Connector. After you’ve set up one configuration, you can choose to use that configuration again, or set up a new one.

You can set up and save multiple configurations and share them with your teammates. Here’s how to set up a new configuration in Marketo:

  1. Navigate to the Admin panel within Marketo. NOTE: You must be an administrator with API access to find the information needed to authenticate Marketo in Azuqua.
  2. Find your endpoint:
    1. Click Web Services
    2. Scroll down to the REST API section and copy the Endpoint URL. NOTE: If your Endpoint is https://xxx-xxx-xxx.marketo.com/rest, you will enter everything through the .com intoAzuqua, not the /rest. So your Endpoint forAzuqua will be https://xxx-xxx-xxx.marketo.com.
    3. Copy and paste the Endpoint URL into Azuqua.
  3. Find your Client ID and Secret:
    1. Navigate to LaunchPoint
    2. Look for the installed service called Azuqua. If you do not have one, follow these steps:
      1. Click New > New Service
      2. Name this service Azuqua
      3. Select “Custom” from the Service dropdown
      4. Add a description that will help you remember this service later
      5. Select the API only user you wish to give access to this account
      6. Select Create
    3. Select View Details next to the Azuqua service
    4. Copy and paste your Client ID and Secret into Azuqua
  4. Click Next

And your configuration is complete.


    • New Lead On List

      This card starts a Flow whenever there is a new lead on a certain list in Marketo.


      • List: The ID of the list in Marketo that you would like to search. You can find the ID of the list at the end of the URL inside Marketo. For example, if the URL is  https://app-ab08.marketo.com/#ST**1038**A1, then the List ID would be 1038.

      Output Fields

      The outputs on this card are dynamically generated. After you authenticate, the card will be automatically populated with the default Marketo fields for the “Lead” record, and the custom fields you have added to Marketo.

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    • New Lead in Marketo

      This card starts a Flow whenever there is a new lead in Marketo.

      Output Fields

      The outputs on this card are dynamically generated. After you authenticate, the card will be automatically populated with the default Marketo fields for the “Lead” record, and the custom fields you have added to Marketo.

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    • Updated Lead On List

      This card starts a Flow whenever an existing lead on a certain list in Marketo is updated.


      • _List ID: _the ID of the list in Marketo that you would like to monitor for updates. The Flow will only run when a lead on this list is updated. You can find the ID of the list in the URL. For example, if the URL of the list in Marketo is  https://app-ab08.marketo.com/#ST**1038**A1, then the _List ID _would be 1038.

      Output Fields

      The outputs on this card are dynamically generated. After you authenticate, the card will be automatically populated with the default Marketo fields for the “Lead” record, and the custom fields you have added to Marketo.

    • Updated Lead in Marketo

      This card starts a Flow whenever an existing lead in Marketo is updated.

      Output Fields

      The outputs on this card are dynamically generated. After you authenticate, the card will be automatically populated with the default Marketo fields for the “Lead” record, and the custom fields you have added to Marketo.


    • Add Lead to List

      Add a lead to a Marketo list by ID. This action can be used to trigger a campaign to send to that lead, or even to trigger another Flow when a lead is added to a particular list.

      Input Fields

      • list (text): The list ID to which you are adding the lead. Note: in order to find a list ID, open the target list in Marketo. The list ID will be a 4, 5 or 6 digit number which can be found within the URL after the #SL. For example, this list ID within this URL is 2323: https://app-sjh.marketo.com/#SL2323B2.

      Output Fields

      • lead
        • leadID (text): The lead’s ID that you wish to add to this list. This is a required field. Note: You can find the lead’s ID by using the Search Lead action in Marketo.
    • Build Cost Object

      Builds a single cost request object for use with 'Create Program' and 'Update Program'

    • Build Tag Object

      Build a new Tag object for use within Designer. Tag objects are used with the Create Program and Update Program Actions.

      Input Fields

      • Tag
        • Type (text): The kind of information your tag will sort within Marketo.
        • Value (text): The value you wish to give your tag within Marketo.

      Output Fields

      The output for this card is passed to the Create Program and Update Program Actions. Multiple Tags can be used to construct a list before being passed to either Action.

      • Object
        • Tag (object): The new tag object you created for use within Designer.
    • Create Lead

      Create a new lead, or update if the lead exists

    • Create Program

      Creates a new program of a specified type within Marketo.

      Input Fields

      • Program
        • Channel (text): The channel for your new program within Marketo. Channels are identified by name, and are dynamically generated by your Marketo account.
        • Name (text): The name of your new program.
        • Description (text): The description for your new program with a maximum of 2000 characters.
        • Start Date (text): mm/dd/yyyy The start date of your program.
        • End Date (text): mm/dd/yyyy The end date of your program.
        • Type (text): One of four types of programs (Event, Engagement, Email, and Default) as identified within Marketo. Program types are identified by name.
        • Parent Folder ID (number): The ID within Marketo for the parent folder your new program will be in.
        • Parent Folder Type (dropdown list): Determines whether the ID lookup is done against a Folder or Program ID.
        • Cost Requests (object): This field is used with the Build Request Object action.
        • Tags (object): This field is used with the Build Tag Object action.

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • Program ID (type): The ID for your new program within Marketo.
    • Read All Programs

      Reads all programs from your Marketo account.

      Output Fields

      The outputs for this Action are returned in the form of a List of objects.

      • All Programs
        • Channel (text): The channel that the program is in within Marketo.
        • Name (text): The name of the program.
        • Description (text): The description of the program, if any. A maximum of 2000 characters.
        • SFDC ID (text): The id for your program within Salesforce.
        • SFDC Name (text): The name for your program within Salesforce.
        • Status (text): The status of your program within Marketo.
        • Type (text): The type of program as specified within your Marketo account.
        • Url (text): The target url for this program as dynamically generated by your Marketo account.
        • Workspace Name (text): The name of the workspace where the program is located within Marketo.
        • Created At (text): The location where the program was created.
        • Updated At (text): The location where the program was updated from.
        • Folder Name (text): The name of the folder that the program is in.
        • Folder ID (number): The ID of the folder that the program is in.
        • Folder Type (text): The type of folder that the program is in within Marketo.
        • Program ID (text): The ID for the program that the search returned.
    • Read Program

      Reads program info using the Marketo program ID.

      Input Fields

      • Read By
        • Program ID (type): The ID within Marketo for the record you wish to read.

      Output Fields

      • Program
        • Channel (text): The channel that the program is in within Marketo.
        • Name (text): The name of the program.
        • Description (text): The description of the program, if any. A maximum of 2000 characters.
        • Start Date (text): The date that the program began in Marketo.
        • End Date (text): The date that the program is scheduled to end in Marketo.
        • SFDC ID (text): The id for your program within Salesforce.
        • SFDC Name (text): The name for your program within Salesforce.
        • Status (text): The status of your program within Marketo.
        • Tags (object): Tags, if any, that are associated with this program.
        • Type (text): The type of program as specified within your Marketo account.
        • URL (text): The URL associated with this program within Marketo.
        • Workspace Name (text): The name of the workspace where the program is located within Marketo.
        • Costs _(object:) _The cost objects associated with this program.
        • Created At (text): The location where the program was created.
        • Updated At (text): The location where the program was updated from.
      • Folder
        • Folder Name (text): The name of the folder that the program is in.
        • Folder ID (number): The ID of the folder that the program is in.
        • Folder Type (text): The type of folder that the program is in within Marketo.
    • Read Program Leads

      Reads metrics about all the leads in a program using the program ID.

      Input Fields

      • Read By
        • Program ID (text): The ID for the program within Marketo.

      Output Fields

      The outputs for this Action are returned as a List of objects.

      • Program
        • Lead ID (number): The ID for the lead within the returned program within Marketo.
        • Lead Program Status (text): The status for the program lead as dynamically generated within your Marketo account.
        • Status Reason (text): The reason for the status as defined within your Marketo account.
        • Acquired by program? (boolean): Whether the lead was acquired by the parent program that you searched for by ID.
        • Is Exhausted? (boolean): If the lead is exhausted within its stream.
        • Membership Date: (text): The date that the lead first became a lead within the parent program that you searched for.
        • Nuture Cadence: (text): The cadence of the stream for the parent program, if any.
        • Progression Status (text): The status of the lead as identified within the parent program.
        • Reached Success?: (boolean): Whether or not the program lead has reached success as dynamically defined within your Marketo account.
        • Reached Success Date (text): The date that the lead reached success, if it did.
        • Stream (text): If the parent program is an engagement program, this field will return the Stream the lead is related to as identified by name.
    • Remove Lead From List

    • Search Leads

      Get a Marketo lead ID from another service’s ID.


      • _Search by:_A dropdown list of the different lead fields you can search by.
      • _List ID: _the ID of the list in Marketo that you would like to search. You can find the ID of the list at the end of the URL inside Marketo. For example, if the URL is  https://app-ab08.marketo.com/#ST**1038**A1, then the _List ID _would be 1038.

      Input Fields

      • lead
        • value: the value you would like to search by. The card will search for records that contain this value in the field selected in the options.

      Output Fields

      • result
        • id: ID of the first lead found that matches the search value in the specified list
    • Search Programs

      Searches for one or many programs by name or tags.


      • Return (dropdown list): Identifies what kind of results your search will return.
        • One program: Returns results for one program that matches the name you specified
        • All matching programs: Returns results for all programs with matching fields based on the tags and tag types you specified.

      Input Fields

      Input fields for this action are determined by the Return field in Options. If Return is set to “One program” the input field will be “Name” under the “Program” heading. If Return is set to “All matching programs” the input fields will be “Tag Type” and “Tag Value” under the “Program” heading.

      • Program (If Return == “One Program”)
        • Name (text): Search by program name.
      • Program (If Return == “All Matching Programs”)
        • Tag Type (text): The tag type within Marketo.
        • Tag Value (text): The value of the tag within Marketo.

      Output Fields

      The output fields for this action are determined by the Return field in Options.

      • Result (If “Return” == “One Program”)
        • Workspace Name (text): The name of the workspace where the program is located within Marketo.
        • Description (text): The description of the program, if any. A maximum of 2000 characters.
        • Url (text): The target url for this program as dynamically generated by your Marketo account.
        • Type (text): The type of program as specified within your Marketo account.
        • Folder Name (text): The name of the folder that the program is in.
        • Start Date (text): The date that the program began in Marketo.
        • End Date (text): The date that the program is scheduled to end in Marketo.
        • Created At (text): The location where the program was created.
        • Folder ID (number): The ID of the folder that the program is in.
        • SFDC Name (text): The name for your program within Salesforce.
        • Folder Type (text): The type of folder that the program is in within Marketo.
        • Status (text): The status of your program within Marketo.
        • Channel (text): The channel that the program is in within Marketo.
        • Asset Name (text): The type of asset your program is, as specified within your Marketo account.
        • SFDC ID (text): The id for your program within Salesforce.
        • Updated At (text): The location where the program was updated from.
      • Result (If “Return” == “All Matching Programs”) The outputs for this Return setting are in the form of a list of objects within Designer. These objects can be passed to other Actions directly or to a number of List Functions.
        • Programs (list): A list of programs that match your tag criteria.
    • Update Program

      Update the values for a specific program inside Marketo.

      Input Fields

      • Update By
        • Program ID (text): the unique id of the program inside Marketo
      • Program
        • Name (text): the name associated with the program
        • Description (text): description of the program
        • Start Date (text): the start date of the program, in the date format: MM/DD/YYYY
        • End Date (text): the end date of the program, in the date format: MM/DD/YYYY
        • Add Cost Requests (List): This field accepts Request objects from the Build Cost Object Action within Designer.
        • Tags (List): This field accepts Tag objects from the Build Tag Action within Designer.