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  • Create Row

    Create a new row in a Table.

    1. Options

    The first step for using this function is to provide the Table you want to add a record in. Click the “Choose Table” button and select the table you want to use.

    If your Flow will operate on different tables each time, you can choose the advanced option to “provide table at runtime“ which will result in an additional Table input field on the next step.

    Click Next to move to the next step.

    2. Data

    When the second tab comes up, you’ll be presented with the “Choose Fields” pop-out on the right. Click the checkboxes next to the column names you want to write to and then click “< Done”.


    • Fields - will include each of the chosen fields (column names) from the table you selected. (If the table is provided at runtime, you have to manually add the field names and types you want to use.)
    • Table ID - this input field only appears if you’ve selected ”provide table at runtime” in the previous step.


    • Row ID - the ID of the row you created.
  • Create Table

    This function creates a new Table, returning the Table ID for that table so that you can add rows to it in subsequent cards, import rows from a CSV or another Table, etc.  The new Table will be created in the “My Folder” personal folder for the user who is the owner of the Flow. The table may appear in another user’s “My Folder” personal folder if the Create Table card is located in a Child Flow. When the Create Table card exists in a Child Flow, whoever executed the Child Flow will have the table appear in their “My Folder” personal folder.

    The column schema is a list of objects, each with two keys:  name and type.  Name is the name of the table column, column is its type.  For example:

        "name": "First name",
        "type": "string"
        "name": "Last name",
        "type": "string"
        "name": "Jersey number",
        "type": "number"
        "name": "Active?",
        "type": "boolean"

    You can create schema manually, or use the Read Table function to obtain the schema of an existing Table.  For example, if you wanted to create a new table that has the same schema as an existing table but one additional column, you could use the Read Table function followed by the Add to End function, then use that as the input to Create Table.


    • Name - string - the name for the new table
    • Column Schema - list of objects, in the format above, defining the columns for the new table


    • Table ID - string - the UUID for the table
  • Delete Row

    Deletes a row in a table.


    Input Fields

    • Delete By
      • Row ID (text): the unique identifier for the row, found by using Search Rows or by manually selecting it from the list.

    Output Fields

    There are no output fields for this card.

  • Export To CSV

    Export a Table to a CSV file, including all rows or a filtered subset of rows.  The CSV file will be created within the filesystem - from there you can use an upload card from a cloud service connector (Google Drive, Box, etc.) to move it to another cloud service, or an SFTP upload, etc.  CSV files can be imported into most spreadsheet programs including Excel.


    The first step for using this function is to provide the Table you want to export. Click the “Choose Table” button and select the table you want to use.

    If your Flow will operate on different tables each time, you can choose the advanced option to “provide table at runtime“ which will result in an additional Table input field on the next step.

    Click Next to move to the next step.


    • File
      • Filename (string) - assign a name for the CSV output file (include “.csv” as the filename extension if you want it to open up automatically in an app like Excel)
    • Filter
      • Where Expression (expression builder) - To export a subset of rows, click the button to build your criteria.  To export all rows in the table, ignore this input.
    • Options
      • Delimiter (string) - Enter a custom delimiter for your CSV file. For example, if you are would like to create a pipe delimited CSV, then you would want to enter | as your delimiter. Defaults to ,.
      • Limit (number) - The max number of rows exported to your CSV file. E.g. - a value of 100 will return a CSV with a maximum of 100 rows.
      • Offset (number) - Create a CSV starting at a specific row number in the table. For example, if you only wanted to export a CSV with all but the first 10 rows, then enter 10 as the offset value.
      • Columns (list of text) - A list of column names that will export into your csv. This allows specific columns from the table to be exported to the CSV. Use this field if you only want a specific subset of columns exported to the CSV.
    • Table ID - this input field only appears if you’ve selected ”provide table at runtime” in the previous step.


    If you’re returning a single result, you get the following outputs:

    • CSV
      • File Content (file) - The File ID of the CSV output file
  • Import From CSV

    This function imports the contents of a CSV file into a Table.  Click here for more information on CSV files.

    Once the file contents are imported, you can process the data in a variety of ways, including using the Search Rows function to retrieve a single row, a subset of rows, or all the rows, and process the rows one by one using a List function such as For Each.

    Important note: This function will soon be enhanced with additional options, including the ability to specify the separator value.


    The first step for using this function is to provide the Table to import the csv. Click the “Choose Table” button and select the table you want to use.

    If your Flow will operate on different tables each time, you can choose the advanced option to “provide table at runtime“ which will result in an additional Table input field on the next step.


    • Destination
      • Table ID (text) - the UUID for the table to import to.  Only shown if you selected “provide table at runtime” at the Options step
    • Source
      • File Content (file) - the File ID of the file to import from.  Must be a correctly-formatted CSV file.
    • Options
      • Select (list of text) - A list of column names to directly import into your table. Use this input when the CSV column names are exact matches of their counterparts inside of your destination table. Example- if my CSV file has a column header named “Column 1”, and the column I would like that information imported to in my table is also named “Column 1”, I would make sure to place “Column 1” in this list. However, if your mappings between the CSV and the table are more complex, use the “Mapping” input below, and leave this input blank.
      • Mapping (object) -  An object describing the mapping between my CSV’s column names, and the column names of the table I’m importing that information into. To build this object, make sure all keys are the name of the column header in your CSV file, and your table’s column names are its corresponding value. If a CSV column header is not mapped, it will not be imported into your table. Example- I have a CSV with two column headers called “Column 1” and “Column 2”. I would like all data in “Column 1” to be mapped to my table column “Column A”. I do not want to include any information from “Column 2” in my table. My “Mapping” object would look like so: {“Column 1” : “Column A”}, and would omit “Column 2” entirely.
      • Delimiter (string) - Enter a custom delimiter for your CSV file. For example, if you are using a pipe delimited csv file, then you would want to enter | as your delimiter. Defaults to ,.
      • Clear Destination (true/false) - set to true if you want to delete all existing rows from the table before importing the file.  Otherwise, it will append the new file data onto the end of the table.


    • New Rows (number) - the number of rows imported.
  • Read Row

    Reads the values from a row in a Table.

    1. Options

    The first step for using this function is to provide the Table you want to read from. Click the “Choose Table” button and select the table you want to use.

    If your Flow will operate on different tables each time, you can choose the advanced option to “provide table at runtime“ which will result in an additional Table input field on the next step.

    Click Next to move to the next step.

    2. Data

    When the second tab comes up, you’ll be presented with the “Choose Fields” pop-out on the right. Click the checkboxes next to the column names you want to read and then click “< Done”.


    • Row ID - the ID of the row you want to read. (You can get the ID as a result when you create a new row or when you search rows.)
    • Table ID - this input field only appears if you’ve selected ”provide table at runtime” in the previous step.


    • Row
      • Created - Date and time the row was created
      • Updated - Date and time the row was updated
    • Fields
      • The chosen fields (column names) from the table you selected. (If the table is provided at runtime, you can manually add the field names and types.)
  • Read Table

    This function returns the column schema of a Table, as identified by the Table ID.

    It is most useful as an input to the Create Table function -> this lets you create a new table with the same columns as an existing table. You can obtain the Table ID as a Flow output, or by opening a Table in the designer - the Table ID is the last part of the URL, a UUID that looks something like this:  aebf9d12-f022-4798-8dc7-de740c64ce98

    The column schema is a list of objects, each with two keys:  name and type.  

    Name is the name of the table column, column is its type.  

    For example:

            "name": "First name",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "Last name",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "Jersey number",
            "type": "number"
            "name": "Active?",
            "type": "boolean"


    • Table ID - string - the UUID for the table


    • Column Schema - list of objects, each with two keys:  name and type
  • Search Rows

    Find rows in a Table that match a provided set of conditions.


    The first step for using this function is to provide the Table you want to search. Click the “Choose Table” button and select the table you want to use.

    If your Flow will operate on different tables each time, you can choose the advanced option to “provide table at runtime“ which will result in an additional Table input field on the next step.

    Then, choose in Result Set whether you want to get the first matching row (a single result) or all matching rows (a list of results).

    Click Next to move to the next step.

    Choose Fields

    Next, you’ll be prompted with a list of fields to choose from. The Outputs section lists all of the column headers available on the table. Check the boxes next to fields you want to be returned with the search results.

    Click Done to proceed to Inputs and Outputs.


    • *Filter* - click the button to build your search conditions. The Field dropdown lets you choose which table column to search. You can optionally drag and drop outputs from previous steps into the Value input if you want to search based on a value that comes from earlier in your Flow, such as a customer ID. Click + Add condition to search based on more than one test, such as Customer Type = Trial and Date > 1/1/18.
    • Sort
      • Column (dropdown) - which column to sort results by
      • Direction - choose “Ascending” (A to Z, 0 to 9) or “Descending” (Z to A, 9 to 0)
    • Limit - maximum number of records to return
    • Offset - record number to start the search at (where zero is the first record)

    • Table ID - this input field only appears if you’ve selected ”provide table at runtime” in the Options step.


    If you’re returning a single result, you get the following outputs:

    • Row
      • Row ID - The ID of the row, or blank if zero matching rows were found
      • Created - Date and time the row was created
      • Updated - Date and time the row was last updated
    • Fields
      • The chosen fields (column names) from the table you selected. (If the table is provided at runtime, you have to manually add the field names and types for the fields you want returned by the search)

    If you’re returning multiple results, you get a list of Rows, where each row includes all of the above, or an empty list if zero matching rows were found.

  • Update Row

    Updates a row in a table.


    Input Fields

    • Update By
      • Row ID (text): the unique identifier for the row, found by using Search Rows or by manually selecting it from the list.
    • Fields
      • Column Name (text): enter the value to replace the existing value.

    Output Fields

    There are no output fields for this card.