HTTP Request

Make an authenticated HTTP Request to the Zendesk API.

Note: Additional fields may be available depending on the account and options you choose.


  • Request Type (dropdown)
    • GET: recieve HTTP from someone.
    • POST:  sends data to a specific URI and expects the resource at that URI to handle the request. The web server at this point can determine what to do with the data in the context of the specified resource. The POST method is not idempotent, however POST responses are cacheable so long as the server sets the appropriate Cache-Control and Expires headers. To learn about more differences between PUT and POST, click here.
    • PUT: puts a file or resource at a specific URI, and exactly at that URI. If there’s already a file or resource at that URI, PUT replaces that file or resource. If there is no file or resource there, PUT creates one. PUT is idempotent, but paradoxically PUT responses are not cacheable.
    • PATCH: Update already existing HTTPs
    • DELETE: Delete a pending or already existing HTTP.


  • Response
    • Status Code (number): Number code associated with state.
    • Headers (object): Title/header for HTTP
    • Body (object): Body text/further details behind header.