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Authorization of a Twitter Account

The first time you use a Twitter card, you will need to authorize an account. First, enter in your Account Nickname. This should be unique so if your team authorizes multiple Twitter accounts, you’ll be able to tell them apart.

Then, click “Create” to launch a pop-up where you will sign into your twitter and authorize the designer to access the account.


    • Monitor Keywords

      An overview on what the card does. Should also be used to describe general ‘odd’ card behavior that is atypical of other cards.


      Output Fields

      • person
        • username (text): The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with.
        • name (text): The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name.
        • description (text): The user-defined string describing their account.
        • followers (text): The number of followers this account currently has.
      • message
        • content (text): The text of the status update.
        • id_ (text):_ The unique identifier of the tweet.
        • reply screen name (text): If the tweet is a reply, this filed will contain the screen name of the original tweet’s author.
        • reply status id (text): If the tweet is a reply, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
        • original tweet id (text): If the tweet is a retweet, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
        • quoted tweet id (text): If the tweet is a quote, this filed will contain the unique identifier of the quoted tweet.
        • url entity (text): URLs included in the text of the tweet.
        • time created (text): UTC time when the tweet was created.
      • media If media is included with the tweet, the following fields will contain values.
        • id (text): The unique identifier of the first media item.
        • url (text): The URL for the first media item.
        • type (text): The type of the first media item.
    • Monitor Keywords and Location

      Monitors keywords of tweets, retweets, and replies to tweets that fall within a specified radius of a given latitude and longitude. This event will return information in the person output category about the user who tweeted the tweet, reply, or retweet. If the tweet containing your keywords is a retweet or a reply, information about the parent tweet can be found in the message output field. If the tweet is not a reply, output fields such as original tweet id will be blank.


      • search (text): The search query you would like to monitor; view example queries
      • latitude (text): The latitude of the location you wish to monitor. Format: 47.606
      • longitude (text): The longitude of the location you wish to monitor. Format: 122.3321
      • Radius (miles) (text): The distance in miles from your target latitude and longitude that you would like to monitor.

      Output Fields

      • person
        • username (text): The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with.
        • name (text): The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name.
        • description (text): The user-defined string describing their account.
        • followers (text): The number of followers this account currently has.
      • message
        • content (text): The text of the status update.
        • id_ (text):_ The unique identifier of the tweet.
        • reply screen name (text): If the tweet is a reply, this filed will contain the screen name of the original tweet’s author.
        • reply status id (text): If the tweet is a reply, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
        • original tweet id (text): If the tweet is a retweet, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
        • quoted tweet id (text): If the tweet is a quote, this filed will contain the unique identifier of the quoted tweet.
        • url entity (text): URLs included in the text of the tweet.
        • time created (text): UTC time when the tweet was created.
      • media If media is included with the tweet, the following fields will contain values.
        • id (text): The unique identifier of the first media item.
        • url (text): The URL for the first media item.
        • type (text): The type of the first media item.
      • context
        • Execution ID (text): The execution ID for the
    • Monitor Location

      Monitor twitter activity based on location.


      • latitude (text): The latitude of the location you wish to monitor. Format: 47.6062
      • longitude (text): The longitude of the location you wish to monitor. Format: 122.3321
      • Radius (miles) (text): The distance in miles from your target latitude and longitude that you would like to monitor.

      Output Fields

      • person
        • username (text): The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with.
        • name (text): The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name.
        • description (text): The user-defined string describing their account.
        • followers (text): The number of followers this account currently has.
      • message
        • content (text): The text of the status update.
        • id_ (text):_ The unique identifier of the tweet.
        • reply screen name (text): If the tweet is a reply, this filed will contain the screen name of the original tweet’s author.
        • reply status id (text): If the tweet is a reply, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
        • original tweet id (text): If the tweet is a retweet, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
        • quoted tweet id (text): If the tweet is a quote, this filed will contain the unique identifier of the quoted tweet.
        • url entity (text): URLs included in the text of the tweet.
        • time created (text): UTC time when the tweet was created.
      • media If media is included with the tweet, the following fields will contain values.
        • id (text): The unique identifier of the first media item.
        • url (text): The URL for the first media item.
        • type (text): The type of the first media item.
      • context
        • Execution ID (text): The execution ID for the
    • Monitor User

      This event monitors Twitter and runs the Flow when the specified user creates a new tweet, retweet a tweet, or replies to a tweet.  Use the Options tab to set the user to monitor - that is the user’s twitter handle but without the @.  I.e. to monitor @Company, set the username to ”Company”. Like other Twitter monitors, this one outputs a person section with information about the person who tweeted.  

      This section is less relevant for Monitor User than for other monitors, since the output is always about the same user. Not all tweets contain all information - some tweets don’t contain URLs, some don’t have media, some are not retweets.  

      Where information is not applicable, it will be blank.


      • username (text) - required: the username to monitor (without the @ symbol)

      Output Fields

      • person: information about the user who sent the tweet

        • username (text): their twitter handle
        • name (text): their display name
        • description (text): their user description
        • followers (text): the number of people following this user (a number but in string format)
      • message: information about the tweet

        • content (text): the text of the tweet
        • id (text): the unique ID of the tweet
        • reply screen name (text): the person who sent the tweet being replied to, if this is a reply
        • reply status id (text): the unique ID of the tweet being replied to, if this is a reply
        • original tweet id (text): the unique ID of the tweet being retweeted, if this is a retweet
        • quoted tweet id (text): the unique ID of the tweet being quoted, if this is a quoted tweet
        • url entity (text): the URL contained in the tweet, if there is one.  If there are more than one URL, this will contain the first one.
        • time created (text): a timestamp for when this tweet was sent
      • media: information about the image or video in the tweet

        • id (text): the unique ID of the media
        • url (text): the URL of the media
        • type (text): the type of the media


    • Follow User

      Follow a User by screen name

    • Get User Profile

      Get profile information about a specific user, as identified by their username.  For example, “NASA” gives you information about NASA’s Twitter account. You can also find username as an output from Twitter events such as Monitor Keyword.

    • Reply

      Reply to a tweet based on that tweet’s twitter id.

      Input Fields

      • Data
        • status (text): The text of the reply tweet.
        • tweet_id (text): The id of the tweet you are replying to.

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • new tweet id (text): The id of your reply tweet.
    • Retweet

      Retweet a tweet using a twitter id.

      Input Fields.

      • Tweet
        • ID (text): The twitter ID for the tweet you wish to retweet.

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • new tweet id (text): The twitter id for your new retweet.
    • Tweet

      Post a new tweet.

      Input Fields

      • Data
        • Status (text): The status that you want to post.

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • new tweet id (text): The unique identifier for your new tweet within Twitter.
    • Unfollow User

      Unfollow a user by screen name.