Monitors keywords of tweets, retweets, and replies to tweets that fall within a specified radius of a given latitude and longitude. This event will return information in the person output category about the user who tweeted the tweet, reply, or retweet. If the tweet containing your keywords is a retweet or a reply, information about the parent tweet can be found in the message output field. If the tweet is not a reply, output fields such as original tweet id will be blank.


  • search (text): The search query you would like to monitor; view example queries
  • latitude (text): The latitude of the location you wish to monitor. Format: 47.606
  • longitude (text): The longitude of the location you wish to monitor. Format: 122.3321
  • Radius (miles) (text): The distance in miles from your target latitude and longitude that you would like to monitor.

Output Fields

  • person
    • username (text): The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with.
    • name (text): The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name.
    • description (text): The user-defined string describing their account.
    • followers (text): The number of followers this account currently has.
  • message
    • content (text): The text of the status update.
    • id_ (text):_ The unique identifier of the tweet.
    • reply screen name (text): If the tweet is a reply, this filed will contain the screen name of the original tweet’s author.
    • reply status id (text): If the tweet is a reply, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
    • original tweet id (text): If the tweet is a retweet, this field will contain the unique identifier of the original tweet.
    • quoted tweet id (text): If the tweet is a quote, this filed will contain the unique identifier of the quoted tweet.
    • url entity (text): URLs included in the text of the tweet.
    • time created (text): UTC time when the tweet was created.
  • media If media is included with the tweet, the following fields will contain values.
    • id (text): The unique identifier of the first media item.
    • url (text): The URL for the first media item.
    • type (text): The type of the first media item.
  • context
    • Execution ID (text): The execution ID for the