Create Card

Creates a new card on a specific list within a particular board.


  • In Board (Dropdown): the board on which you want to add the new card.
  • In List (Dropdown): the list on which you want to add the new card.

Input Fields


  • Name (text): the name of the card.
  • Description (text): the description of the card.
  • Member IDs (text): the unique IDs of the users assigned to the card.
  • Label Colors (text): a comma separated list of colors that create new labels to add to this new card. NOTE: The colors must be all lowercase. Example format: yellow,red,blue. This creates NEW labels. If you would rather apply existing lables, we recommend leaving this field blank and instead using the Add Label to Card action which allows you to define a pre-existing label by color and name.
  • Due Date (text): the due date assigned to the card.

Output Fields

  • Card URL (text): the unique URL of the new card.
  • Card ID (text): the unique ID of the new card.
  • Label IDs (text): the unique IDs of the labels you created by adding them to this new card.