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The first time you add a Trello card to a Flow, you will need to create a configuration. This will allow you to connect to your account, save your account information, and reuse that configuration next time you build a Flow with the connector. That way, you don’t have to sign in every time you want to build a Flow with this Connector. Instead, use the configuration you have already set up. You can create and save multiple configurations and share them with your teammates.

Here’s how to set up a new configuration in Trello:

  1. First, enter in an Account Nickname. This should be unique so if you are connecting multiple Trello accounts you will be able to tell them apart.
  2. Then click “Create” to launch a pop-up window where you will sign into your Trello Account. This will also save your configuration.

    To get started working with the Trello application, the first step is to integrate an existing Trello account with the Designer. If you do not have an existing Trello account and you wish to use Trello with the Designer, sign up for Trello first, and then return to the authorization process.

    1.  First, select a Card within the Trello application you wish to use.
    2. After selecting a Card, you will be given the option to Add Account. Click Add Account.
    3. You will be prompted to give the account a nickname. This nickname is only used for display purposes within the Designer. It does not need to correspond to a username within Trello.
    4. After choosing a nickname, click Next; you will be given a prompt to allow the designer access to your Trello account. Click Allow on the prompt that appears. This gives the designer permission to access Trello on your behalf.
    5. Now, the account with the nickname you specified should appear on the Card you previously selected. Click this nickname to begin configuring the card.
    6. That’s it! You are now authorized with Trello. The account you associated can now be used within any Trello Card.

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      • New Card in List - Webhook

      • Card Assigned in Board

        Card Assigned in Board

        Monitors for cards assigned to a user in a particular board.


        • In Board (dropdown list): a list of your Trello boards.

        Output Fields


        • Card Name (text): the name of the card on which the comment was posted
        • Card ID (text): the unique id associated with the card on which the comment was posted
        • URL (text): the shareable URL of the card on which the comment was posted


        • Member ID (text): the unique ID of the person assigned to the card
        • Full Name (text): the name of the person assigned to the card
        • Username (text): the unique Trello username of the person assigned to the card
      • Card Moved

        Start FLO when a card is moved between lists in a board

      • Checklist Item Completed

      • Due Date Updated

        Start FLO when a card in a certain board is updated

      • New Card in Board

        Monitors for new cards created in a specific board.


        • In Board (dropdown list): the board to watch for new cards


        Output Fields


        • Card Name (text): the name of the card
        • Card ID (text): the unique id associated with the card
        • URL (text): the shareable URL associated with the card
        • Timestamp (text): the date the card was created


        • List Name (text): the name of the list the new card was created in
        • List ID (text): the unique id associated with the list
      • New Card in List

        Monitors for new cards in a specific list.


        • In Board (drop down list): a list of your Trello boards
        • In List (drop down list): the list to watch for new cards

          Output Fields Card

        • Name (text): the name of the card
        • Description (text): the description of the card
        • ID (text): the unique id associated with the card
        • Number (text):
        • Label IDs (text): the unique IDs of the labels attached to the card
        • Label Names (text): the names of the labels attached to the card
        • Checklist IDs (text): the unique IDs of the checklists attached to the card
        • Member IDs (text): the unique IDs of the users assigned to the card
        • Due Date (text): the due date assigned to the card
        • URL (text): the shareable URL of the card
      • New Checklist Item

      • New Comments in Board

        Monitors for new comments on cards in a specific board.


        • In Board (drop down list): a list of your Trello boards


        Output Fields


        • Card Name (text): the name of the card on which the comment was posted
        • Card ID (text): the unique id associated with the card on which the comment was posted
        • List Name (text): the name of the list on which the comment exists
        • List ID (text): the unique ID associated with the list on which the comment exists
        • URL (text): the shareable URL of the card on which the comment was posted


        • Text (text): the body of the comment
        • Timestamp (text): the timestamp of when the comment was posted
        • Author Name (text): the name of the person who posted the comment
        • Author Username (text): the unique Trello username of the author who posted the comment
        • Author ID (text): the unique ID of the author who posted the comment


      • Add Item to Checklist

      • Add Label to Card

        Add Label to Card

        Add a label to a specific card.


        No options available.

        Input Fields


        • ID or Shortlink (text): the unique ID associated with the card to which you wish to add the label. Both a card’s ID and Shortlink can be found in the URL when the card is open. The card ID and Shortlink is the unique string of letters after the https://trello.com/c/. So for example, if your card URL is https://trello.com/c/wIia0909/311-this-is-a-card, then your card ID and Shortlink are wIia0909.

        Output Fields


        • Color (text): the color of the label you wish to add to a card. NOTE: The color must be spelled correctly and entered all lowercase.
        • Name (text): the name of the label you wish to add to a card. NOTE: If you do not specify a color in addition to a name, the label will be added as grey.

        NOTE: In order to add a pre-existing label to a card, you must enter both the color AND name. So for example, if you had a pre-defined label that was red and named Urgent, you would type “red” into the Color field and “Urgent” into the Name field. If you only enter one, it will create a new label for you with just that color or just that name.

      • Add Member to Card

        Add Member to Card

        Assign a user to a specific card.


        No options available.

        Input Fields



        • ID or Username (text): the ID or username of the person you wish to assign to the card. We recommend using the assignee’s username for this field. To find a user’s unique Trello username, click to your organization’s Members page and the username is under their name after the @ sign. So for example, if a user has the username @mycompany, enter mycompany into this field. (NOTE: you can find a member’s ID by using the Read Member by ID or Username if you would rather use their ID).

        Output Fields

        • Card URL (text): The URL of the card on which you added the member.
      • Archive Card

        Move a card to a different list and/or board using the card ID

      • Comment on Card

        Add a comment to a specific card.


        No options available.

        Input Fields



        • Text (text): the text of the comment you wish to add to the card.

        Output Fields

        • Card URL (text): The URL of the card on which you added the comment.
      • Complete Checklist Item

      • Convert Checklist Item to Card

      • Copy Board

        Copy an existing board in Trello to create a new board with the exact same lists, cards, comments, and data.


        No options available.

        Input Fields

        Source Board

        • Board URL (text): the unique ID of the board you wish to copy. The Board URL is the URL that is in your browser when the board is open.

        New Board

        • Board Name (text): the name of the new board.
        • Organization URL (text): the unique URL of the organization to which you wish to associate the board. The organization’s URL is the URL that is in your broswer when your team page is open.

        Output Fields

        • New Board ID (text):the unique ID of the new board.
        • New Board URL (text): the unique URL of the new board.
      • Copy Card

        Copy Card

        Copy an existing card in Trello to create a new card with the data you specify.


        • To Board (Dropdown): the board on which you want to send the new card.
        • To List (Dropdown): the list on which you want to add the new card.

        Input Fields


        • Card ID (text): the unique ID of the card you wish to copy. A card’s ID can be found via the output of another Trello action like “Search Cards.”
        • Items to Copy (text): a comma-delineated list of the items you want to copy from one card to the other. Options include: ”all,labels,checklists,members”

        New Card

        • Position (text): where on the list you wish to place the card. Options are either “top” or “bottom”.

        Output Fields

        • Card URL (text): the unique URL of the new card.
      • Create Board

        Create Board

        Create a new board.


        No options available.

        Input Fields


        • URL (text): the unique ID of the organization to which you wish to associate the board. The organization URL is the URL that is in your browser when your organization page is open.


        • Name (text): the name of the new board.


        • New Board ID (text):the unique ID of the new board.
        • New Board URL (text): the unique URL of the new board.
      • Create Card

        Create Card

        Creates a new card on a specific list within a particular board.


        • In Board (Dropdown): the board on which you want to add the new card.
        • In List (Dropdown): the list on which you want to add the new card.

        Input Fields


        • Name (text): the name of the card.
        • Description (text): the description of the card.
        • Member IDs (text): the unique IDs of the users assigned to the card.
        • Label Colors (text): a comma separated list of colors that create new labels to add to this new card. NOTE: The colors must be all lowercase. Example format: yellow,red,blue. This creates NEW labels. If you would rather apply existing lables, we recommend leaving this field blank and instead using the Add Label to Card action which allows you to define a pre-existing label by color and name.
        • Due Date (text): the due date assigned to the card.

        Output Fields

        • Card URL (text): the unique URL of the new card.
        • Card ID (text): the unique ID of the new card.
        • Label IDs (text): the unique IDs of the labels you created by adding them to this new card.
      • Create Checklist

      • Create List

        Create a new list within a specific board.


        No options available.

        Input Fields


        • Board ID (text): the unique ID of the board to which you wish to add the list. This can be found in the URL when the board is open in Trello. For example, if your board URL is https://trello.com/z/t09N1gxk/this-is-a-board, your Board ID is t09N1gxk


        • Name (text): the name of the new list.
        • Order (Number): the position of the list on the board. Options are: first, First, last and Last.

        Output Fields

        • List ID (text): the unique ID of the new list.
      • Move Card

        Move Card

        Move an existing card in Trello to a different board, a different list and/or a different position on a list.


        • To Board (Dropdown): the board to which you want to move the card. If you only want to move a card to a new list, select the board on which the card already exists.
        • To List (Dropdown): the new list on which you want to move the card. If you only want to move the position of the card within the same list, select the list on which the card already exists.

        Input Fields


        • Card ID (text): the unique ID of the card you wish to copy. A card’s ID can be found in the URL when the card is open. For example, if your card URL is https://trello.com/c/wIia0909/311-this-is-a-card, then your card ID is wIia0909.
        • Position (text): the location on the list where you wish to place the card. Options are either “top” or “bottom”.


        • Card URL (text): the unique URL of the new card.
      • Read Card

        Read Card by ID

        Read all the data on a card.


        No options available.

        Input Fields


        • Card ID (text): the unique ID of the card you wish to read. A card’s ID can be found in the URL when the card is open. For example, if your card URL is https://trello.com/c/wIia0909/311-this-is-a-card, then your card ID is wIia0909.

        Output Fields

        • Card Name (text): the name of the card.
        • Card Description (text): the description of the card.
        • Due Date (text): the due date assigned to the card.
        • Card Number (text): the unique number of the card.
        • Card URL (text): the unique URL of the card.
        • Board ID (text): the unique ID of the board on which the card exists.
        • Board Name (text): the name of the board on which the card exists.
        • List ID (text): the unique ID of the list on which the card exists.
        • List Name (text): the name of the list on which the card exists.
        • Checklist ID(text): the unique ID of the checklists that exist on the card.
        • Member IDs (text): the unique IDs of the user(s) assigned to the card.
        • Label IDs (text): the unique IDs of the labels on the card.
        • Label Names (text): a comma-delineated list of the label names on the card.
        • Label Colors (text):a comma-delineated list of the label colors on the card.
      • Read Card by URL

        Read information about a card using the card URL

      • Read Checklist

      • Read Comments

        Read information about a card using the card URL

      • Read List Cards

        Read all cards in a list

      • Read Member by ID or Username

        Read Member by ID or Username

        Read the data about a user.


        No options available.

        Input Fields


        • ID or Username (text): the ID or username of the person you wish to assign to the card. We recommend using the assignee’s username for this field as it is easy to find. To find a user’s unique Trello username, click to your organization’s Members page and the username is under their name after the @ sign. So for example, if a user has the username @mycompany, enter mycompany into this field.


        • Member Name (text): the name of the user.
        • Profile URL (text): the unique URL of the user’s profile.
        • Email (text): the email address of the user.
        • Username (text): the unique username of the member.
        • Member ID (text): the unique IDs of the user.
      • SearchCard

        Search Card

        This card will find a particular card on a single Trello


        • In board (text):  Select which board to get a card from.
        • **In list (text): **Select which list to get a card from.

        Input Field

        • Name (text):  Declare the name of the card desired.

        Output Field

        • **Card ID (text): **Returns the ID of the card, and this can be dragged to another card as an identifier.
      • Update Card

        Update Card

        Update a card’s name, description and/or due date.


        No options available.

        Input Fields


        • Card ID or Shortlink (text): the unique ID of the card you wish to read. A card’s ID and Shortlink can be found in the URL when the card is open. For example, if your card URL is https://trello.com/c/wIia0909/311-this-is-a-card, then your card ID and Shortlink are wIia0909.

        Output Fields

        • Name (text): the name of the card.
        • Description (text): the description of the card.
        • Due Date (text): the due date assigned to the card.