Triggers a Flow when a new subscription is made in Stripe.


  • Subscription
    • Subscription ID (text): The ID of the subscription.
    • Customer ID(text): The ID of the customer who made the subscription.
    • Time Created (unix) (number): The time created, meaured in seconds since unix epoch.
    • Current Period Starts (unix)(number): When the current subscription period started; measured in seconds since unix epoch.
    • Current Period Ends (unix)(number): When the current subscription period ends.
    • Ended At (unix)(number): When (if) the subscription ended.
    • Canceled At (unix)(number): When (if) the subscription was canceled.
    • Cancel at Period End(T/F): If the subscription will be canceled at the end of the period.
    • Application Fee Percent(text): A non-negative decimal (with at most two decimal places) between 0 and 100. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account.
    • Quantity(number): The quantity of the plan to which the customer should be subscribed.
    • Start (unix)(number): Date the most recent update to this subscription started.
    • Status(text): The status of the subscription. ‘trialing’, ‘active’, ‘past_due’, ‘canceled’, or ‘unpaid.
    • Tax Percent(number): If provided, each invoice created by this subscription will apply the tax rate, increasing the amount billed to the customer.
    • Trial Start (unix)(number): If the subscription has a trial, the beginning of that trial.
    • Trial End (unix)(number): If the subscription has a trial, the end of that trial.
    • Metadata(object):
  • Plan
    • ID(text): The plan ID.
    • Name(text): The name of the plan.
    • Amount(number): The amount (in cents) to be charged on the interval specified.
    • Time Created (unix)(number): The time the plan was created measured in seconds since unix epoch.
    • Currency(text): The ISO currency code.
    • Interval(text): ‘day’, ‘week’, ‘month’, or ‘year’
    • Interval Count (number): The number of intervals between each subscription billing.
    • Statement Descriptor(text): Extra information about a charge for the customer’s credit card statement.
    • Trial Period Days(text): Number of trial period days granted when subscribing a customer to this plan.
  • Discount
    • Coupon ID(text): The ID of the coupon.
    • Amount Off(text): The amount that will be taken off.
    • Currency(text): If amount off is assigned a value, the ISO code for it.
    • Duration(text): ‘forever’, ‘once’, or ‘repeating’. How long a customer who applies this coupon will get the discount for.
    • Duration in Months(text): If the duration is repeating, it is the number of months the coupon applies.
    • Max Redemptions(text): The maximum number of times the coupon can be redeemed.
    • Percent Off(number): The percent that will be taken off.
    • Redeem By(text): The date after which the coupon can no longer be redeemed.
    • Start Time (unix)(number): The date the coupon becomes valid.
    • Times Redeemed(number): The number of times the coupon has been redeemed.
    • Valid(T/F): If the coupon is valid.
  • Context
    • Execution ID(text): The ID of the event.