Get a list of all of the sheets the selected account has access to, optionally filtered.
- Filter By (dropdown): Choose “No Filter” to get all sheets, “Folder” to include only sheets inside a specified folder, or “Workspace” to include only sheets inside a specified workspace.
Input Fields
- Folder orWorkspace ID (text): The ID of the folder or workspace you want to get a list of sheets from. If you chose to Filter By “No Filter” on the Options tab then this input field will not appear.
Output Fields
- Sheets (list of object): a list of all the sheets the selected account has access to in alphabetical order, optionally filtered to a folder or workspace if specified. Included keys for each sheet in the list are:
- ID (text): the ID of the sheet
- Name (text): the sheet name
- Access Level (text): the account’s permission level for this sheet, e.g. “OWNER”
- Permalink (text): a URL that represents a direct link to the sheet in Smartsheet
- Created At (text): the date and time the sheet was created
- Modified At (text): the date and time the sheet was last modified