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The first time that you add a Slack Admin card to a flow, you’re prompted to set up a connection for that channel. Setting up a connection will allow you to connect the flow to your Slack Admin account, save the data, and reuse that connection the next time you build a flow with this card.

  1. Add a Slack Admin card to your flow. If you’ve already set up connections, select Add Account to create a new one.
  2. Name the connection. Be sure that each configuration has a uniquely identifiable name.
  3. Click Authorize.
  4. Select the Slack Admin account to connect to. If you are not already signed into this Slack Admin account, you will be prompted to do so.
  5. Click Authorize to grant access to your Slack Admin data. Note that this allows the flow to send messages on your behalf.

You can reuse this connection any time that you use the Slack Admin Card in a flow. You can also set up and save multiple connections to share them with your teammates.


    • Create User

      Create a new user in Slack.

      Field types are text.


      • Email
        • Primary Email: user’s primary email address
        • Secondary Name: user’s secondary email address
      • Username
        • Username: login username of the user
        • Nickname: user’s nickname
        • Last Name: user’s last name
        • First Name: user’s first name
        • Display Name: name of the user, suitable for display to end users
        • Honorific Prefix: user’s honorific prefix or title
      • Phone
        • Primary Phone: user’s primary phone number
        • Mobile Phone: user’s mobile phone number
      • Address
        • Street Address: full street address of the user
        • Locality: locality of the user
        • Region: region of the user
        • Postal Code: zip or postal code of the user
        • Country: country of the user
      • User Details
        • Password: text string value for the user’s password
        • Profile URL: URL for the user’s profile
        • Profile Photo URL: URL for the user’s profile photo
        • What I Do: informal profile description of the user’s role
        • User Type: type of user
        • Role: user’s role in their organization
      • Localization
        • Time Zone: user’s time zone
        • Preferred Language: user’s preferred language
        • Locale: user’s default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations
      • Enterprise
        • Department: name of user’s department
        • Division: name of user’s division
        • Employee Number: user’s organization- or company-assigned unique identifier
        • Organization: name of user’s organization
        • Cost Center: name of the cost center assigned with the user
        • Manager ID: unique identifier of the user’s manager

      Output Fields

      • Output
        • User ID: unique identifier of the newly created user
    • Disable User

      Disable a user on Slack

    • Activate User

      Activate a user in Slack.

      Field type is text.


      • User
        • ID: user’s unique alplha-numeric identifier

      Based on your selections, one or more fields from the user profile will display in the output.


      • Id
        • Id: user’s unique alpha-numeric identifier
      • Email
        • Primary Email: user’s primary email address
        • Secondary Name: user’s secondary email address
      • Username
        • Username: login username of the user
        • Nickname: user’s nickname
        • Last Name: user’s last name
        • First Name: user’s first name
        • Display Name: name of the user, suitable for display to end users
        • Honorific Prefix: user’s honorific prefix or title
      • Phone
        • Primary Phone: user’s primary phone number
        • Mobile Phone: user’s mobile phone number
      • Address
        • Street Address: full street address of the user
        • Locality: locality of the user
        • Region: region of the user
        • Postal Code: zip or postal code of the user
        • Country: country of the user
      • User Details
        • Active: status of the user
        • Profile URL: URL for the user’s profile
        • Profile Photo URL: URL for the user’s profile photo
        • What I Do: informal profile description of the user’s role
        • User Type: type of user
        • Role: user’s role in their organization
      • Localization
        • Time Zone: user’s time zone
        • Preferred Language: user’s preferred language
        • Locale: user’s default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations
      • Enterprise
        • Department: name of user’s department
        • Division: name of user’s division
        • Employee Number: user’s organization- or company-assigned unique identifier
        • Organization: name of user’s organization
        • Cost Center: name of the cost center assigned with the user
        • Manager ID: unique identifier of the user’s manager
      • Response
        • Status Code (number): success or failure of your action. Here is a list of all status codes.
    • Add Users to Group

      Select a Slack group by ID and add users to it.

      Field types are text.


      • Add to Group
        • Group ID: unique alpha-numeric identifier of the group
        • User IDs: unique alpha-numeric identifier of each user whom you’ll add to the group. Click the input field for each additional user.


      • Response
        • Status Code (number): success or failure of your action. Here is a list of all status codes.
    • Custom API Action

      Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Slack API.

      NOTE: This action is unlike other Slack cards; refer to the Slack API documentation.


      • Request Type (drop-down): one of five supported HTTP request methods (sometimes called verbs) in custom API calls:
        • GET retrieves data from a web server based on your parameters. GET requests a representation of the specified resource. If successful, GET will receive a 200 OK response message with the requested content. Refer to additional documentation here.
        • POST sends data to a web server based on your parameters. POST requests include actions like uploading a file. Multiple POSTs may result in a different outcome than a single POST, so you should be cautious about unintentionally sending multiple POSTs. If a POST is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Refer to additional documentation here.
        • PUT sends data to a location in the web server based on your parameters. PUT requests include actions like uploading a file. The difference between a PUT and POST is that PUT is idempotent, meaning that the result of a single successful PUT is the same as many identical PUT’s. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 201 or 204). Refer to additional documentation here.
        • PATCH applies partial modifications to a resource on a web server based on your parameters. PATCH is not idempotent, meaning that multiple PATCHs could have unintended consequences. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 204). Refer to additional documentation here.
        • DELETE deletes the specified resource from the web server based on your parameters (if the resource exists). If a DELETE is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Refer to additional documentation here.


      • Relative URL (text): The address on the web server you are attempting to interact with. Relative URL means that you don’t have to explicitly specify the protocol at the beginning of the URL (such as “http://“). This suggests to the web server that the interaction is occurring on the server (in this instance).

        Example: /user/me
      • Query (object or text): JSON object that determines the action taken at the URL

        Example: {"name":"something-urgent"}
      • Headers (object): JSON object that determines the content type of the request. This will usually be a replica of the example below.

        Example: {"Content-type":"application/json"}


      • Status Code (number): success or failure of your HTTP request. Here is a list of all status codes.
      • Headers (object): A detailed context for the status code, unrelated to the output body. Response headers are dependent on your selected HTTP request option. Note that not all headers are response headers.
      • Body (object): data returned from your selected HTTP request (for example, the data from a GET request)
    • Custom API Action

      Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Slack Admin API.

      NOTE: This action is unlike other Slack Admin cards; refer to Slack Developer documentation.


      • Request Type (drop-down): one of five supported HTTP request methods (sometimes called verbs) in custom API calls:
        • GET retrieves data from a web server based on your parameters. GET requests a representation of the specified resource. If successful, GET will receive a 200 OK response message with the requested content. Refer to additional documentation here.
        • POST sends data to a web server based on your parameters. POST requests include actions like uploading a file. Multiple POSTs may result in a different outcome than a single POST, so you should be cautious about unintentionally sending multiple POSTs. If a POST is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Refer to additional documentation here.
        • PUT sends data to a location in the web server based on your parameters. PUT requests include actions like uploading a file. The difference between a PUT and POST is that PUT is idempotent, meaning that the result of a single successful PUT is the same as many identical PUT’s. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 201 or 204). Refer to additional documentation here.
        • PATCH applies partial modifications to a resource on a web server based on your parameters. PATCH is not idempotent, meaning that multiple PATCHs could have unintended consequences. If a PUT is successful, you will receive a 200 response message (usually 204). Refer to additional documentation here.
        • DELETE deletes the specified resource from the web server based on your parameters (if the resource exists). If a DELETE is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response message. Refer to additional documentation here.

      Input Data

      • Relative URL (text): address on the web server you are attempting to interact with. Relative URL means that you don’t have to explicitly specify the protocol at the beginning of the URL (such as “http://“). This suggests to the web server that the interaction is occurring on the server (in this instance).

        Example: /user/me
      • Query (object or text): JSON object that determines the action taken at the URL.

        Example: {"name":"something-urgent"}
      • Headers (object): JSON object that determines the content type of the request. This will usually be a replica of the example below.

        Example: {"Content-type":"application/json"}
    • Deactivate User

      Deactivate a Slack user.

      Field type is text.


      • User
        • ID: primary email address of the user
    • Read Group

      Retrieve a Slack group by ID.

      Field types are text unless otherwise indicated.


      • Group
        • Group ID: unique alpha-numeric identifier of the group


      • Attributes
        • Group ID: unique alpha-numeric identifier of the group
        • Group Name: name of the group
        • Members (object): users included in the group
      • Meta
        • Created: date when the group was created
        • Location: geographic designation for the group
    • Read User

      Retrieve a Slack user by ID.

      Field types are text.


      • Read By
        • ID: primary email address of the user


      • ID
        • ID: primary email address of the user
      • Email
        • Primary Email: user’s primary email address
        • Secondary Name: user’s secondary email address
      • Username
        • Username: login username of the user
        • Nickname: user’s nickname
        • Last Name: user’s last name
        • First Name: user’s first name
        • Display Name: name of the user, suitable for display to end users
        • Honorific Prefix: user’s honorific prefix or title
      • Phone
        • Primary Phone: user’s primary phone number
        • Mobile Phone: user’s mobile phone number
      • Address
        • Street Address: full street address of the user
        • Locality: locality of the user
        • Region: region of the user
        • Postal Code: zip or postal code of the user
        • Country: country of the user
      • User Details
        • Password: text string value for the user’s password
        • Profile URL: URL for the user’s profile
        • Profile Photo URL: URL for the user’s profile photo
        • What I Do: informal profile description of the user’s role
        • User Type: type of user
        • Role: user’s role in their organization
      • Localization
        • Time Zone: user’s time zone
        • Preferred Language: user’s preferred language
        • Locale: user’s default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations
      • Enterprise
        • Department: name of user’s department
        • Division: name of user’s division
        • Employee Number: user’s organization or company-assigned unique identifier
        • Organization: name of user’s organization
        • Cost Center: name of the cost center assigned with the user
        • Manager ID: unique identifier of the user’s manager
    • Remove Users from Group

      Select a Slack group by ID and remove users from it.

      Field types are text.


      • Remove from Group
        • Group ID: unique alpha-numeric identifier of the group
        • User IDs: unique alpha-numeric identifier of each user whom you’ll remove from the group. Click the input field for each additional user.


      • Response
        • Status Code (number): success or failure of your action. Here is a list of all status codes.
    • Search Groups

      Search for a specific group in Slack.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field type is text.


      • Result Set (dropdown):
        • First Matching Record
        • All Matching Records


      Display Name: name of the group, suitable for display to end users

      Based on your selections, one or more fields from the group profile will display in the output.


      • Groups
        • ID: unique alpha-numeric identifier of the group
        • Group Name: name of the group
        • Members: list of members in the group
        • Created: date when group was created
    • Search User

      Search for a Slack user by email or username.

      Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.


      • Search By _(drop-down)
        • Email
        • Username


      • Query
        • Keyword: primary email address or username of the user


      • ID
        • ID: primary email address of the user
      • Email
        • Primary Email: user’s primary email address
        • Secondary Name: user’s secondary email address
      • Username
        • Username: login username of the user
        • Nickname: user’s nickname
        • Last Name: user’s last name
        • First Name: user’s first name
        • Display Name: name of the user, suitable for display to end users
        • Honorific Prefix: user’s honorific prefix or title
      • Phone
        • Primary Phone: user’s primary phone number
        • Mobile Phone: user’s mobile phone number
      • Address
        • Street Address: full street address of the user
        • Locality: locality of the user
        • Region: region of the user
        • Postal Code: zip or postal code of the user
        • Country: country of the user
      • User Details
        • Password: text string value for the user’s password
        • Profile URL: URL for the user’s profile
        • Profile Photo URL: URL for the user’s profile photo
        • What I Do: informal profile description of the user’s role
        • User Type: type of user
        • Role: user’s role in their organization
      • Localization
        • Time Zone: user’s time zone
        • Preferred Language: user’s preferred language
        • Locale: user’s default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations
      • Enterprise
        • Department: name of user’s department
        • Division: name of user’s division
        • Employee Number: user’s organization- or company-assigned unique identifier
        • Organization: name of user’s organization
        • Cost Center: name of the cost center assigned with the user
        • Manager ID: unique identifier of the user’s manager
    • Update User

      Update a Slack user.

      Field types are text.


      • Email
        • Primary Email: user’s primary email address
        • Secondary Name: user’s secondary email address
      • Username
        • Username: login username of the user
        • Nickname: user’s nickname
        • Last Name: user’s last name
        • First Name: user’s first name
        • Display Name: name of the user, suitable for display to end users
        • Honorific Prefix: user’s honorific prefix or title
      • Phone
        • Primary Phone: user’s primary phone number
        • Mobile Phone: user’s mobile phone number
      • Address
        • Street Address: full street address of the user
        • Locality: locality of the user
        • Region: region of the user
        • Postal Code: zip or postal code of the user
        • Country: country of the user
      • User Details
        • Password: text string value for the user’s password
        • Profile URL: URL for the user’s profile
        • Profile Photo URL: URL for the user’s profile photo
        • What I Do: informal profile description of the user’s role
        • User Type: type of user
        • Role: user’s role in their organization
      • Localization
        • Time Zone: user’s time zone
        • Preferred Language: user’s preferred language
        • Locale: user’s default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations
      • Enterprise
        • Department: name of user’s department
        • Division: name of user’s division
        • Employee Number: user’s organization- or company-assigned unique identifier
        • Organization: name of user’s organization
        • Cost Center: name of the cost center assigned with the user
        • Manager ID: unique identifier of the user’s manager