Uploads an attachment in ServiceNow.
Input Fields
- File Content (file): The file that will be attached to the ServiceNow item.
- File Name (text): Name of the file being uploaded. Note: file cannot have spaces in the name. For Microsoft Office files, specify the extension in the file name e.g. “.xlsx” or “.docx” - this can be done using the String Concatenate or String Compose functions.
- Table Name (text): Name of the ServiceNow table for the SysID specified, i.e. “change_request” for a Change Request, “task” for a Task, etc.
Table System ID (text): Can usually be found in the URL. For example, an Incident with the following URL:
.service-now.com/nav_to.do?url=incident.do?sys_id=23dc968f0a0a3c1900534f399927740e Would have this sys_id: 23dc968f0a0a3c1900534f399927740e
Output Fields
- System ID (text): System ID generated by ServiceNow for the attachment.