Make a custom request to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud API


  • Request Type (dropdown)

    • The type of request to be made. Post, Get, Put, Patch or Delete. Click here for more information on these request types. *

      Input Fields

      For more information on the Relative URl, Body and Headers of these requests, visit the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Documentation.
  • Request

    • Relative URL (text): The specific endpoint URL to interact with. Reference the Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation for more information.
    • Headers (object): The headers of the request being made. This will often require “Content-Type”: “application/json”, but could require other kinds of metadata.
    • Body (object, not included in GET requests): The body of the request. Many requests have some required key-value pairs in the body, reference the Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation for more information.
    • Query (text): The Salesforce Marketing Cloud API does not seem to currently require query strings for any resources, though it may in the future.

Output Fields

  • Status Code (number) : The status code of the response. Click here for more information on Http Status Codes
  • Headers (object) : The returned metadata of the request. Specific keys can be targeted as sub-outputs of the Headers output.
  • Body (object) : The returned information from the request. Specific keys can be targeted. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud API frequently returns no body to a successful DELETE request.