Reads a record in Salesforce by ID and returns all the data associated with that record.


  • Record type (dropdown): a dropdown of your available record types in Salesforce, including custom records

Input Fields


  • id (number): the unique identifer of the record you wish to read. NOTE: This is a required field and must be the ID from Salesforce for that record. We recommend using Search to dynamically find the ID of the record if it is not recorded elsewhere in your systems.

Output Fields

Output fields are dynamically generated and will reflect the fields that are available in your Salesforce instance for that record type. Any field with _c at the end is a custom field. NOTE: All date fields will be output in standard UTC format. data 

  • id (number): the unique identifier of the Salesforce record you are reading
  • ParentId (number): the unique identifier of the parent record in Salesforce to which that record is associated
  • Name_ (text):_ name of the record
  • Type_ (text):_ the category of the record you are reading, represented in your Salesforce instance as a dropdown menu. This field will return plain text
  • OwnerId (number): the unique identifier of the owner of the record