Triggers a Flow when a new task is created in Podio.


  • WorkspaceID (drop down menu): Choose from existing workplaces; The workplace which will trigger the Flow when a new task within it is created.

Input Fields

  • Task
    • Task Name (text):The name of the task.
    • Description (text): A description of the task.
    • Status (text): Task status.
    • Started (T/F): If the task has been started or not.
    • Link (text): The URL to the task.
    • Labels (list of  strings): Labels on the task.
    • Files (list of text): List of file IDs that are attached to the task.
    • Created Time (text): When the task was created.
    • Due Date _(text)_: YYYY-MM-DD
    • Recurrence (text): If it repeats i.e. “weekly”, “monthly”, or “yearly”.
    • Labels _(list of strings)_: add any labels to the task
    • Reminder (minutes) (number): add a reminder
    • External ID _(text)_: ID
  • Responsible 
    • User ID (text): The ID of a specific user if they are responsible for the task.
    • Contact ID (text): The ID of the contact assigned to the task
    • Name (text): The name of the user assigned to the task.
  • Created by
    • User ID (text): The ID of the user who created the task.
    • Name (text): The name of the user who created the task.
  • Reference 
    • Type _(text)_: The type of the reference.                    More help here.
    • Title _(text)_: The title of the reference.