Create a new incident within your PagerDuty instance.

Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.

Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk on the Action Card.

NOTE: Do not use the New Incident Event Card and the Create Incident Action Card together in the same Flow. By doing so, you can create a circular reference.

Input Fields


  • Service Key: key assigned to a service integration to send events to your PagerDuty instance and creates incidents on your service
  • Event Type: one of three options is required - trigger, acknowledge, or resolve
  • Description: short description assigned to an incident
  • Client: name of client application that is integrated with your PagerDuty instance
  • Client URL: URL of an integrated application or component


Free-form details from an event in your PagerDuty instance.

  • Ping Time: time in milliseconds for PagerDuty’s monitoring tools to reach a host
  • Load Avg (number): average number of incidents per team


Additional information such as graphs or images that can be attached to an incident. Only used for trigger events.

  • Type: Type of context; link and image are allowed types.
  • URL: URL for the context resource
  • Text: text for context asset that is attached to the incident

Output Fields

Incident Key: Parameter that identifies the incident to which a PagerDuty trigger event should be applied. An incident key helps prevent duplication of incidents.