This Flow activates each time a contact is updated added to your Office 365 People.


  • Contact:

    • ContactId (text): The unique ID of the new contact. This can be dragged to other cards to be used as identification.
    • DisplayName (text): The name that will be displayed in your Office 365 contacts.
    • GivenName (text): This name will show up as the first name of the contact.
    • MiddleName (text): This name will show up as the middle name of the contact.
    • Surname (text): This name will show up as the last name of the contact.
    • Initials (text): the initials of the contact, for example John Cardholder Doe’s initials would be JDC.
    • Title (text): The contact’s title, for example, Dr., Mrs., Mr., or Sr.
    • Email Address (text): the email of the contact.
    • JobTitle (text): the job title of the contact.
    • CompanyName (text): the name of the company where the contact is employed.
    • Department (text): the department the contact is employed in.
    • Birthday (text): the Birthday of the contact.
    • PersonalNotes (text): any personal notes about the contact.
    • MobilePhone (text): the contact’s personal phone number.
    • FolderID (text): the ID of the folder the contact is stored in.
    • LastModifiedDateTime (text): The exact date and time of the contact’s last modification.
  • context

    • Execution ID (text): The unique identifier for the execution of the Flow.

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