This card returns all the information about a contact created. The returned information is exactly the same as those inputted in the create contact card.


  • DisplayName (text): The display name that was entered when the contact was created. This is different than the given name which appears as the first name of the contact.


  • DisplayName _(text): The display name, however, this name does not show up in the contact card.
  • **GivenName (text): **The given name which shows up as the first name of the contact.
  • MiddleName (text): The middle name of the contact.
  • **Surname (text): **The last name of the contact.
  • Initials (text): The initials of the contact.
  • **Title (text): **The contact’s title, for example, Dr., Mrs., Mr., or Sr.
  • Email Address (text):  The email of the contact.
  • JobTitle (text): The job title of the contact.
  • **CompanyName (text): **The name of the company where the contact is employed.
  • Department (text): The department that the contact works in.
  • **PersonalNotes (text): **Notes about the contact.
  • MobilePhone (text): The contact’s personal phone number.
  • BusinessPhone (text): The contact’s work or professional phone number.