Get a contact’s details by Contact ID
Input Fields
- Input
- ContactId (text): ID of the contact of which to retrieve details
Output Fields
- Contact
- ContactId (text): the contact’s unique identifier
- GivenName (text): the contact’s given name
- DisplayName (text): the contact’s display name
- MiddleName (text): the contact’s middle name
- Surname (text): the contact’s surname
- Initials (text): the contact’s initials
- Title (text): the contact’s title
- EmailAddress (text): the contact’s email address
- JobTitle (text): the contact’s job title
- CompanyName (text): the contact’s company
- Department (text): the contact’s department
- Birthday (text): the contact’s birthday
- PersonalNotes (text): the user’s notes about the contact
- MobilePhone (text): the contact’s mobile phone number
- CreatedDateTime (text): the time the contact was created
- LastModifiedDateTime (text): the time the contact was last modified