Uses a Where Expression to update rows in a table in your database.
- Table Name (drop down menu): A list of existing tables within your database. Choose the table which you wish to add to. Or “–Insert Table–“if you wish to add the table as an input.
Input Fields
if “–Insert Table–” is chosen:
- Table
- Table Name (text): The name of the table you wish to edit.
- Row
- Row Object (object): Insert in a row object. Use ‘Build Row Object’ to create one.
- Where
- Where Expression
- Field (drop down menu): The column with the values used in the expression. (i.e. “year”).
- Operator (drop down menu): The operator (equals, does not equal, less than, less than or equals to, greater than, greater than or equals to).
- Value (text): The right-hand side of the condition. (i.e. “1995”).
- ie: to change the date for all movies from your table that have the year 1995 you would choose “year”, “=”, and “1995”.
- Where Expression
- Confirm
- Execute Query? (T/F): Choose true to update the rows when executed or choose False to do a “dry run” to test the result but not actually update the rows.
if the table is selected as an option:
- Row
- Dynamically generated columns for the updated row information.
- Where
- Where Expression
- Field (drop down menu): The column with the values used in the expression. (i.e. “year”).
- Operator (drop down menu): The operator (equals, does not equal, less than, less than or equals to, greater than, greater than or equals to).
- Value (text): The right-hand side of the condition. (i.e. “1995”).
- ie: to delete all movies from your table in the year 1995 you would choose “year”, “=”, and “1995”.
- Where Expression
- Confirm
- Execute Query? (T/F): Choose true to delete the rows when executed or choose False to do a “dry run” to test the result but not actually delete the rows.
Output Fields
- Result
- Response (object): The updated rows.
- Query (object): The query used.