Uses a Where Expression to return a selection of rows from a table in your database.
- Table Name (drop down menu): A list of existing tables within your database. Choose the table which you wish to add to. Or “–Insert Table–“if you wish to add the table as an input.
- Result Set (drop down menu): Whether you wish to receive the first matching row, or a list of all matching rows.
Input Fields
if “–Insert Table–” is chosen:
- Table
- Table Name (text): The name of the table you wish to query.
- Filter
- Where Expression
- Field (drop down menu): The column with the values used in the expression. (i.e. “year”).
- Operator (drop down menu): The operator (equals, does not equal, less than, less than or equals to, greater than, greater than or equals to).
- Value (text): The right-hand side of the condition. (i.e. “1995”).
- ie: to return all movies from your movies table that have the year 1995 you would choose “year”, “=”, and “1995”.
- Where Expression
- Sort
- Column (text): The name of the column you wish to organize the list with (i.e. “year”).
- Direction (drop down menu): Either Ascending or Descending.
if the table is selected as an option:
- Filter
- Where Expression
- Field (drop down menu): The column with the values used in the expression. (i.e. “year”).
- Operator (drop down menu): The operator (equals, does not equal, less than, less than or equals to, greater than, greater than or equals to).
- Value (text): The right-hand side of the condition. (i.e. “1995”).
- ie: to return all movies from your movies table that have the year 1995 you would choose “year”, “=”, and “1995”.
- Where Expression
- Sort
- Column (text): The name of the column you wish to organize the list with (i.e. “year”).
- Direction (drop down menu): Either Ascending or Descending.
Output Fields
Will either be a list of rows or a single row depending on your ‘Result Set’ option selection.
- Row(s) (objects): The queried rows.
- dynamically generated column data.