Reads all campaign from your Marketo account.

Input Fields

  • Press “Test” Button.

Output Fields

  • Campaign (list): Results include a drop down menu of all campaigns.
    • Name (text): Name/Title of the program.
    • Description (text): The description of the program, if any. A maximum of 2000 characters.
    • Active? (yes or no): If true, this campaign is active.
    • Type (text): The kind of information your tag will sort within Marketo.
    • Program Name (text): The name of the program the campaign is in.
    • Program ID (number): The ID of the program the campaign is in.
    • Workspace Name (text): The name of the workspace where the program is located.
    • Created At (calendar): The date where the campaign was created.
    • Updated At (calendar): The most recent date where the campaign was updated.