Searches for one or many programs by name or tags.
- Return (dropdown list): Identifies what kind of results your search will return.
- One program: Returns results for one program that matches the name you specified
- All matching programs: Returns results for all programs with matching fields based on the tags and tag types you specified.
Input Fields
Input fields for this action are determined by the Return field in Options. If Return is set to “One program” the input field will be “Name” under the “Program” heading. If Return is set to “All matching programs” the input fields will be “Tag Type” and “Tag Value” under the “Program” heading.
- Program (If Return == “One Program”)
- Name (text): Search by program name.
- Program (If Return == “All Matching Programs”)
- Tag Type (text): The tag type within Marketo.
- Tag Value (text): The value of the tag within Marketo.
Output Fields
The output fields for this action are determined by the Return field in Options.
- Result (If “Return” == “One Program”)
- Workspace Name (text): The name of the workspace where the program is located within Marketo.
- Description (text): The description of the program, if any. A maximum of 2000 characters.
- Url (text): The target url for this program as dynamically generated by your Marketo account.
- Type (text): The type of program as specified within your Marketo account.
- Folder Name (text): The name of the folder that the program is in.
- Start Date (text): The date that the program began in Marketo.
- End Date (text): The date that the program is scheduled to end in Marketo.
- Created At (text): The location where the program was created.
- Folder ID (number): The ID of the folder that the program is in.
- SFDC Name (text): The name for your program within Salesforce.
- Folder Type (text): The type of folder that the program is in within Marketo.
- Status (text): The status of your program within Marketo.
- Channel (text): The channel that the program is in within Marketo.
- Asset Name (text): The type of asset your program is, as specified within your Marketo account.
- SFDC ID (text): The id for your program within Salesforce.
- Updated At (text): The location where the program was updated from.
- Result (If “Return” == “All Matching Programs”) The outputs for this Return setting are in the form of a list of objects within Designer. These objects can be passed to other Actions directly or to a number of List Functions.
- Programs (list): A list of programs that match your tag criteria.