Monitor Updated Contacts

Triggers when a contact is updated in HubSpot.

Output Fields


These fields are dynamically generated from your HubSpot instance and will show you both standard HubSpot fields and any custom fields you have on a contact’s record. All fields with a hs_ prefix are standard fields generated by HubSpot. A few fields that could be generated under the contact header include:

  • id(text): the unique, system-generated ID HubSpot assigned to the contact.
  • email (text): the email address of the contact.
  • jobtitle (text): the contact’s title.
  • createddate (date): the date and time on which the contact was created.
  • ipaddress (text): the IP address from which the contact accesses your website.
  • associatedcompanyid (text): the unique, system-generated ID of the company the contact is associated to in HubSpot.


  • Execution ID (text): a system-generated ID from the designer describing the execution.