Add Contact to List

Adds an existing contact to a static list in HubSpot. IMPORTANT NOTE: This action can not add a contact to a Smart List, although those lists will appear as options in the dropdown.


  • HubSpot Lists (dropdown): a dynamically generated dropdown of your HubSpot lists. This includes both static and Smart Lists, but this action can only be used to add contacts to static lists. The – Insert List ID – option allows you to not select a list, and instead dynamically input the list ID from information in your Flow. To use this option, simple select – Insert List ID – and drag or type a list ID into the id field that appears in the input fields section of the card.

Input Fields

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have selected a list (and not chosen – Insert List ID –) in the options section of the card, you only need to complete the email field and leave the id field blank.

  • contact
    • email (text): Contact email that exists within HubSpot that you are adding to the HubSpot list
    • id (number): The HubSpot static list to which you are adding the contact. NOTE: You only need to fill this out if you selected – Insert List ID – on the options section of the card. Otherwise leave blank.