Update File Permission

Update the permission settings of a particular user for a particular file.

NOTE: currently investigating a bug in this action that results in a “Not Found” error. If you are seeing that error, please contact our support – we are working on a fix.

Input Fields

  • File ID (text): unique ID of the file.
  • Permission ID (text): Permission ID for the user you want to update. (You can get the ID as an output from Get File Permissions or Create Permission.)
  • Role (text): Role you want to set the user to, e.g.: organizer, owner, writer, commenter, or reader.
  • Remove Expiration (true/false): Whether or not to remove any existing expiration date associated with the permission.
  • Transfer Ownership (true/false): Must be set to True if setting a new owner, in which case the previous owner is assigned to “Can Edit” (writer).

Output Fields
