Add a new event to your Google Calendar account on a specified calendar.


  • Calendar: A dropdown list of your available calendars on which to create the calendar event.

Input Fields

  • event
    • StartTime (date): The date and time at which you want the event to start in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
    • EndTime (date): The date and time at which you want the event to end in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
    • RecurrenceString (text): This field allows you to specify if you would like the event to repeat and when. Can be left blank. The format for this field is as follows: RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2. You can replace DAILY with MONTHLY, YEARLY, etc. and 2 can be replaced with how many times you would like the event to be repeated over that frequency.
    • AttendeeEmail (email address): The email addresses of guests that you would like to invite to the event. For multiple attendees, separate each email by commas like this:, This field can be left blank. NOTE: The event will be created on the calendar through which you authenticated the connector. This field allows you to add more people to the event in addition to yourself.