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The first time you add a Google Calendar card to a Flow, you will need to create a configuration. This will allow you to connect to your account, save your account information, and reuse that configuration next time you build a Flow with the connector. That way, you don’t have to sign in every time you want to build a Flow with this Connector. Instead, use the configuration you have already set up. You can create and save multiple configurations and share them with your teammates.

Here’s how to set up a new configuration in Google Calendar:

  1. First, enter in an Account Nickname. This should be unique so if you are connecting multiple Google Calendar accounts you will be able to tell them apart.
  2. Then click “Create” to launch a pop-up window where you will sign into your Google Calendar Account. This will also save your configuration.


    • Monitor New Events

      Monitor New Event

      Monitors for a new event added to a specific calendar.


      • Calendar: A dropdown list of your available calendars.

      Output Fields

      • fields
        • Type (text): the type of the event (e.g. calendar#event)
        • EventId (text): the ID of the event
        • Status (text):
        • HtmlLink (text): a link to the calendar event
        • CreatedTime (date): The date and time at which the event was created. Input needs to be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • UpdatedTime (date): The date and time at which the event was last updated. Input needs to be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • Summary (text): the title of the meeting
        • Description (text): the description of the meeting
        • ICalUID (text): the id of the event
        • StartTime (text): the start time of the event
        • EndTime (text): the end time of the event
        • Location (text): the location of the event
        • AttendeeEmails (text): All the attendees that have been invited to the event, given as a string of emails separated by commas. Ex: test@company.com,test1@company.com
    • Monitor Updated Events

      Monitor Updated Events

      Monitors for any events that have been updated on a specific calendar. NOTE: If an event is updated within 100 seconds of being created, this monitor will not recognize the updates and therefore won’t trigger.


      • Calendar: A dropdown list of your available calendars.

      Output Fields

      • fields
        • CreatedTime (date): The date and time at which the event was created. Input needs to be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • UpdatedTime (date): The date and time at which the event was last updated. Input needs to be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • AttendeeEmails (text): All the attendees that have been invited to the event, given as a string of emails separated by commas. Ex: test@example.com,test1@example.com


    • Available Time Slots

      This action queries a user’s Google Calendar and returns information around their availability given a specific date and time range. Enter a day, followed by a window of time to query against a particular user’s calendar.

      Input Fields

      • Hourly Window - Choose a day and a time window.
        • Day (text): Day in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
        • Start Time (text): Start time in the format of HH:mm:ssZ.
        • End Time (text): End time in the format of HH:mm:ssZ
        • Time Zone (text): Choose a timezone - such as “US/Pacific” or “Europe/Paris” (see full list on wikipedia).
      • Event Duration - Choose the duration of your desired event.
        • Duration (Number): Duration of event in minutes.
      • Calendar
        • Calendar ID (text): The email address for the calendar you wish to query.

      Output Fields

      • fields
        • Number of Available Slots (Number): The number of available ‘slots’ that are available on the user’s calendar for that time frame. What this means is that given your duration input, that this number of events with the given duration can fit in the user’s schedule. For example, if you have a gap of 45 minutes, and your duration input was 20 minutes, the Number of Available Slots returned would be two. However, if there are only four 20 minute slots available on a calendar, but the duration input is 30 minutes, then the Number of Available Slots will be 0, even though there is a total of 80 minutes available. Can think of this field as returning a number that represents ‘I can fit this many meetings of X duration into Y’s calendar.’
        • Total Minutes Available (Number): The total number of minutes available on the user’s calendar.
        • List of Busy Times (List of Objects): A list of ‘busy’ time objects. Each object returned in this list is a window of time from start to end that the user is busy/has events scheduled.
        • List of Available Times (List of Objects): A list of ‘available’ time objects. Each object returned in this list is a window of time from start to end that the user is available to schedule an event of duration that is less than or equal to the user’s input duration.
    • Create New Event

      Add a new event to your Google Calendar account on a specified calendar.


      • Calendar: A dropdown list of your available calendars on which to create the calendar event.

      Input Fields

      • event
        • StartTime (date): The date and time at which you want the event to start in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • EndTime (date): The date and time at which you want the event to end in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • RecurrenceString (text): This field allows you to specify if you would like the event to repeat and when. Can be left blank. The format for this field is as follows: RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2. You can replace DAILY with MONTHLY, YEARLY, etc. and 2 can be replaced with how many times you would like the event to be repeated over that frequency.
        • AttendeeEmail (email address): The email addresses of guests that you would like to invite to the event. For multiple attendees, separate each email by commas like this: test@example.com,test1@example.com. This field can be left blank. NOTE: The event will be created on the calendar through which you authenticated the connector. This field allows you to add more people to the event in addition to yourself.
    • Create Reminder

      Create a reminder on a Google Calendar.

      Input Fields


      • Method (text): the method of the reminder, can be: “pop-up”, “email”, or “sms”.
      • Minutes (text): the amount of minutes that need to elapse before the reminder is issued.

      Output Fields

      • Output 
        • Reminder (Object): an object containing details about the reminder.
    • Delete Event

      This card deletes an existing event on a google calendar.


      • Calendar (text): Choose which calendar to pick an event from.

      Input Fields

      • Event
        • Event ID (text): Enter the ID to delete. To find this ID follow these steps:
    • Get Event Information

      Using a calendar Event ID get information about the event.


      • Calendar (dropdown list): A dropdown list of your available calendars on which to create the calendar event.

      Input Fields

      Any additional information that should be known about the input fields, i.e., there is something very different about these input fields relative to other input fields.

      • event
        • EventId (text): Unique ID of the event from which you want to get information.

      Output Fields

      • fields
        • Type (type): the type of the event - will most often return as “calendar#event” given that this is a calendar event.
        • EventId (text): Unique ID of the event from which you want to get information.
        • Status (text): Status of the event. Optional. Possible values are:
          • "confirmed” - The event is confirmed. This is the default status.
          • tentative” - The event is tentatively confirmed.
          • cancelled” - The event is cancelled.
        • HtmlLink (URL): An absolute link to this event in the Google Calendar Web UI. Read-only.
        • Created Time (date): The date and time at which the event was created in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • Updated Time (date): The date and time at which the event was last updated in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • Summary (text): The headline of the name for the calendar event.
        • Description (text): The description of the event with details included for attendees to see.
        • ICalUID (text): Event unique identifier as defined in RFC5545. It is used to uniquely identify events accross calendaring systems and must be supplied when importing events via the import method.
          • Note that the icalUID and the id are not identical and only one of them should be supplied at event creation time. One difference in their semantics is that in recurring events, all occurrences of one event have different ids while they all share the same icalUIDs
        • Start Time (date): The date and time at which you want the event to start in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • End Time (date): The date and time at which you want the event to end in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • Location (text): Geographic location of the event as free-form text. Optional.
        • Attendee Emails (email address(s)): The email addresses of guests that are invited to the event. This field can be left blank. NOTE: The event will be on the calendar through which it was created.
        • Reminders (object): Information about the event’s reminders for the authenticated user.
    • Is Free Slot

      Allows you to check a specific calendar to see if a time slot has an existing event or is available.


      • Calendar: A dropdown list of your available calendars on which to check for a free slot.

      Input Fields

      • event
        • MinTime (date): The date and time from which you want to check if your calendar is available. Input needs to be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • MaxTime (date): The date and time before which you want to check if your calendar is available. Input needs to be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.

      Output Fields

      • fields
        • IsFree (boolean): Will return “true” if your calendar has no event during the given time slot and “false” if your calendar has an existing event during that time slot.
    • Update Event

      Update an existing event in your Google Calendar account on a specified calendar.


      • Calendar: A dropdown list of your available calendars. Select the calendar on which the event you wish to update already exists.

      Input Fields

      • event
        • StartTime (date): The date and time at which you want the event to start in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.
        • EndTime (date): The date and time at which you want the event to end in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. The +00:00 is the timezone offset.