Send email from a Gmail account. You can choose HTML, which enables you to format the email message, or plain text.

If the recipient is always the same, type the email address directly into the To input field. If the recipient changes each time the flow runs, map an input from a previous action or function card.

Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.


  • Body is HTML? (drop-down): indicate whether the body of the email is HTML or plain text


  • Email
    • To (list of text): email addresses of the message recipients (format multiple addresses in a list of individual emails or as a single text string separated by commas or semicolons)
    • CC (list of text): list of carbon copied recipients
    • Subject: subject of the message
    • Body: content of the message (plain text or HTML depending on the the Options setting)


  • Email
    • MessageID: unique ID of the email generated by Gmail