Updates an issue on a specific repo in an org inside GitHub.

Note: Any input fields left empty will not be overwritten in the updated issue.


  • Org (text): The name of the org that contains the repo. You can find this in the URL of your issue.
    • Example: github.com/ MY_ORG /MY_REPO/issues/ISSUE_NUMBER/, where MY_ORG is your org.
  • Repo (text): The name of the repository the issue will be assigned to. You can find this in the URL of your issue.
    • Example: github.com/MY_ORG/ MY_REPO /issues/ISSUE_NUMBER/, where MY_REPO is your repository.
  • Issue Number (text): The number of the issue. You can find this in the URL of your issue.
    • Example: github.com/MY_ORG/MY_REPO/issues/ ISSUE_NUMBER /.

Input Fields

Any input fields that are left empty will not be overwritten in the updated issue.

  • issue
    • title (text): The updated title of the issue.
    • content (text): The updated body of the issue, i.e., the description.
    • milestone (number): The updated number of the milestone to include in the issue. Milestone defaults to 0, which may cause an error. If you do not need to update your milestone, remove the default value and leave the field blank.
    • state (text): Updates whether the issue is “open” or “closed”.
    • label (list): A list of label strings to update in the issue. You can specify any number of labels on an issue by clicking or dropping a field into the labels section. This will overwrite previous labels on the issue.
    • assignee (list): A list of username strings to update in the issue. You can specify any number of assignees on an issue by clicking or dropping a field into the assignees section. This will overwrite previous assignees on the issue.

Output Fields

  • Issue
    • Issue ID (number): The Issue ID number.
    • Issue URL (text): URL location of updated issue in the API.
    • Repository URL (text): URL of repo the issue is in.
    • Labels URL (text): URL to call to receive the updated list of labels.
    • Comments URL (text): URL location to receive issue comments.
    • Events URL (text): URL location of github events associated with the issue.
    • HTML URL (text): URL location of the updated issue.
    • Number (number): Number of updated issue.
    • State (text): Whether the updated issue is “open” or “closed”.
    • Title (text): Title of the updated issue.
    • Body (text): Content of the updated issue.
    • User ID (number): Github user id of user who updated issue.
    • User Name (text): Github username of user who updated issue.
    • Labels (object): Updated array of labels belonging to updated issue.
    • Assignee ID (number): Id number of the first updated issue assignee.
    • Assignee Name (text): User name of the first updated issue assignee.
    • Assignees (object): List of updated assignees that includes metadata about each assignee.
    • Milestone ID (number): Id of updated milestone.
    • Milestone Number (number): Number associated to updated milestone.
    • Milestone State (text): Whether the updated milestone is “open” or “closed”.
    • Milestone Title (text): Title of the updated milestone.
    • Locked (boolean): “true” or “false” whether the updated issue is locked.
    • Comments (number): Number of comments on the issue.
    • Pull Request URL (text): URL location of pull request, if the issue is a pull request.
    • Closed At (text): When the updated issue was closed, if it was closed.
    • Created At (text): When the updated issue was created.
    • Updated At (text): When the updated issue was updated.
    • Closed By (object): Metadata about the user who closed the updated issue, if it was closed.